31 August 2023

Rabbi Weissman – Who Needs a Prophet?

My second class on Bayit Sheni and Geula, which I'm calling "Who needs a prophet?", is available here.  If this doesn't give you chills, check your pulse.  

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This week's Torah class — How Faith, Effort, and Predetermination Fit Together — began with an interesting possible hint to our times from Yechezkel's depiction of the final battle for Jerusalem. 

Then we continued our series on bitachon from Chovos Halevavos with the proper perspective on trust in Hashem and worldly efforts when it comes to life, health, safety, and earning a living.  As always, many applications to present situations.

As I used to tell my students in class, open up your brains and let's pour in some wisdom.  The recording is available here.

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Clarity and powerful words from a private citizen on the ground in Maui doing heroic work: WAKE UP AMERICA & SMELL THE MAUI FIRE!!!

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Rofim International Event: Fighting Back To Save the Future

Rabbi Jonathan Rietti - How to fight back with prayer and faith

Dr. Mark McDonald, Psychiatrist - Save your child’s life by NOT complying with any mandates

Dr. Peter McCullough - Their endgame and why you must resist

Glen Macko - The Lahaina fire: Why are there so many unanswered questions, and where are all the missing children?

Dr. Miriam Grossman - Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and author of Lost in Trans Nation - the evil worldwide push for trans indoctrination of children

James Roguski - Resisting mask mandates


Download Tovim Ha-Shenayim as a PDF for free!

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Leah’s Blog – Parashat Ki Tavo 2023

Blessings and Curses are my view. People are astounded by it; some almost loose balance. When the sun is setting just beyond in the west, apricot light bounces off the curve of the Mount of Blessings as the Mount of the Curses sits in granite silence, it is easy especially then to remember the covenant of ETERNAL HERITAGE that took place here in ancient days with exactly the same sunset as now. 

Sometimes the view is of a scale, sometimes of shoulders, sometimes a doorpost, always of El Shaddai. Hashem has no image but he created this land with shapes and desires. There’s more to the picture than meets the eye as the battery of Eretz Yisrael is charged here, six tribes on one mountain, six on the other, the positive and negative charge. 

Ki Tavo- we declare our dedication to Hashem and Torah – we are blessed, when we turn our backs on educating the next generation sitting under the grapevine and fig tree and abandon Hashem’s mitzvoth, exile will surely come along with a list of tragedy and punishment, the natural consequence of lack of gratitude and faith. 

The message of this place thunders; it is here that Israel attained “a heart to know, eyes to see and ears to hear.” I often feel that the mountains remember, even now as they are covered with a different time, and the grey earth crumbles like an old distracted man.

The view extracts different moods depending on the time frame. In the Oslo Accord days when a great expanse of this area was handed over to terrorists who were even given guns that killed my Rabbi, neighbors and dear friends it tremored with grief. Slowly melancholy seeped into the mood and often a stillness would answer me, as if the mountains were indifferent to me. 

That would be the hardest as I actually witnessed the destruction of the actual walls of Joshua’s altar on Mount Eval, the ancient stone remnant ground into gravel to pave yet another road cut into the mountain’s side. The altar only remains intact because of the vigilance of residents here. 

The results of the desecration on numerous heritage sites here is staggering. Oslo brought about a complete withdrawal of Israeli rule over the cradle of our heritage. The idea to contest the horrific atrocity of Oslo could not be challenged as it happened since the media outlets at that time were all run by the left wing monopoly of the deep state. 

The government of Israel then allowed over 1,400 people to be murdered in the plan of Yaasar Arafat and his terrorist group to take over the integral portions of Israel’s heartland and cause such fear and devastation that the people that live here would give up.

Thank goodness- Baruch Hashem THAT DID NOT AND NEVER WILL HAPPEN!

Israel is always judged collectively. There will be those “satiated” and grown with zero Torah, zero Israelite identity, zero thankfulness to live in a generation of prophecy. 

They say כוחי ועוצם ידי- My strength and the strength of MY hand- Today too as you are probably following the news this same segment of people that have violently gripped unto these old ideas of capitulation and assimilation, far from Torah, far from Mount Gerizzim and its message are running a dwindling campaign against judicial reform. 

