01 July 2022

BORUCH DAYAN HAEMET Velvel Wolf Zev ben Leah

Dr. Zev Zelenko, who has been battling multiple severe health issues, has been placed in the Intensive Care Unit and is in critical condition.

In late May, Dr. Zelenko posted an update about his health on social media. Sadly, a tumor has been discovered in his right ventricle, the lower right chamber of the heart. A blood clot was sitting on top of the tumor, which can be extremely dangerous.

Dr. Zelenko said, “To be frank, if the clot breaks off, that is a ticket to the next world.”

In addition, other tumors were present around the lower left lobe of his lung.

Despite the grim diagnosis and dire circumstances, Dr. Zelenko said that he was in “a very good state of mind.”

He said, “As King David writes [in Tehillim], ‘Even as I walk through the Valley of Death I shall fear no evil. In addition, there is a Talmudic teaching: ‘Even if the sword is on your neck a person should never give up hope [from Hashem’s mercy].’”

Dr. Zelenko became well-known during the Covid pandemic, when he used the “Zelenko cocktail” to reportedly help hundreds of patients.

Please daven and say Tehillim for Velvel Wolf Zev ben Leah.


Anonymous said...

Thanks again Neshama.

Keeping him in prayer, Amen.

May Hashem hear all our prayers favourably for this blessed and good Doctor. Amen.

May his family be strenghtened too, as they go through this trying time.

Amen V'Amen.

And Neshama Gd bless you and yours always and ever, Amen


Anonymous said...

saw this message on Dr Zelenko telegram, if you can post it please
It was at 00:33 this night


Big update on Dr. Zelenko:

Zev's numbers have miraculously improved and now the doctors believe he is 50/50 to live or die. Just a couple of hours ago they had everyone preparing to say their final goodbyes to him but then as everyone around him and all of you were praying his numbers began to drastically change!

The doctors still don't know how this is even happening but I think they have started to become believers at this point.

Thank you all so much for the overwhelming prayers and support. I know it has been emotionally exhausting but please continue to pray and think about Zev, a true warrior for God. He still has more fight left in him!

I will update as soon as I know more.


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