28 February 2024

Rabbi Glatstein – Ki Sisa - Purim "Ad D'Lo Yada"

Ki Sisa: Why A Cow? 4 Earthshattering Approaches Why the Jewish People Made Specifically an Egel

Purim: "Ad D'Lo Yada" - Like You Never Drank Before


Anonymous said...

Of course, the egel hazahav was all the doing of the Erev Rav because they were the mitzrim that came along with the Yehudim. The erev rav, the mitzrim were steeped in black magic; they epitomized the ruach hatumah. They were led by the two sons of Bilam harasha who were the two court magicians in Paro's palace and their whole reason for joining Am Yisrael was to try and withhold the coming of Moshiach,c'v, and destroying, c'v, Torah Judaism. Sadly, they succeeded in doing much harm throughout the millenia up and until today. The Jews were then very weak from slavery and were easily influenced at that time. We now see the evil that was done to our people since then and the evil taking place in our Eretz Hakodesh. May we now, very soon, see
and welcome the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu with GREAT MERCY!

Neshama said...

No actually they were not on their lowest level; they were really on a very high level. The Chumash explains how they prepared to receive the Torah, which elevated them.
The Rabbi give us 4 possibilities for why they chose a "cow" (so to speak). This is solid "Torah learning"

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