24 February 2024

Rebbetzin Tziporah


Dear friends,

Every month has its mazal. In the same way as when you hear the word ‘Tishrei’, you think of the days of awe, you can see every month’s mazal, the conduit through which the changes that the month opens up. Not surprisingly, the astral sign of Tishrei is the scales of judgment. 

Tonight is Purim Katan.

Adar is the month of change. The realistic version of the future seemed to be what today we would call, “successful cultural assimilation”. The Jew’s had no hesitations about attending Achashverosh’s feast, held to celebrate the demise of the defunct dream of the Jews return to Israel. They could value the past; the vessels of the Bais HaMikdash were on display. But that was for Then. Life in Greater Persia is Now. No one could have predicted “Kimu V’Kiblu” – meaning they were now ready to enact, and see as source of their very existence, the Torah, which they had earlier accepted. The love and simchah of serving Hashem was now added to the awe of the overwhelming moments when they heard Hashem’s voice at Sinai. Similarly, a “realist” would have predicted the end of the Jewish nation as a result of Haman’s decrees – the Persian Empire was home to all the Jews, not one could have escaped. The “realist” could not envision the total turnabout of not only their survival, but joy and unity and even many new converts!

It is very possible that we too will see a total turnabout. Unity, peace, are all part of the game plan. The question is where we are in the picture. 

This morning I observed something I will not soon forget. A relatively young woman of about 30 was sitting on a chair in front of Imrei Shefer, the local minyan factory, soliciting tzedakah. Another woman, who was a least double her age, stopped and gave her a few coins. I then saw that she went back to the younger woman and spoke to her at some length. I could hear their conversation.

“It’s Purim Katan tonight. You deserve a day off – chofesh – like we all do at times. How much would it take for me to give you whatever you would otherwise earn today, so that you would have a vacation on me?”

“Oh no. I can’t do that. Just give me whatever you can.”

“Would 500 shekels do it?”

“It’s not necessary, but if you give it to me, don’t hand it to me on the street were everybody can see.”

“I’ll put it in an envelope.”

She went into her house (not far from Imrei Shefer – just another entrance away). I stayed around to watch. This is the part that I found the most interesting. As she handed her the money, she said, “I apologize. Who am I to tell you what you want the most. Use the money however you want. If you want to buy something instead of taking a vacation, of course do that. The main thing is that you feel happy on Purim Katan.”

I am sure that the woman soliciting had no idea that this would happen to her today when she got up this morning.

So, the mazal of Adar is fish – they multiply!! Indeed, indeed. My guppy gave birth to tens at a time – and then ate them. It’s time to be more, to do more, to change. So, here are some opportunities. And as the older woman said, do what you want to do. The ikkar is to use the mazal of Adar, to change and become more in the best way.


A couple of opportunities for those of you here in E”Y:

I am enclosing a flyer for my daughter Devorah’s latest tefillah trip.

There are also tefillot for the hostages every night at 9:10 at Parnas 12 (in the shul). The women divide up the sefer Tehillim several times, and then open the Aron Kodesh and recite the names of the hundred or so still in captivity. They then all sing Acheinu Kol Beit Yisrael together.


There are several zoom shiurim available that may interest you. 

I give shiur at 7:30 pm Monday nights. The topic is mussar, and presently we are doing Mesilat Yesharim.

There is an entire morning of zoom learning on Wednesday from 10 till 12.

I am also telling you about another opportunity for learning more about Hashem’s hashgachah. It is called “God is Involved” by none other than my dear husband who is a scholar who has been studying this topic as presented by the Rambam for years. It is about individual Divine providence and its implications for personal belief, ethical conduct, and most significantly, spiritual growth. I wrote it with him, adding some additional perspectives and (of course) stories.


I have no doubt that you are aware of the many, many deserving tzedakah funds and it is not my intention to compete with any of them. (You guessed it – the word “nonetheless” is coming up.)

Nonetheless, a woman with whom I am personally acquainted is in desperate need of very, very serious dental work. Just to give you a perspective, she needs 21 extractions. The cost is very great as you can imagine. Although there are clinics, after almost a year of “shopping” she is still I need of about 50,000 shekels for the complicated work and replacements.

LEFT TO BE RAISED: 48,490 shekels ($13,325.09, as of today)

If you can participate, email me so that I can send you the dentist’s bank information and, when relevant, arrange for tax receipts.

Every week I will bli neder let you know where we are holding.




Gavriela Dvorah said...

The Rebbetzin links to her Monday evening shiur, but the link in this post doesn't open. Can you post it please? Thanks.

Neshama said...

It’s not a regular link. I sent an email request for the link or address. Probably at Naveh Seminary or her home, but not sure.
Try contacting her yourself
Tziporah Heller

Neshama said...

It’s not a regular link. I sent an email request for the link or address. Probably at Naveh Seminary or her home, but not sure.
Try contacting her yourself
Tziporah Heller

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