23 February 2024

Eliezer Meir Saidel: Enigmas – Tetzaveh


וְעָשִׂיתָ חֹשֶׁן מִשְׁפָּט מַעֲשֵׂה חֹשֵׁב כְּמַעֲשֵׂה אֵפֹד תַּעֲשֶׂנּוּ זָהָב תְּכֵלֶת וְאַרְגָּמָן וְתוֹלַעַת שָׁנִי וְשֵׁשׁ מָשְׁזָר תַּעֲשֶׂה אֹתוֹ. רָבוּעַ יִהְיֶה כָּפוּל זֶרֶת אָרְכּוֹ וְזֶרֶת רָחְבּוֹ. וּמִלֵּאתָ בוֹ מִלֻּאַת אֶבֶן אַרְבָּעָה טוּרִים אָבֶן טוּר אֹדֶם פִּטְדָה וּבָרֶקֶת הַטּוּר הָאֶחָד. וְהַטּוּר הַשֵּׁנִי נֹפֶךְ סַפִּיר וְיָהֲלֹם. וְהַטּוּר הַשְּׁלִישִׁי לֶשֶׁם שְׁבוֹ וְאַחְלָמָה. וְהַטּוּר הָרְבִיעִי תַּרְשִׁישׁ וְשֹׁהַם וְיָשְׁפֵה מְשֻׁבָּצִים זָהָב יִהְיוּ בְּמִלּוּאֹתָם. וְהָאֲבָנִים תִּהְיֶיןָ עַל שְׁמֹת בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל שְׁתֵּים עֶשְׂרֵה עַל שְׁמֹתָם פִּתּוּחֵי חוֹתָם אִישׁ עַל שְׁמוֹ תִּהְיֶיןָ לִשְׁנֵי עָשָׂר שָׁבֶט (שמות כח, טו-כא)


There are very few people who have not heard of the Enigma Machine. This was a device the Nazis (ימ"ש) in WWII, used to encode their communications. 

Before every communique was sent - to troops in the field, to U-boats on the high seas and to pilots in the Luftwaffe – it was first processed by this Enigma Machine and transformed from simple text, into "encoded" text, that could only be understood if you possessed the cipher/key to decode the message. 

If you did not have the cipher/key (which was changed daily), in order to "crack" the code required a computer, because there were 159 quintillion (that's 159 million-million-million) possibilities. The only problem was that computers had not yet been invented. 

The British set about constructing a "computer" in a top-secret project in Bletchley Park and were it not for a stroke of "luck" (הַשְׁגָּחָה עֶלְיוֹנָה), the Allies would never have succeeded in cracking it, thereby winning the war, because their "computer" fell far short of the computing requirements.


In my previous life as a computer programmer, I developed an interest in encryption techniques and studied the topic quite intensely, trying to develop an encryption system based on Einstein's Brownian motion that I even thought of having patented at one stage (but never did).


Encryption is used to "disguise" a message so that only certain people will be able to read and understand it. The message is there, in plain sight, but because it is encoded, nobody can understand what it means. The purpose is secrecy, to hide the message from those who you do not want to know its contents.


If you examine the history of encryption online, in Wikipedia for example, they say the first evidence traces back to around 1900 BCE where codes were found in hieroglyphs in ancient Egypt. It is possible that secret codes existed even before that - secret codes were commonplace. We know for a fact that in 1645 BCE Yaakov devised a secret code with Rachel so that he would be able to identify her on their wedding night.


However, the first encryption "device", not just some mutually agreed-upon secret code, but an actual "apparatus" for receiving encoded messages, was actually was created 3335 years ago, in 1382 BCE, in the year 2448 from the Creation of the world. This "apparatus" was called the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים and we read about it in this week's parsha.


It consisted of a חֹשֶׁן, a breast plate made from fabric woven from threads of זָהָב, תְּכֵלֶת וְאַרְגָּמָן וְתוֹלַעַת שָׁנִי וְשֵׁשׁ. It was square in shape, one זֶרֶת in length by one זֶרֶת in width. A זֶרֶת is between 2-3 tefachim, depending which source you follow – Rambam=22.8cm, Chaim Naeh=24cm, Chazon Ish=28cm. (It is not the length of your small finger!)


