01 July 2022


The Wolf who Saved his Flock

A humble tribute to a giant hero of our times

Today the world lost a luminary, Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko, MD.

His Jewish name was Velvel Wolf Zev. Each of these three names mean wolf.

Velvel is diminutive or endearing for wolf in Yiddish, and Zev means wolf in Hebrew.

Why do Jews name children after wolves?

Yaakov Avinu blessed his youngest son: “Binyamin is a wolf who will grab prey. In the morning he will devour plunder, and in the evening he will divide the spoil.” [1]

There are special individuals among us who are blessed with wolf-like quality in a holy sense. [2]

A wolf seizes. He does not care about social norms or staying on beaten paths.

He doesn’t follow a script. When an opportunity presents itself to assert the truth amidst the darkness of falsehood, he seizes it.

Dr. Zev seized the opportunity to assert the truth. He refused to follow the script and tow the party line.

He would not bow before the golden calf of Big Pharma, nor would he follow the herd like a feckless sheep.

Instead, he fearlessly grabbed the bull by the horns and confronted evil head on.

Like a wolf who snatches his prey, Dr. Zev seized the false narrative and exposed it, transforming darkness to light.

A hero of epic proportions, Dr. Zev is a modern-day Maccabee whose accomplishments were truly extraordinary and historic.

In a time of unprecedented darkness and mortal risk, he seized the moment and saved thousands and millions of fellow human beings from death.

From the onset of covid hysteria, Dr. Zev was a solitary voice of reason. It was almost unheard of… a physician who dared to speak the truth, risking his career and reputation. But by the time he passed away on 6/30/22, he was longer a “lone wolf,” but had empowered and inspired millions of people worldwide.

On a personal level, I was blessed and privileged to know Dr. Zev as a fellow chassid and true scholar, a refreshingly unique person who was able to think critically and challenge the norms of “herd thinking.”

He served as the “rofeh yedid” (a doctor who is also a faithful and beloved friend) for countless chassidim, yidden, and people of all stripes from around the world, including many chabad rabbis.

“In the morning he will devour plunder, and in the evening he will divide the spoil.”

At a crucial time in history, Dr. Zev seized the moment and left a legacy that’s larger than life. Now that the sun of his mortal life has set, it’s time for all of us to reflect his light and bring his life’s work to fruition. Seize every opportunity to assert truth, defy tyranny, and embrace liberty. Let us seize back the narrative and topple all genocidal tyrants once and for all.

Thanks to Dr. Zev’s groundbreaking efforts and moral courage, tyranny WILL be plundered and their spoils divided. Freedom WILL prevail, and truth will vanquish falsehood for all times.

May his memory be an enduring source of blessing and inspiration for klal Yisrael, prat Yisrael, and for all humanity.

PS: it was my honor to join Dr. Zev on his podcast this past December:


[1] Genesis 49:27

[2] See Likutei Sichos by Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of Lubavitch, volume 25, page 275-284

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