We were told then (in the Oslo days) this peace IS FOR YOU- but they were empty words and held nothing inside. Today these same people scream “Democracy” as they are the furthest from democracy angered that now we finally have a news channel (14) that talks about the faults of the Oslo Accords, and corrects reverse discrimination by exposing all the problems that have piled up in lieu of Oslo. 

In a sense, we are again in the stages of a painful birth- the birth of redemption which comes in pangs, clarifications only made here in this land as we are collected to it, again! The entire system here in modern Israel now needs an overhaul. 

The same pattern happened in our biblical past as the reign of power passed over from Shaul to David. But we live here as a nation- that can only be done in Israel!

The enemy’s vehemence is met with ours. As they come close and encroach on state land according to the Fayyad plan taking over swaths of area C, we here on the ground must act. 

We need your help more than ever in ensuring safe boundaries for Israel and a continuous settlement from the Jordan River to Tel Aviv. Help us as this time is critical. The flatlands, hills, valleys and mountains await blessings- NO MORE CURSES! 

THE VIEW IS OF HOPE AND FAITH, everlasting! Recharge the battery!

Shabbat Shalom, Leah 

Danny Ginsbourg: Ki Tavo


Serve Hashem with joy - it's a mitzva!

What do the commentators say about the Torah reprimanding or punishing us for not performing mitzvot joyfully?

We read in our Parasha (28:45-47):’All these curses will come upon you..because you have not hearkened to the voice of observe His commandments..because you did not serve Hashem בשמחה: with gladness and goodness of heart, when everything was abundant.’

Rabeinu Bahya derives from these psukim, that:’It is known that the שמחה: the gladness in the performance of Mitzvot is a Mitzvah in itself; just as the Mitzvah is עבודה לה׳: a service of Hashem, so too, the gladness in performing Mitzvot is called עבודה: service of Hashem, and it is so written:’because you did not serve Hashem with gladness..’

‘And this is what is written (Ps’ 100:2):’עבדו: serve Hashem with gladness’, as the gladness is the completeness of the service of Hashem’.

The Rambam posits:’The gladness that a person rejoices in the performance of a Mitzvah that Hashem commanded, is עבודה גדולה: a great service in itself; one who precludes himself from this gladness, merits that retribution is taken on him.’

Here we ask:If there is a positive Mitzvah of שמחה: gladness, in performing Mitzvot, why does the Torah only express it in the negative: ‘because you did not..’, and not as a positive Mitzvah?

Answers the Chatam Sofer:’The reason is the teaching of our Sages, that ‘the Mitzvot were not given for our הנאה: ‘pleasure’- on which Rashi comments:’They were not given to Israel for their performance to be pleasurable, but ‘as a yoke on our shoulders’. ‘It was therefore not appropriate to command gladness as a Mitzvah, as a duty, because such a command would render the gladness as a burden, and not as gladness.’

Rav David Hofstedter poses a critical question:’How can there be a Mitzvah of gladness ? Is it not a function of the heart, which has to come from within, and, if so, how can it be commanded?’

He replies:’The answer is found at the beginning of our Parasha, where we read:(26:11 )’And you shall rejoice in all the goodness that Hashem has given to you and your household’.

‘The Torah here directs us to take heed at all the bounty which Hashem has showered on us, and from this introspection, to feel the love and goodness of Hashen, and from the feeling of gratitude that this arouses, to perform His Mitzvot with great joy’.

The Chafetz Chaim offers a different answer to our question, focusing on spiritual rather than material matters, first lamenting that we have become so ‘sunken’ in the affairs of this world, that we have lost the feelings and sensitivity of our souls.

‘Imagine’, he says, ‘that a person merits to meet a mortal king, or other notable dignitary, how he is filled with pride and joy at this; and, how much greater would his joy and pride be, were it to be made known to him that he has found favor in his eyes. In his joy, he would tell all his friends of the great honor and appreciation which befell him.

‘Now, if this is his feeling when the king or dignitary is flesh-and-blood, how incomparably greater should the joy be, on our part, each and every moment that we merit to learn Torah and to perform Mitzvot, to pray, and to pronounce brachot, as we thereby merit to fulfil the Will of the King of Kings, Hashem!