In this square fabric breast plate were twelve indentations, four rows of three indentations per row. A precious stone was inserted in each indentation, corresponding to each of the Twelve Tribes.


Engraved on each of the stones was the name of Tribe and in addition, the letters of the words "אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק יַעֲקֹב שִׁבְטֵי יְשֻׁרוּן" were engraved and distributed on the stones so that each stone had 6 letters in total (R' Bachyei, Chizkuni, Ba'al HaTurim).


The layout is as follows (stone identification by Machon HaMikdash) – 

The purpose of adding extra letters was to ensure that each stone had exactly the same number of letters (6) – that of the longest name (בִּנְיָמִין) and also to supplement letters of the alphabet that were missing from the Tribes' names (ח, ט, צ, ק).


It is not clear if the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים and the חֹשֶׁן were one and the same, or separate components. Rashi and the Ba'al HaTurim say that the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים was a separate component to the חֹשֶׁן, and consisted of a parchment or a metal plate with HKB"H's full name of 72 letters, inserted between the folds of the חֹשֶׁן. According to the Rambam, the actual stones of the חֹשֶׁן were called the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים.  


How did this "device" work?

The purpose of the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים was to supply answers to questions. Not everyone could ask questions of the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים, only certain important people and only certain questions.


It was worn by the Kohen Gadol as a breast plate, covering his heart. The Kohen Gadol would stand inside the Heichal, in front of and facing the Parochet covering the אֲרוֹן הַבְּרִית.


The person asking the question would stand behind, facing the back of the Kohen Gadol (Yoma 73b). Who was this person? According to the Gemara it was either the king, or the Sanhedrin or someone very important in service of Am Yisrael. Not regular people.


Another opinion says the Kohen and the person asking - were face to face (Rashi, ibid.)


The person asking would ask his question in a soft voice, as if in prayer. It was permissible to ask only one question. If the person asked more than one, he would only receive an answer to the first question asked.


There are different opinions how The Kohen Gadol would receive the answer to the question. According to one opinion, the letters on the stones were illuminated forming the words of the answer (Ramban, Shmot 28, 30). 

According to another (R' Yochanan, Yoma 73b), the letters stood out, became extruded. Another (Yerushalmi Yoma 7, 3) says that the Kohen heard a Bat Kol with the answer. Yet another opinion says it was both – emphasizing the letters and a Bat Kol. 

Whichever it was, only the Kohen Gadol could decipher the answer, which he related to the person asking.


The אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים was used in the following circumstances –


1.    Before dividing the inheritance of Eretz Yisrael between the Twelve Tribes during the period of Yehoshua.


2.    Before expanding the boundaries of the city of Yerushalayim in which Korbanot could be eaten, or when expanding the area of the Beit Hamikdash. This was performed in the presence of the prophet, the king and the Sanhedrin.


3.    Before embarking on a מִלְחֶמֶת רְשׁוּת sanctioned by the king and the Sanhedrin.


The אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים was an additional level of checks and balances. The inheritance of the land was first determined by Elazar HaKohen with the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים and his selection was confirmed by drawing ballots from a קַלְפִּי, one with names of the Tribes and a second with the names of the inheritances.  

The prophet, king and Sanhedrin all possessed רוּחַ הַקֹּדֶשׁ, but the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים was the final check of the veracity of their decision. The functioning of the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים was also based on the רוּחַ הַקֹּדֶשׁ of the Kohen.  


When נְבוּאָה ceased in Am Yisrael, following the destruction of the 1st Beit Hamikdash, the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים ceased to be used for this purpose. It was still worn by the Kohen Gadol, for the sole purpose of complementing the number of priestly garments, but no longer used for its "secret message" function.


 There are many questions related to the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים and its true purpose and function.


Firstly, an interesting point to note is that the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים was only used in cases where a decision had to be made that affected the entire nation, all Twelve Tribes.


Another feature of note was the focus around the number six. All stones had to have exactly six letters on them, why? A hint to this is in the אַבְנֵי שֹׁהַם worn on the shoulder straps of the Kohen Gadol – one stone on each shoulder, each bearing the names of six of the Tribes.  

