06 February 2024

Israel Postal Bank closes account of resident of Judea and Samaria

more settler violence” 


The Israeli bank account of David Chai Chasdai was sequestered and closed after the US announced that it would impose sanctions on him. Comm. Minister: 'If I indeed have the authority, I will order the account be reopened.'

The Israel Postal Bank has sequestered and closed the account of David Chai Chasdai, one of four Israelis who were targeted by US sanctions for claims of violence against Arabs in Judea and Samaria.

The account is shared with Chasdai's wife. "The fact that a government bank decides to sequester the accounts of settlers because of pressure from far-left organizations and the hostile American government is unfathomable, but the fact that it is happening under a right-wing government a moment after the worst massacre in history is a national embarrassment," he stated.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir commented: "Limiting the accounts of settlers without explanation or trial, is crossing a red line which we can not allow. The bank CEOs follow statements of external parties and put them into action. I call on the responsible parties in Israel to immediately work to return the bank accounts that were closed. We very much respect and appreciate our allies, but we can not allow anyone else to run the State of Israel.”

Minister of Communication, Shlomo Karhi, who oversees the Israel Postal Company, added: "Blocking the bank account of a citizen because of a disgraceful order by the United States is insufferable. Such an action against an Israeli citizen, without any proper legal process, is something that we can not lend a hand to. To my great pain, as the citizens of Israel have learned, the mail service is highly unsatisfactory and the Supreme Court even blocked the ministers' authorities on the matter. I have sent the issue for legal examination, and if I indeed have the authority, I will order the account be reopened.”

On Sunday, MK Tzvi Succot visited Yinon Levi, a target of the US sanctions whose account was frozen by Bank Leumi.

According to Succot, the US sanctions against Levi are baseless: "There is no evidence to the allegations, there is no indictment, criminal record or a record with the Shin Bet. All it is is that leftists don't like that Jews are building a farm.”

Regarding the executive order, the MK stated: "It somehow reached the American administration, Biden signed an order to freeze his assets in the US, but the crazy part is that Bank Leumi called him and froze his bank account.”

Succot criticized the bank: "It makes no sense for an Israeli bank to freeze the bank account of someone, who is the salt of the earth, because of a leftist libel that reached the Americans. This is illegal, no one has the authority to just freeze someone's bank account, and if the issue is not fixed, I will demand to hold an urgent discussion in the Knesset."


Anonymous said...

Frightening. Maybe now the citizens of the medinah will realize how 'unsovereign' it is.
Hopefully, because there is so much chaos, that it will push the people to wake up and set
things right and see to it to get its sovereignty back (Unfortunately, don't think it ever
had sovereignty)! Remember from where & whom the medina received its approval (UN).
We, of course, know that the the Master of the Universe Gave us the Land and Approval thousands of years ago to be ours forever! That's all that matters.

Neshama said...

Is this Yosef again?
didnt leave a name, please

This makes one think about the WEF Agenda: "You will own nothing and be happy". They want to control our money and our food and our lives.
Did you read about LEUMI locking a "settler's" account??

Anonymous said...

Yes. and I agree with what you just wrote.
They're doing the same things everywhere in the western world.
Don't know how Yisrael became a western country; thought it's in
the East. I'm joking, but it's no joke.
We have Hashem & He is in total control!


Gavriela Dvorah said...

The CEO of Bank Leumi is an Arab. The best response would be for everyone in Judea and Shomron to close their accounts at Bank Leumi and the Do'ar. But, unfortunately, we don't have so many options. All the banks are corrupt. Bank Leumi is the worst. It can take 2-3 weeks before a deposit shows up in my account. I don't live in Judea or Shomron, but I am seriously considering moving my account, which I've had at Bank Leumi for 14 years.

Neshama said...

Wow, thank you for the info. Precious.
I too am a "customer" of L, and changing banks would be very complicated for me bc of chu"l. If you can, when you decide which bank would be appropriate for you, please send me the info. We are in w. E. f. territory here!

Neshama said...

Gavriela Dvorah: I sent this info to Rabbi Anava IY"H. Maybe you should also know about this:

There is a situation in Tsfat that you should be aware of. There is a former Israeli who has become a "born again follower of J" and he has infiltrated the kindergarten/childrens education sphere, along with the Mayor. He speaks Ivrit, says he is a former Israeli, but he lives in Texas, where his "ministries" is.

Following is some information about him, just in case you know someone who monitors this type of situation and takes action. There is a video, and a website.

VIDEO NAME: Miracles in Tsfat! Special End-Times Report from Israel! link below

The historic and Prophetic event in the city of Tsfat is in the very heart of Ahavat Ammi International work. What happened in the Ultra-Orthodox City? How are you impacting Israel? Join Rabbi Dr. Itzhak Shapira in prophetic and historic moments in the city of Tsfat.

Your urgent support is greatly appreciated
To partner with us:
To order Rabbi Shapira The Fall of Edom:

VIDEO: / 7Gwl0qozvVE? si=DolDvGl8vIj928NB (no spaces)

WEBSITE: Ahavat Ammi

Neshama said...

Gavriela Dvorah:
I sent this info to Rabbi Anava IY"H. Maybe you too should know about this:

There is a situation in Tsfat that you should be aware of. There is a former Israeli who has become a "born again follower of J" and he has infiltrated the kindergarten/childrens education sphere, along with the Mayor. He speaks Ivrit, says he is a former Israeli, but he lives in Texas, where his "ministries" is.

Following is some information about him, just in case you know someone who monitors this type of situation and takes action. There is a video, and a website.

Miracles in Tsfat! Special End-Times Report from Israel!

The historic and Prophetic event in the city of Tsfat is in the very heart of Ahavat Ammi International work. What happened in the Ultra-Orthodox City? How are you impacting Israel? Join Rabbi Dr. Itzhak Shapira in prophetic and historic moments in the city of Tsfat.

Your urgent support is greatly appreciated

To partner with us:

To order Rabbi Shapira The Fall of Edom:


WEBSITE: Ahavat Ammi

Anonymous said...

Just got to reading all these comments here. Frightening that the situation in all directions
are so horrific. Politically, militarily, economically (with the banks & all) and worst of all, in a way, is what is happening in the holy city of Tzfat, where my own grandmother, a'h, a
tzadeikis, was born. How can they have allowed the avodah zora to seep in where the mayor & others are notzrim, aravim & meshumadim (yelchu l'azazel).
May H' Forgive His people for 'allowing' this vile desecration. I don't if it is even forgiveable.
R'l, the sitra achra has taken over the world; this is the biggest sign that Moshiach will
soon appear, please Hashem! We must hold on tight to our Emunah & Bitachon in Hakodesh Barus Hu!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Wow, well, I'm not surprised. There was a woman speaking to the Nishmat Chol Chai group last week who heads an anti-missionary organization here in Israel. Maybe she's already involved.I don't know if I can find her name. Chazal say that the higher the kidusha the stronger the sitra achra. Plus, as we know, Moshiach will first be revealed here in the Galil, first at our house in Yavne'el, and then he will travel to Tzfat! Maybe this is yet another siman that we are getting close.

A Sign From Above in Parshas Terumah

  Bibas" three times in the Parsha Go here to read it