11 February 2024

UPDATE: The True Nature of the Darkness

I just listened to the Rabbi and here are the important takeaways as to why “learners” don’t remember what they learned [also, i add to this the usage of radiation emiting smart phones, and other appliances in the home or yeshiva; because this reduces the ability of the brain to REMEMBER]



know what you learn

master what you know [SHMA: teach them diligently]

retain what you mastered

apply it real life

Age 5 Tanach 

Age 10 Mishna (must learn mishnayos - facts

Age 15 Gemora (90% is debating, how to argue)

2Hrs @day Yedios of Torah

Language - Ivrit (biblical, talmudic). Aramaic

The great Rebbe Yochanan said = to master the war of Gemora one needs a “bundle of mishnayos"

A TIMELY MUCH NEEDED MESSAGE How God Ensures Every Jew Enters the World to Come | Part 2

My comments continued from above:


at 1:17:23 Rabbi Kessin speaks about Rav Yisroel Gustman who at 21 yrs old he was on the Besdin of Rav Chaim Ozer Grozinsky, the Gadol HaDor.

He wrote a biography and he said that the minahel of the cheder at 10 would not let any kind learn gemora unless he KNEW all shishah Mishna by heart!   All 4192 mishnayos (6 orders), finished the Bavli and  shulhan aruch at 16, 

Rav Chaim Brisker, classic type litvishe Gadol. Reb Chaim had 3 sons, and one daughter, Sora Rasha. Rav Tzvi Hersh Nixon gera chossid, knew all 4192 mishnayos.

Oral Law in 3 years:  Mishnayos 4 @ day = 2 years

Mishnayos is 40% of SHAS

All Braitah is Tosefta = 80% Mishna

100,000 Halachos of the entire Oral Law in 3 years

R Yaakov Kamenetsky:  the top "Learner” in his Yeshiva was considered such because as a young boy he learned and knew Mishnayos. (his point here is obvious)

DAF YOMI:  Learning project (not a Knowing project) Rav Meir Shapira

[however; it is a binding process, unity, haverim]

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