‘More so, when we reflect that, although we are mortal creatures, we merit in our prayers to speak to the Ruler of Heaven and Earth, just as the heavenly creatures do; surely our eyes should shed tears of joy, and, out of gratitude, we should accept on ourselves to keep the Torah and Mitzvot, with all our being.’

And here the Sage turns to us, and asks:’Look into your souls, my brothers, and tell me: has this crossed your minds once a week, or even once a month, or at least once a year, to be so full of joy and goodwill in the performance of your Mitzvot, as that person?

‘This is alluded to by our Passuk:’Because you did not serve Hashem with joy’, which our commentators expound as: it behoves us to feel greater joy in our service of Hashem, than in any other activities or pursuits; learning Torah and performing Mitzvot is more precious, and pleasurable, than any other pleasure of this world.’

This message is sweetened by the insight of Rav Yehuda Halevi, in the Kuzari:’Every Mitzbah that comes before us to perform, is an invitation from Hashem, to come closer to Him.

‘True, the will to perform Mitzvot is in man’s hands, butthe zechut to perform a Mitzvah, is a gift from Above- and for this we are enjoined to be grateful, and obligated to perform the Mitzvah, with Simcha.’

Rav Elya Lopian comments:’The reproach in our Passuk is not directed at those wicked ones, who do no engage at all in the service of Hashem; rather, it is addressed to those whom we might consider as righteous, meaning: who perform the Mitzvot, pray as institued, make all the requisite blessings, BUT do all this without any enjoyment or feeling, merely acting by rote.

‘They continue in the ways of young children who perform Mitzvot as taught, whilst their minds at the same time are elsewhere- thinking of games and pleasures, and only performing Mitzvot to escape punishment, and rushing to complete them, so that they can return to their ‘affairs’.

‘Is this the way of man, the choicest of creatures?! Even animals can be trained by their masters to perform routine tasks by rote- though they do so without their minds.

‘Man alone has the power of choice- to choose between good and bad; is he to be like the animal, ‘serving’ Hashem out of rote- and no further?

‘This very same man, who performs his Mitzvot mindlessly, gives his full attention to every detail of his preferred pursuits, and does so with great desire and pleasure- the very opposite of his performance of Mitzvot.’

Rav Avigdor Nebenzahl adds:’We learn from our Parasha that its curses are not related to those who do not perform Mitzvot, but to those who perform all the Mitzvot in all their particulars, but do so without joy. Since joy is a requirement of the full performance of each and every Mitzvah, the result is that they do not perform a single Mitzvah fully!

‘Here we need to contemplate: How can it be that a person who seemingly has performed all 613 Mitzvot, can be subject to the awesome curses in our Parasha for the sole reason that he has not performed the Mitzvot with gladness- how can this alone bring upon him such a calamity?

‘From here we learn, that the place that שמחה:gladness occupies in the totality of our system of Mitzvot, is not merely whether a particular is lacking, but it will determine ‘the question of questions’: Will this person in the future perform Mitzvot? For, without joy in their performance, it is highly likely that this person - or, if not him, his children sensing how little meaning the Mitzvot have to him - will gradually become laxer in Mitzvah performance, until, alas, he completely ceases to perform them.

‘One who performs Mitzvot with gladness, is certain to increase his level of observance, as the service with joy is testament to his identification with the Mitzvot, and their meaningfulness to him.

‘One who performs the Mitzvot without joy, out of a sense of compulsiom, on the other hand, shows that he does not identify with them, and that he does so primarily because he wants to be free of their yoke; even if now he is careful to perform them- the Torah teaches that his fate is to leave them completely.

‘Thus simcha, or its absence, will determine the crucial question: Will this person be amongst those who observe Mitzvot, or not; will his children, whom he now instructs to perform Mitzvot- which he himself performs them mechanically- continue later in their lives to maintain our traditions, or will the chain be broken, and come to an end’.

A parting thought: Do we truly mean that which we proclaim daily: ‘You have taught us Torah and Mitzvot..Therefore Hashem, when we lie down and when we rise up, we will speak your Decrees, REJOICING in the words of your Torah and Mitzvot for ever, for they are our life and the length of our days’.?

