21 July 2022

Rabbi Weissman: Torah Class July 20


This week's Torah class is available here

This week's quick take: For Whom Should You Vote?

Episode 48 of my weekly Root and Branch Medical War Crimes Series features a 10-minute montage of Erev Rav Asher Weiss's most outrageous comments on the covid shots, with my reaction.  The episode is available here, with links in the description to the uninterrupted montage and other related material.  

To anyone who has a problem with my using very strong, blunt language about phonies like Asher Weiss, Schachter, and their ilk: These people are falsifying the Torah and sending Jews to spiritual and physical death.  I'm not playing nice with them.  Anyone who doesn't like it can go to ….. right along with them.

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Amalek: Eating meat is cruel, but eating bugs is virtuous. 

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Why isn't the media talking up the "fact" that not only can men get pregnant, but women can also impregnate other women, especially in prisons?

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Is it just me, or have any other YU/RIETS alumni also noticed that they are sending "Baruch Dayan Emes" emails more frequently than ever before?  I've been referring to it as the daily death notice.

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People will fight back when they have nothing left to lose.  The thing is, they won't have anything left to fight with. 


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ARI GOLDWAG Happy Inside (English) ארי גולדוואג - השמחה מבפנים (גרסת אנגלית)    Lyrics:  To see the good when its raining to go the day with...