26 July 2022

Rabbi Kessin: Our Loss & Their Gain READ NOTES

 Hashkafa Shiur #101


The workings of the Satan in relationship with Jews throughout our history

The Rabbi goes into the Creation Calendar, the “Divine Light”
Science and Messianic Light
And now, the advancement of science explodes
And is because we lose and the goyim have gained

Kabbala is the Messianic Light

The Medrash at the end of Kohelet describes the growth of wisdom in the Messianic Era

The Ari put his head down, and mumbles:  in the world of Asiya, he listens to a lecture of Shimon bar Yochai = you need to listen to Rabbi Kessin explain this! (near the end 56:00)

The obsession with making everything on your computers gray and fuzzy has now attacked videos and photos; impossible to print a clear and sharp photo of a person or a thing.

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