From KiTavo 2022

Rebbetzen Tziporah – Time To Hear


Dear friends,


Time is tricky. You can get an accurate answer when you ask someone, “What time is it,” but when you change the order of the words and ask, “What is time,” finding an answer is far more complex. The physical definition of time is “an ordered and measurable progression of change”. 

The world is in constant motion – rotations and revolutions and they all change the way the globe is in relationship with the sun, which makes day and night and the seasons predictable. You knew all of this, and you may be reasonably curious about why I am taking you back to your fourth-grade trip to the planetarium. Ramchal explains how day and night, and the various times of year often have spiritual and halachic avenues through which you can be in touch with the energy that Hashem gave them.


Bnei Yissaschar (quoting early Kabbalistic sources) talks about which specific organ is the one that is in tune with the spiritual message and energy of each month.

Elul is the month of the ear.

You can “hear” Hashem, and when you do, your relationship to Him is far more honest than if you tune out or “adjust” the message to fit your assumptions.


Picture this. You’re at a wedding. The decibel level is over 20. Your good friend, the kallah’s sister, whom you haven’t seen since your seminary days comes over to where you are standing (near the Viennese table – where else. If you are in Israel, you are standing near the table that has fried chicken wings, overcooked stuffed peppers, and kugel. We forgive you, O Israel, and accept you as you are.). 

The band moves into a heavy-duty dance rhythm. She talks. You have no idea of what she is saying, so you nod. Smile, Nod some more. Several days later you meet her randomly at Target. “What happened? We all expected you!” If you couldn’t make it, you should have just said something!” You piece the puzzle together.

You were embarrassed to tell her that you couldn’t hear her because all you could hear was the background music. We tend to do this very frequently with far more severe results.


Last week’s parshah (Ki Teitzei) narrates the story of the ben-sorer u’moreh... the rebellious son, who eats a great deal of semi-cooked meat, gets drunk after a huge amount of wine, steals, and more. The introductory verse tells you the underlying story. “…he didn’t listen to the voice of his father… or mother.” 

No children always obey their parents. Not even hearing them is another thing entirely. He was deaf to anything that didn’t bring immediate gratification, and hostile to anyone who “stopped the music”.  

The Ohr HaChaim says that there are two guards that stand in front of the gates to your heart. Their job is to keep the mind’s words from reaching your emotions. They make it impossible for your heart to hear – it deafens your emotions. You want to hear the song of fantasy that tells you that if you have what you want at the moment, your life will be a dream. 

You have to block out the voice of awareness, of your inner ability to see truth, the part of you that hears your neshama speak out Hashem’s messages. How did the guards get there?

Fear is a powerful motivator. The more you identify with your spiritual self, the self that, like Hashem, is a giver, the less afraid you are to lose something material. Maharal points out that all chessed is a loser’s game. 

You either lose time, money, or emotional energy. It also is a winner’s game. You get eternity, bonding, and love, and most of all the ability to have an experiential bond we your Creator. If you are a materialist, you want to keep your ears closed.

There is another sort of fear that is far more subtle.

A true story: A Rav in Bnei Brak, Rav Toib (his real name) was asked an interesting question.

“This shei’lah is about an event that happened when I was in the fifth grade.” Seeing as the man standing in front of him looked about 50, this was somewhat surprising. “I was in HaMesorah, a really great Talmud Torah, but I had to leave because of what happened. A boy came to school with an envelope full of cash. His mother sent him on an afterschool errand to pay the electric company... 

He showed the money off to his friends, and it soon was the hottest topic in the cheder. He put it in his coat pocket at recess and headed to the yard. When he came back the money was gone. The Rebbe locked the door, and had us all face the wall, so we couldn’t see who would be caught. He felt everyone’s pockets, but the money wasn’t there. He had no choice. He had us put our backpacks and lunch bags on the table. 

The money was found in my backpack, even though I didn’t take it! The Rebbe was brilliant. He told the boys that someone put it there to protect himself, just like Yosef had his servants hide his goblet in Binyamin’s pack. The Binyamin strategy didn’t work. It didn’t work. From then on, I was Dovid-the-ganov. It stuck like glue. I left school at the end of the year, but I never got over the months of humiliation. Now, 40 years later, I got a call. The man on the phone told me that he was calling to ask me for forgiveness. I asked him why he was making this call, and he told me that he was the boy who stole the money and put it in my bookbag. I told him, “40 Yom Kippurs have come and gone. 

