19 February 2024

Posek HaGaon HaRav Rubin Of Har Nof:


HaRav Rubin Of Har Nof: “We’re In Serious Danger, Gov’t Is Planning For Unprecedented Scenario”

The known Posek HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Mordechai HaCohen Rubin, the Rav of Kehillas Bnei Torah in Har Nof  wrote a special letter in light of the delicate security situation and the fear of another war front in the north, Kikar H’Shabbat reported.

In the letter entitled: “לכו ונשובה אל הכי הוא טרף וירפאנו יך ויחבשנו,” HaRav Rubin wrote: “It’s written in Hoshea ‘לכו ונשובה אל ה כי הוא טרף וירפאנו.’ And the mefarshim explain that the enemy doesn’t gain power through its own strength but everything is from Hashem Yisbarach and only He has the power to bring a cure.”

“It is years and years that Am Yisrael has been surrounded on all sides by Bnei Yishmael who plot to destroy Yisrael and wipe them off the face of the earth. And anyone who has a little understanding realizes what our end would be if it wasn’t for Hashem Eloekinu helping us.”

“And in recent months, to our dismay, we’ve seen the unbridled outbreak of the Yishmaelim. And what happened in the south could chas v’chalilah happen in the north, but according to security officials, the situation in the north could chas v’chalilah be far worse and far more catastrophic.

“In the last few weeks, and especially in the last few days, the government has been covertly preparing for an extremely different period, Hashem Yeracheim, and they have already contacted families with patients who are connected to generators [to prepare for an extended period without electricity], and in general, they are preparing in every possible way to prepare for an emergency scenario.”

“And here in every generation, the word of Hashem is given to the leaders of the generation, and they are the messengers of the King of the World to transmit His word to the people. Last week, HaGaon HaRav Landau held an emergency meeting in his home to request that everyone gather in every location for tefillos since we are in real danger, rachmanah latzlan.”

“Therefore, now that we feel more and more strongly that this is an Eis Tzarah L’Yaakov – what can we do more than seize the craft of our forefathers, to tear the gates of Shamayim with tefillos and pleas. But we need several basic preparations.

1. To understand that we’re in terrible danger. 2. To believe that everything is from Hashem Yisbarach 3. To believe that Hashem can change everything to the good, b’ezras Hashem, via the koach of our tefillos and the improvement of our ways.”

“Tefillos that come from the depths of the heart have the power to tear the gates of Shamayim, especially with tears, and therefore it would be beneficial if each one of us would set certain times for himself during the day to pour out his heart and supplications, and a little bit with kavanah is better than a lot without kavanah. It’s especially good if a person davens together with the members of his household and it’s preferable to daven b’rabim [and all this is in addition to the mizmorim that are said at the end of tefillah.]

ובזכות תפילות היחידים והרבים ישמע האת שוועתנו ויאמר לצרותינו די ויחיש פדיון נפשנו מיד כל שונא וישלח תשועה לכל אחינו בית ישראל הנתונים בצרה ובשביה במהרה דידן”.

Kikar H’Shabbat added that the building of the Kehillas Bnei Torah shul has an underground hall that is connected to a generator and the Home Front Command has requested to use it in case of emergency.



Firstly, how does HFC know about the generator?

Why would HFC need a generator in Har Nof?

What do they anticipate?? 

comments anyone?


Neshama said...

Gavriela Dvorah, keep giving over what you know, remember, and think. It’s all of value.
Let’s extrapolate a little more about those generators.
Are the hosp in need?
Are we not able to buy them? Import them?

I think we will be ostracized and end up being like an island in the far pacific, isolated.
I believe that will need to occur to get those e.r. Off our necks. And others into true Teshuva!
Last night they were clanging, banging, and yelling down Ramban again!! They are truly vicious and insane!! AND PAID BY JB TO HARRASS BIBI!

Neshama said...

Also just thought this.
Will they need to position retaliatory defensive equip in Har Nof to be in a position to aim at incoming ....... and shoot them down or attempt to do so.
Har Nof is a good Mountain with good views NORTH!
In order to protect YERUSHALAYIM!
What do you OR ANYONE think about this?

Gavriela Dvorah said...

That's interesting Neshama. I always think of Har Nof as being too far away to be a military asset for a war in the north, but yes, it probably can. It does have good visibility. Sadly, these anarchists haven't awakened. They are simply picking up from where they left off before the Hamas invasion and genocide. They were shocked for a while, and maybe a little bit afraid to continue with their anarchy, but the shock has worn off. They have a "new cause" but it's the same overthrow the government. Sadly, many families of the captives have been taken "captive" by the Kaplan group, who actually doesn't care about the families at all, but are using them as pawns in the continuing efforts to overthrow the government. Pretty soon, I suspect we'll see the stepford wives marching again, and the drums and all the rest of the nonsense, chas v'shalom. Because if this happens, the One Above, watching over us, will not be able to stand against the accusers in beit din Shamayim. Then what the Home Front is predicting is more likely to happen.

Neshama said...

It might just give retaliation the amt of “time” it needs to react, and to see the source from which they are being fired from. Of course some may get thru while they are calculating, but HaShem can take care of those too. We know the are precision, and mighty fast. But not faster than HaShem Who might “man” the defensive! In any event this needs to occur also thru ‘natural’ means. It is how HaShem is clothed, and how He works.

Neshama said...

From Rabbi Winston in this week’s Parsha:

“What is the process for coming to love and fear God? When one contemplates His actions and His wondrous and great creations and sees in them His wisdom, that it has no limit and no end, immediately he will love and praise Him, and desire tremendously to know His great Name. (Yad Chazakah, Yesodei HaTorah, 2:2)”

Gavriela Dvorah said...


Anonymous said...

No one knows but Hashem!! We pray that the suffering that was just perpetrated upon our people this last Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah will be the end of such severe punishment for our people.
The ones in the end who do not do teshuvah, even the most minor are not of our people. We are praying that the harsh judgments will all be sweetened & annulled for the true Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael and everywhere on earth.
As far as the 'north' is concerned, if we take into account the whole of EY but are still in the possession of our sonim there might be where the nevuot are meant to take place, if such a harsh scenario should, c'v, happen. Am Yisrael has suffered enough. Trouble is the Erev Rav were always there to cause our tzarot and that is why we need real Jewish leaders, in gvt, courts and military.

Neshama said...

Anonymous, that's not an acceptable name!
BTW what's with all this "sweetened & annulled" business??

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