26 February 2024

Tel Aviv Saturday Night Fever .....LISTEN TO WHAT THEY ARE CLAIMING

is it not true that the govt must go? they claim the govt is ruining the country! yes but not to be replaced by them! when the govt falls, it leaves a vacumn for Mashiach, or his precursor to stand up!

Tel Aviv falling apart (2 weeks ago)

Tel Aviv’s Saturday night fever  

I neglected to credit the writer and film maker The following and the video above is from Eli Katzoff, a who likes to document 'human stories', and made several about October 7 @ EK (one of which I posted here.

On February 24, Tel Aviv witnessed a surge of anti-government protests. The city, in the throes of war-fuelled discontent, gave a collective cry for political change. Escalating tensions culminated in a dramatic confrontation with law enforcement.

Every Saturday evening there have been a series of regular protests taking place in a roughly 6 block radius within Tel Aviv. But in recent weeks these protests have been picking up steam and also variety. What started a few months ago as hostage families demanding the government do more to return their loved ones from captivity has ballooned out to, by my count, at least 5 different anti-government protests all situated in one area. It's the idea that each block can almost host its own little mini protest that I found to be intriguing. 

 And so, I headed out there last night to try and capture this variety as a unique video showcasing all of this in one piece. And then, things took a turn. What started as peaceful demonstrations quickly escalated into a heated clash with law enforcement. One thing that makes this specific event interesting is that the protesters were not intending to block the highway (which they have done in the past.) 

Rather, while the vast majority of protesters were about 4 streets away, the police already began arresting a very small group that was somewhat close to the highway area. And they had already bought water cannons and full police squadrons. News quickly traveled to the other protestors regarding the arrests and that in turn brought the crowd. The rest... well... you can see it in the video. This video I created for the Times of Israel which has been supporting my content.


Gavriela Dvorah said...

They are always screaming about Haredim not being in the IDF. Why are they not in the IDF? While our children are on the front lines, sacrificing their lives and limbs to protect the Am, they're out their protesting. Protesting against what? They are returning to the exact same place where they were before October 7. If I were in charge, I would round them all up and put them in the IDF. Apparently, they have nothing to do and have plenty of energy. So, let's use it. I would do the same with the Haredim who seem to have nothing better to do than riot in Yerushalyim. You're not in the beit medrash or yeshiva, studying?? You have time on your hands? Let's put you to work. Off to the IDF you go. This nonsense should not be tolerated when we're in the middle of a war. Those who initiate and plan these riots "protests" should be arrested for insurrection and endangering the lives of millions of Jews in Israel. Enough of them!

Neshama said...

Mirmah utachbulos

Hashem works clandestinely, secretly (to fool the satan)

Esser Agaroth said...

Gavriela Dvorah, It's worse than you think. I wonder how many of these protestors had exemptions from the IDF, or found ways to make sure they had desk jobs, where they could be making connections / protexia for the future, while others went out to fight. When IDF service was crucial for ones future career, they would get psychiatric exemptions. Before that, they would get new immigrants from Morocco to go out on the front lines. Now, as you point out, they have brainwashed (my word, not yours) religious diehard state loyalists (mamalakhtim) go out on the fronts. When that nasty piece of work Ehud Barak was in charge of the fighting in Southern Lebanon, a lot of religious soldiers went out on the front lines. Someone should investigate the statistics.

Neshama said...

Gavriela Dvorah, a comment from Rivka:

It's agreed that the protesters in Tel Aviv and being bought and paid for by the Jewish people's enemies - most notably, the American government.

But the problem is, the police ARE violent, and the country IS a violent and corrupt dictatorship - look at how this so-called right-wing government encouraged ISRAELI SOLDIERS to beat up protestors who were trying to block the ongoing 'aid trucks' at the Kerem Shalom crossings.

This government is sending literally hundreds of tons of 'aid' - plus the bodies of dead terrorists who were killed here on Oct 7th, plus who knows what else - straight to Hamas, every single day.

And using the soldiers and police to violently beat-up anyone who is trying to stop it.

So, we're in a situation where there are no 'good guys' here, at least politically, and both sides are actually serving our enemies, and not the best interests of the Jewish people.

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