What made you wake up now?” “I’ll tell you the truth,” he said. “I am working for a firm, and I have been accused of embezzling money. I didn’t do it, but I know that if I can’t prove my innocence my career is over. I’m not doing that well financially anyway. This would destroy me.” I told him that I would think about it, Rabbi Toib, and this is what brings me to you. I’m not sure he’s sincerely sorry for what he did to me. He just is afraid.”  

Rabbi Toib thought about it a said, “Ask him for 5,000 shekels in return for forgiveness. See what he does.” After making the suggestion, Rabbi Toib wasn’t sure that he had done the right thing. He told his questioner to give him another day to consider the entire matter. He then approached one of Rav Chaim’s grandsons, and asked him to bring the question and the idea of payment to his grandfather. 

Here is Rav Chaim’s reply:

“He could ask for the money and forgive him, but he could also not make any demands, and even if the other man’s sincerity is not definite, he will end up like Rav Yose in the Talmud.

Who was Rav Yose?

He was the one who said that his wish is to have his place in Gan Eden be amongst those who suffered humiliation and accepted it without answering back.

May we all be worthy of being like Rav Yose, and hear what is real, deep, and meaningful. Let Elul be the month of mercy and forgiveness. Let us be ready to really hear the sound of the shofar.


Love, and ketiva and chatima tovah,


Supreme Court Upheaval?

 Hypocrisy, control, authoritarianism, dictatorial powers – What more could a Supreme Court want??

In Unprecedented Challenge, Justice Elron Proposes Himself for High Court President
Move would upend seniority norm; Hayut responds by removing Elron from panel set to hear petitions against justice minister’s refusal to convene the Judicial Selection Committee

Headline only:

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This is how the Globes reported on the above:

Yosef Elron's challenge is in line with the government's desire to appoint a justice of its own choosing and breaks with the seniority tradition.

Supreme Court Justice Yosef Elron announced today that he will make an unprecedented challenge to become the court's president and that his candidacy, "is not dependent on the structure and composition of the (judicial selection) committee."

Elron is challenging the seniority tradition by which the longest serving justice on the Supreme Court has in the past become president. The announcement by Elron supports the government's policy of wanting to appoint a justice of its own choosing rather than Justice Isaac Amit, who is expected to be appointed as the longest-serving judge, and is considered a liberal, after current president Justice Esther Hayut retires later this year. Following his announcement, Hayut announced that Elron will not participate in hearings on the demand to convene the Committee for Judicial Selection to choose judges and in his stead another justice will be appointed.

A Supreme Court President is chosen by at least five votes in the nine-member committee. At the moment it seems that the possibility of this being achieved is very low. It should be noted that the law does not determine what is the majority required to appoint the Supreme Court President, since until today the presidents were appointed according to the seniority system. An increased majority of 7 out of 9 is required to appoint a Supreme Court judge and a majority of 5 out of 9 (ordinary majority) is required to appoint the other judges. In this situation, the accepted interpretation is that an ordinary majority will be required to appoint the president.

At present the members of the Committee for Judicial Selection are Minister of Justice Yariv Levin, Supreme Court President Justice Esther Hayut, Justice Isaac Amit, Justice Noam Solberg, MK Karine Elharrar (Yesh Atid), MK Yitzhak Kroizer (Otzma Yehudit), and two members representing the Israel Bar Association. The cabinet has not yet appointed an additional minister to represent the government.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on August 30, 2023.

30 August 2023


 Florida again hit by Cat 3 Hurricane [and a blue moon overhead increasing flooding

Dangerous storm surge inundating Cedar Key, Florida with the strongest hurricane in this region since the 1800s. 10-12 feet of storm surge. Debris and structures damaged by the power of the water. This is the most significant storm surge in the nature coast in recorded history


 You cant make this stuff up! *WARNING* Maui vibes..


 Hurricane Idalia traps Florida residents in homes


 Hurricane Idalia made landfall Wednesday in Florida as a Category 3 storm and unleashed devastation along a wide stretch of the Gulf Coast, submerging homes and vehicles, turning streets into rivers, unmooring small boats and downing power lines in an area that has never before received such a pummeling. More than 263,000 customers were without electricity as rushing water covered streets near the coast. ===== FULL STORY:

Second BLUE SuperMoon Tonite


The cosmic curtain rises Wednesday night with the second full moon of the month, the reason it’s considered blue. It’s dubbed a supermoon because it’s closer to Earth than usual, appearing especially big and bright.

