14 February 2024

Milei and Mileikowsky...(aka Netanyahu)

NATION OF ISRAEL:  Let's talk about Argentinian president Milei and Bibi Netanyahu, who's original family name was Mileikowsky (same first 5 letters).


Anonymous said...

As we speak of Beis Shlishi no matter who says it, keep in mind the name subbhhumans are using for thier war: al aqsa FLOOD. We know our holy Temple Mount will flood. In the most holy wsy. They do too. And it is their worst nightmare come true. AND WE AWAIT YET ANOTHER NEVUA FULFILLED..

Anonymous said...

Don't understand exactly what Tzvu is trying to say here, but this Argentinian (whoever he really is because according to this video, he might really be Jewish because of his real name, if that's the case). We don't know the truth of the faith of this leader but he made sure to see the head of the notzrim after going to the Ohel & that is disturbing because we know that they want to replace us,c,v, and probably have as part of their agenda building the 'Temple', c'v. There is so, so much sheker and the mixing of Yahadut with the other nations, is very upsetting and should be to every real Yehudi. The medina has worked for 75 years to undo
Torah and our people, that we have to be very aware and not fall into any traps that our
sonim have in mind for us. As long as we have the Erev Rav in control of the state, there is
nothing they won't try to do to reach their nefarious goals. Beware!
The lack of true rabbis (erev rav) are helping many times our sonim to, c'v, achieve these goals. We must not for a moment forget that.


Neshama said...

You bring up some good points. Need to look deeper into this situation. Thanks

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