Another hint is that the Lechem HaPanim were placed on the Shuchan in two stacks of six. The answer is that whenever you find something linked to the Twelve Tribes, you also find the number six featuring prominently. This is discussed at length in the shiur on Mishpatim 2024.


A pertinent question is why was there need for the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים in the first place? The message had to be deciphered by the Kohen Gadol using רוּחַ הַקֹּדֶשׁ anyway. So, what need was there for the "sound and light show"? The letters lighting up or popping out and some say - a Bat Kol resounding? 

If HKB"H wanted to send a "secret" message to the Kohen Gadol, why not simply use a Bat Kol on its own, or send the message via prophecy? A Bat Kol can only be heard by those it is intended for. Prophecy is only sent to the specific prophet, nobody else hears/dreams it.


Why did the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים have to be worn over the Kohen Gadol's heart?


Perhaps the most perplexing question is – Why was the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים allowed to be used? Since when do we rely on Divine intervention to determine a halachic ruling? If the majority of the Sanhedrin decides to go to war or expand the boundaries of Yerushalayim, their decision is binding. 

If you remember the sugya in the Gemara (בבא מציעא נט, ב) about the Tanur Achnai and the debate between R' Eliezer and the Chachamim. R' Eliezer tried to prove he was right using a Bat Kol, but R' Yehoshua rejected it saying לֹא בַשָּׁמַיִם הִוא. The Torah says אַחֲרֵי רַבִּים לְהַטֹּת (שמות כג, ב), if the Chachamim make a majority decision – it stands. 

The Chachamim down here make a decision when to מְעַבֵּר הַחֹדֶשׁ and when to מְעַבֵּר הַשָּׁנָה and their decision affects Heaven, not the other way round (רמב"ם, הלכות יסודי התורה פרק ט). The Beit Din's decision down here on earth determines which day Rosh Hashana will fall out, when HKB"H's Heavenly court sits in judgement – HKB"H Himself, all the angels ... they are all reliant and have to adjust their schedule according to the earthly court's decision!


Let's attempt to answer these questions.


Why the need for the "sound and light show"? What do those two words conjure up – sound and vision? Matan Torah of course, וְכָל הָעָם רֹאִים אֶת הַקּוֹלֹת. The אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים is so called because it involves אוּרִים – lights, perhaps lights mamash, the letters actually lighting up, or according to the other opinion, the letters extruding. Either way it is – visual. 

This was accompanied by a Bat Kol – auditory. This is the way the Torah was given on Har Sinai. It is possible to see something but not be sure what you are seeing. You see something but don't trust your eyes. 

You may hear something but not believe what you are hearing. However, when the level of transparency is so absolute that you "see the sounds", the visual reinforces the auditory and vice versa - there is no room for doubt. That is why it called the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים because it is totally תֻּמִּים, pure and unadulterated. This is the Divine method of communication.


This is also why it had to be worn over the Kohen HaGadol's heart. The Torah commands us תָּמִים תִּהְיֶה עִם ה' אֱ-לֹקֶיךָ (דברים יח, יג), to be pure of heart – to echo the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים which is also תֻּמִּים, placed over the heart. The number six has to be on the Kohen Gadol's heart and shoulders, both times in connection with the Twelve Tribes. Six is the ו' הַחִבּוּר – it is the universal "connector". 

The Kohen HaGadol has to be totally connected with the Twelve Tribes - on his shoulders (נוֹשֵׂא בְעֹל עִם חֲבֵרוֹ) and in his heart (אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים) – to light the way and represent them to HKB"H with complete transparency and innocence.


The final question is - Why was the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים allowed to be used? There is no Divine intervention in halacha! The answer is that the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים does not tell us what to do, but rather – how best to do it. The אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים does not tell us whether to go to war (מִלְחֶמֶת רְשׁוּת) or not – that is the decision of the king and the Sanhedrin. 

Similarly, the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים does not decide for us whether we should expand the boundaries of Yerushalayim or the Beit HaMikdash, that is also the decision of the king and the Sanhedrin. The reason they consult with the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים is to uncover the best way of implementing the decision. What strategy to use in the war, which neighborhood to expand.