This will be the closest full moon of the year, just 222,043 miles (357,344 kilometers) or so away. That’s more than 100 miles (160 kilometers) closer than the Aug. 1 supermoon.

As a bonus, Saturn will be visible as a bright point 5 degrees to the upper right of the moon at sunset in the east-southeastern sky, according to NASA. The ringed planet will appear to circle clockwise around the moon as the night wears on.

If you missed the month’s first spectacle, better catch this one. There won’t be another blue supermoon until 2037, according to Italian astronomer Gianluca Masi, founder of the Virtual Telescope Project.

Weather permitting, observers don’t need binoculars or telescopes — “just their own eyes.” said Masi.

“I’m always excited to admire the beauty of the night sky,” he said, especially when it features a blue supermoon.

The first supermoon of 2023 was in July. The fourth and last will be in September.


7:40 here you can see the moon above the bldg, inbetween trees

7:41 I increased the focus here
you can see the moon in the middle of the trees in center

Israeli Jewish Shepherds Attacked – Two Versions

Savages enraged against Jewish Shepherds 

Magen David Adom emergency responders treated four Jewish shepherds who were attacked in the Binyamin region of Samaria.
The terrorist attack took place northeast of Jerusalem, between the Israeli communities of Ma’ale Mikhmas and Rimonim.
The weapons confiscated included a stun grenade, a Carlo-type submachine gun, an M-16 rifle and ammunition. [declare who had weapons]
No casualties to Israeli forces were reported. Military vehicles were slightly damaged during rioting in the Arab village of Beit Rima, northwest of Ramallah.

ARUTZ Sheva on the Vicious Attack
Dozens of Arabs wearing masks attacked a group of Jewish shepherds this afternoon (Tuesday) in the Binyamin region. The shepherds were from an agricultural farm near the settlement of Rimonim.
The Arabs used stones and clubs to attack the shepherds and even broke several phones the victims used to record the incident.

Other residents from the farm who arrived at the scene were also violently attacked. Four shepherds were injured.

A half-hour after the attack began, security forces arrived at the scene and arrested three of the attackers. The injured were treated by Magen David Adom personnel and evacuated to Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem for treatment.

One of the shepherds recounted the attack from his hospital bed. "I was herding the flock of sheep near the farm and suddenly four masked Arabs ran towards me with clubs," he said. "I immediately called the other shepherds on the farm who reported to the army and hurried to the scene. Within a few seconds, dozens more Arab rioters came running to the scene and just started beating me with stones and clubs from all directions.”

There is not one place on my body that was not hit. Another person who was with me was hit in the groin by a stone, and the rioters also broke his finger. The other group that came to help were also injured one after another. My cell phone also caught a few blows and stopped working. They outnumbered us six to one and arrived with a look of murder in their eyes," the shepherd said.

Jewish shepherds have come under repeated attack by Arab rioters in recent weeks. In one such incident near Burqa, an attack on a Jewish shepherd escalated into a confrontation which ended with the shooting death of one of the Arab attackers by a Jewish man who suffered a serious head injury from a stone before he opened fire in self-defense.

EOH: Equal Opportunity Harrassment


Members of the right-wing Im Tirtzu organization on Wednesday morning held a “protest of shame” against a leader of the campaign of the recent relentless harassment of government officials and their families in Israel and abroad.

they deserve to be on the receiving end the same as they harrass others

Nava Rozolyo, a resident of Tel Aviv, manages a Whatsapp group with thousands of members with the sole purpose of stalking and harassing government officials. Members of the group are informed in real-time of the location of government members, including during their private family or vacation time, and are encouraged to storm the area. It was her actions that resulted in an angry mob storming a hairdresser in Tel Aviv in March after she informed members that Sara Netanyahu was inside.

