28 February 2024

Narrow Paths to Totality


Narrow Paths to Totality

Humanity on the verge of total eclipse

Only 32 million Americans (living in a narrow path a mere 115 miles wide) will experience the totality of April's eclipse.

All 332 million Americans will experience the totality of totalitarian NWO and digital enslavement. Their agenda is to wield total control. All rights will be blocked, darkened, dimmed, obscured. And it's not only North America that will be affected. The whole world will be totally engulfed by it. Tragically, we're on the verge of a total eclipse of humanity. 

However, there's just a narrow path that leads to it. It's called narrow-minded compliance. You can easily opt out by leaving the path of compliance and getting onto the expansive path of defiance, but you need to do so TOTALLY.

Although partial eclipse viewing is fine if you're in the penumbra, partial noncompliance will not work for totalitarian world takeovers. It's gotta be TOTAL noncompliance.

There can be NO partiality towards dystopian totality. However, impartiality and passive complacence won't help either. You must exercise your G-d-given rights totally, unambiguously, publicly, and vocally.

They'll try to block you, obscure you, eclipse you, but don't be intimidated. Don't be blinded by fear of their phony corona virus narrative, or any other of their phony fear-mongering narratives.

Just shine your light. Don't grovel in their darkness.

Be a source of light and lead by example! You'll inspire others to take off their blinders and see the truth.

If enough of us stand up in defiance, their totalitarian agenda will end as a total failure, and humanity will prevail.

May G-d totally redeem us in the true and total redemption. Amen

Source: R G

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