14 February 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Prayer brings home hostages, but only prayer from Argentinian gentiles


So now the propagandists want us to believe that some Argentinian politician prayed, and then miraculously two Argentinian hostages were rescued from Hamas by the IDF.  Never mind that the IDF was too “incompetent” (or something else...) to prevent the hostages from being taken in the first place, mysteriously absent and paralyzed for EIGHT HOURS while Arabs on motorcycles and Toyota trucks broke through the world's most sophisticated defenses, then leisurely rampaged through dozens of communities.  

We're supposed to believe that the IDF is alternately incompetent and unjustifiably overconfident to such an absurd degree to being the pride and joy of our people, depending on the propaganda of the day.  Right.

So the same ..... who wave the flag like cheerleaders waving pom-poms while Jews are being maimed and killed by the thousands for an agenda that has nothing to do with keeping us safe or bringing back the hostages now believe that it's the prayers of an Argentinian goy that brought back two hostages, all because the same media that lies to them day and night, that they keep turning to and trusting like the shmucks they are, told them so.

Mind you, the same people scorn those who have no interest in joining the army and being thrown into the meat grinder by kofrim, but emphasize JEWISH prayer over wayward, thoughtless “hishtadlus”, now believe that the prayers of a goy brought back our hostages.

Maybe instead of calling for more Jews to be thrown into the meat grinder by kofrim, they could call for the ghost of Biden to pray for the hostages to be released. Something tells me that would be far more effective...

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An email conversation with Dr. Paul Offit is attached, shared with permission.  As usual, these charlatans run and hide at the first sign of intelligent challenges to their pseudo-scientific dogma.

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Tonight at 7 PM Israel time is my weekly Torah class.  Among the topics we will discuss is how to know when you should try to take out the bad guys when you have no chance of succeeding without a clear miracle.  The tough-talkers whose knowledge is limited to a pasuk from Chumash won't humble themselves and learn the actual Torah position from Chazal, but a Midrash on this week's parsha, of all places, is very illuminating.


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