On her social media accounts, she calls herself a “protest group of one woman” and calls her group “The Guards of Bushah.” She proudly boasts about her harassment of publicly elected officials and engages in radical incitement on the level of Ehud Barak, and in fact, she shared the same radical video comparing Prime Minister Netanyahu to Hiter that Barak recently shared. Although, by profession, Rozolyo, a single 37-year-old, is a lawyer and accountant, she currently dedicates all her time to her new profession of stalking public officials.

An Im Tirzu leader said: “Nava Rozolyo and her friends operate in a method that threatens elected officials while completely subverting the values of democracy. As a result of these actions, the State of Israel has deteriorated into anarchy and the voices of millions of citizens are silenced. The neighbors of elected officials also have rights, not only anarchists”

29 August 2023

Rabbi Weissman: Returning to Jerusalem with Joy and Mourning & A Warning to Galus Jews


The first in a series of new Tanach classes based on the material in Go Up Like a Wall is available here.  The next class is scheduled for this Thursday at 11 AM Israel time.  The link to join the live class via Zoom is here.  This is in addition to my regular Wednesday classes.

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Maui, just like Meron, was a well-planned military/deep state operation against innocent civilians.  There is overwhelming evidence of this despite their efforts to cover it up and restrict access to information.  Here is just one independent report from the ground that is worth watching:

Those who think they can ride out what's coming by moving someplace far from the big cities are fooling themselves.  They incinerated hundreds, possibly thousands of people in an exotic location in Hawaii, and one can only imagine what these Molech Satanists did with all the missing children.  They have plans for the homestead you want to set up, too.

Consider all the planning that went into this, all the people who were involved and complicit, and then tell me Jews — or any God-fearing people — should feel safe in America.  There is no secret army of good guys that is coming to save the day, and if you think the Satanists will allow you to simply vote them out of power, you're delusional.  

The people who run the pretend-Jewish state of Israel are no better, but here there is a high concentration of people who won't just follow orders, who won't just do their job, who truly fear God, and will do the right thing when it counts.  Plus, Israel is the only place on earth that we know with certainty will make it through what's coming with a happy ending.  

Jews, come home.  You have no future in America, or in Europe, or anywhere else.  It's not your job to save America.  Is America where you want to be when they restrict travel because of "covid"?  When they close the borders altogether?  When they start drafting people for the meat grinder in Ukraine?   When the deep state decides to play with their toys in your city?  If you still think these are laughable concerns, keep listening to the certified experts in the Mockingbird Media, not the people who have been consistently ahead of the curve and actually care about you.

You have no future in galus.  Better to leave a few minutes early than stay a few minutes too late.


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Beware the Majority Reports

This is a fundamental lesson on the Torah's perspective about following the majority.  I've written about this many times, but it's nice to see a sensible piece like this from someone else, whoever this anonymous scholar is.

EXCLUSIVE Jonathan Pollard tells all | Wine with Adam


In this week's Wine with Adam, host, and CEO of Israel Innovation Fund, Adam Scott Bellos, is joined by ex-spy Jonathan Pollard in an exclusive tell-all interview. Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 for giving over highly confidential security documents to the Israelis while working for U.S. Naval Intelligence. The length of this sentence had long been protested as too harsh, and in 2015, Jonathan was allowed to go free after 35 years in prison. 5 years later, Pollard and his wife Esther made aliyah to Israel. The discussion takes place over a glass of Kabir Winery's Merlot. They discuss - The accusation of dual Loyalty - The true nature of the Israel/US "special" relationship - His time in prison - His late wife Esther

28 August 2023

Some Interesting Facts About Your Food

Overview of The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard Feb 2019

As many of you are aware, in the summer of 2016 Congress passed an amendment to the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946.

That amendment required the Secretary of Agriculture to draft regulations to establish a national, mandatory bioengineered food disclosure standard.

A team of dedicated individuals from the Agricultural Marketing Service and other agencies across the USDA have worked diligently over the last two years to draft the final regulations.

By providing a uniform, national standard for labeling bioengineered foods we can increase transparency in our food system and give consumers information about the bioengineered status of their foods.


Safety and Risk of GMO Foods - with Jeffrey Smith | The Empowering Neurologist EP. 91

Without a doubt, one of the most highly debated topics in health and wellness centers on the safety or risk associated with GMO foods. Today, Austin Perlmutter M.D. joins me to interview Jeffrey Smith, who has, for the past two decades, done his best to raise public awareness of possible health-related concerns about genetically modifying our food.

