25 February 2024


Unforgivable  Israel's government is guilty of crimes against humanity...against its own citizens.

It opened the border to genocidal jihadists and gave them a green light to mass-murder, torture, and abduct the helpless population.

It imposed a media black-out to prevent south residents from escaping.

It issued an 8-hour stand-down order to prevent military and police personnel from saving lives.

It had seized firearms from that same civilian population in the south just weeks before the attack to ensure defenselessness and maximize the carnage.

Israel's rogue regime is democidal and must be replaced.

Hamas must indeed be destroyed, but Israel's ruling class must be brought to justice as well. Not by the UN, EU, US, or the community of Jew-hating nations, all of whom are equally corrupt and complicit. 

Israel's ruling elite must be brought to justice and expunged by Israel's own citizens.

With regards to the military actions in Gaza and civilian casualties there: responsibility for these deaths lie on Hamas, who uses its own Gazan population as human shields.  However, Israel's government shares culpability, since they had collaborated with Hamas in the first place concerning the staged invasion. 

Also culpable for these deaths is the international community that supports Hamas and its stated goal of committing genocide against all Jews of the Levant.

Folks who protest Israel's military actions against Hamas -- but fail to protest the Israeli government's bloody betrayal of its own people by colluding with Hamas' subhuman executioners -- are either indoctrinated by media or possessed with sociopathic Jew hatred.

This is a complicated situation, since there's a present reality of hundreds of innocents abducted by barbaric Hamas murderers. To accuse Israel of war crimes is to ignore that reality. Nevertheless, Israel's regime is indeed guilty of war crimes... against its own. Hamas is its proxy.

Furthermore, Israel's government could easily end the conflict and destroy Hamas if it wanted, but alas that's never the case. Bibi pays lip service to this goal but the terrorist leaders somehow always escape. Israel's ongoing "war on terror" is a facade. 

Instead of eliminating Hamas, Israel plays a game of theatrical retaliation, blowing up some buildings with no real objective. Instead of swift action taking out all Hamas leaders by air, Israel recklessly exposes its soldiers to dangerous ground missions that constitute human sacrifice ritual. 

So yes, Israel's rogue regime should be protested, but not for the reason that the Israeli bashers are bashing. The Israeli government is waging a democidal war of extermination against its own population!

We must communicate this dire message to Israel supporters. They cannot possibly support the people of Israel without acknowledging the evil crimes of Israel's ruling elite and demanding a regime change. And tragically, it's not only the ruling elite. 

The entire establishment has been subtly subverted and weaponized against the people. The state's democidal agenda is institutionalized. Consequently, what's needed is much more than a mere regime change. The entire system (judicial, financial, media, academia, medicine, education, etc.) needs to be purged of regime collaborators.

The fate of Israel is hinging on this. Bibi is foe, not friend. He and his ilk are traitorous tyrants who seek the destruction (and depopulation) of their own people. The regime's crimes are unforgivable and irredeemable

There will never be peace in the Middle East as long as their illegitimate rule continues.

How many have to be murdered, tortured, abducted, before we wake up to this sobering reality? When will Israel's population realize that their regime is their mortal enemy?

When will the world realize that this so-called “cycle of violence” (along with nearly every other conflict worldwide) has been contrived and artificially perpetuated by the predator class who control the puppet strings of most governments, including Israel’s?

May the G-d of Israel save His people from all enemies, from within and without.

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