Incredibly, there was never any conflict between the Ruach Hakodesh of the king, the Sanhedrin and the Kohen deciphering the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים. They were all in sync. Elazar HaKohen using the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים said that Zevulun should inherit Acco, and the קַלְפִּי corroborated that (Bava Batra 122a). 

This synchronicity was facilitated by total unity in Am Yisrael, between the Twelve Tribes. Only under such circumstances did the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים function. However, during Bayit Sheini, after נְבוּאָה ceased in Am Yisrael, there was a lack of unity and a harsh reality of שִׂנְאַת חִנָּם. 

In such a reality, the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים could no longer function, its wellspring of power – unity – was absent. It could then only function as a "decoration" and nothing more.


The אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים was the third leg in the triad that constituted Am Yisrael's earthly government – the king (מַלְכוּת), the Sanhedrin (דַּיָּנִים) and the Kohanim (חֲכָמִים – in the time of Bayit Rishon it was the Kohanim that taught Torah). Only when these three branches of government are in sync with each other and are all subservient to HKB"H, does the system work.


The חֹשֶׁן is not called the חֹשֶׁן in the Torah, it is called the חֹשֶׁן מִשְׁפָּט. What does מִשְׁפָּט have to do with anything? The answer is that there always exists a potential conflict between the legislative body (מַלְכוּת) and the judicial body (דַּיָּנִים). 

The balancing and mediating factor in the equation are the Kohanim (חֲכָמִים) using the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים – illuminating the way with total transparency, total absence of vested interests and total commitment to the unity of the Twelve Tribes.


The בִּגְדֵי כְּהֻנָּה listed and described in our parsha, each embody vast spiritual meaning and significance, all applicable to today's "modern" reality, the above is one small example.


As the era of Mashiach approaches at a highly accelerated speed, accompanied with the unavoidable חֶבְלֵי מָשִׁיחַ, all the "gitches" in the "system" are becoming highly visible for all to see and to remedy. HKB"H is communicating with us in clear, plain language, becoming ever clearer as time passes.


What do you think HKB"H is trying to tell us about the current lack of the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים element in Am Yisrael that has led to such catastrophic upheaval affecting the entire world?


Am Yisrael, we, are desperately missing the element of אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים, but the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים is alive and kicking elsewhere in the world. Where? you may ask. Amongst our enemies, the new Amalek of our generation. In university campuses across the world the flame of hatred is being fanned, fostering an entirely new generation with one solitary purpose – the obliteration of Am Yisrael. Institutions funded with billions by the modern-day Amalek, universities like Harvard, MIT, Penn, Yale …


Has anyone seen the logo of Yale University? I hope you are sitting down … Yale's logo is the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים – in HEBREW!


What do you think HKB"H is trying to tell us?


It is just like back in the Midbar when Amalek attacked Am Yisrael from the rear (the spiritually weak elements in Am Yisrael). According to the Ben Yehoyada (Sota 35a), עֲמָלֵק הָיָה זוֹרֵק עָרְלוֹת כְּלַפֵּי מַעְלָה וְאוֹמֵר טֹל מָה שֶׁבָּחַרְתָּ. Amalek took the buried עָרְלוֹת of Am Yisrael after performing brit milah when they left Egypt and threw them up in air toward HKB"H saying "Take what you chose!" 

At Refidim, Am Yisrael became spiritually weak. The brit milah signifies our close connection with HKB"H. Amalek was flaunting Am Yisrael's weakness in front of HKB"H, saying "This is what you intended them to be – but look at how they really are!" This is what Amalek does – he takes our worst weakness, our dirtiest laundry – and dangles it out for all to see.


We need to wake up, open our ears and eyes - listen and see! We need to understand what HKB"H is trying to tell us so clearly and act on it, to remedy what needs remedying.


In that battle Amalek was defeated by Yehoshua, the same Yehoshua who later employed the אוּרִים וְתֻּמִּים to inherit Eretz Yisrael – the Promised Land HKB"H promised to Moshe, the way it will soon be again בבי"א.



Shabbat Shalom

Eliezer Meir Saidel

Machon Lechem Hapanim

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Anonymous said...

That's wby we must go black in the next stage of the war. We may not have the physical choshen now but WE HAVE THE SOURCE. No one else does...

Neshama said...

What do you mean by "black".
The electricity blackout?
or the Haredim?

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