Today, he shares some of his most recent revelations from his research on GMO products, as well as the latest information related to the herbicide glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in the commercial product Roundup.


Food Labeling: How to Identify Conventional, Organic and GMO Produce

The price look-up (PLU) code system used by most produce distributors has the side benefit of allowing consumers to identify conventional and organic produce at the grocery store. Even though the defeat of Proposition 37 means that genetically engineered information will not be added to labels at this time, PLU codes do have the potential to identify genetically engineered produce. This video shows you how to read PLU codes to unlock the information that is already right at your fingertips. Written and Produced by Mike Kahn.


What does the number on your fruit and veggie sticker mean?

How do you know if your food is Genetically Modified (GMO),  produced with chemical or Organic? Just by taking a closer look to the number printed on the fruit and vegetable sticker (PLU Code), you will know how your fruit or veggie was grown. Watch the video and learn how to decode produce stickers/labels and the truth about your food.


subscribe to: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY:

VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO FULL OF IMP INFO (connect all 3 lines of text (no spaces) to get to the video:

0agOno5x2yw ?si=Ueq_jsxIkClerf6- 

IMPORTANT: Court Restriction on Anarchists’ Harassment

[the audacity and arrogance of protesters without limit]

Simcha Rothman welcomed a decision by the Jerusalem Magistrates Court  –Restriction on Anarchists’ Harassment of His Family

Religious Zionist party Knesset member Simcha Rothman welcomed a decision by the Jerusalem Magistrates Court on Sunday restricting the ways in which anti-government protesters and anarchists could harass his family during vacation.

Although the ruling did not allow for removal of the protesters, Judge Nae’el Mahana wrote, “I find it necessary to limit the possibility that the protest will take place in an area where the minors of the applicant’s family are observed on that vacation, in order to prevent the possibility of photographing them or publishing their photos in public.”|

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his family were hounded by anarchists who even camped out in a field near the hotel in which they were staying, to remain close enough to harass the Netanyahus and the residents of the community who lived in the moshav.

“I’m happy that the court saw fit to draw a clear line that differentiates between freedom to protest and the right to demonstrate – which are very important – and harassment, bullying and harm to the family of an elected official,” Rothman wrote in a tweet following the ruling.

“Even if I believe the line should be moved elsewhere, the very drawing of the line is very important. Civil lawsuits will follow in accordance with the Privacy Protection Law and the judge’s recommendation,” he added.

Rothman petitioned the court for a restraining order last Wednesday to prevent some 400 anti-government anarchists whom he accused of persecuting and spying on him.

The lawmaker has become a target for the anarchists because he was one of the architects of the government’s planned judicial reforms.

The court petition was filed after it became known that the anarchists had created a 430-member WhatsApp group called “Hunting Rothman in the Golan Heights” in response to the news that Rothman was vacationing with his family at the Marjrase Nature Reserve.

“Are you in the area? Let’s tell him that fascists like him that destroy democracy are not welcome anywhere! In the skies, on the land or in the sea, and don’t forget to pass on confirmation [of his location] so that we spread this shame to the masses,” anarchists wrote in one of their posts, urging protesters to arrive at the reserve while Rothman was there.

In his petition, Rothman demanded closure of the social media messaging group created to track his movements and those of his family, thus trampling on their privacy.

His attorney later withdrew the petition against the entire group, and instead resubmitted a slimmed-down request for a warrant against three ringleaders of the anarchists’ attempt to hunt down the Rothman family.

In the petition, the attorney described the trio as “members of a persecution group against the applicants who are acting with the aim of stalking and unlawfully harming the applicants as part of their private vacation in the north.”

This petition was also rejected, with the court noting that as a public figure, Rothman was fair game for those who oppose him and eligible for protection only if facing immediate danger.

However, Judge Mahana suggested the lawmaker file a civil case against the protesters, in addition to setting restrictions on how far the anarchists could go in their efforts to harass Rothman and his family.


PULSE Avi Abelow: Film Producer Pierre Rehov on Oct. 7th Massacre and Qatar’s Role

I have been a fan of Pierre Rehov for years. He is one of the few filmmakers who has been making movies and video clips showcasing the dange...