29 July 2022

Rabbi Kessin – In-Depth Look at the Divine Plan of Creation

 Recorded live in Baka, Jerusalem August 27 2022

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COMMENTER (not proofed):

You hit the nail on the head which is something that isn't expressed as much as it needs to is that the action or the change of consciousness is the reward or punishment depending on the circumstance. If we do good that itself is the reward we are bound to that act or the converse if we do bad that is the punishment. But there is another element which is awareness of the ramifications of the act, for example a person who violates Shabbat needs someone to warn him that (a) this act is forbidden and (b) it is chayiv mitah and caret. Knowing that an action is wrong isn't enough that person needs to be aware of the ramifications. When it comes to the good it may not be like this completely but it does determine the quality of the mitzvah. 

The main thing is the awareness but this awareness must be a true awareness as demonstrated by actions as you said. It's sort of a situation like the navigation system on airplanes do we trust our judgement of reality and trust our eyes, or do we trust the navigation system, our eyes represent our narrow perspective on reality and Torah is the navigation system, it tells us I know you are inclined to do x but really y is what's good for you. Another thought on olam haba is that really in the beginning G-d only created the possibility of olam haba and which is the purpose of creation but it was left. For us to create. 

Existence equals G-d and therefore nothing else can exist unless it emerges from G-d and this isn't a fundamental problem, the problem exists when it comes to man, because man is chelek elokit, and elokit has the desire to be a real cause and this makes it difficult for co existence because of the concept of bread of shame, this is satisfied through giving us borrowed existence in this world where we are allowed to make choices and create a world where we can live. Without the shame this is olam haba. In this world we are sub zero in existence however once we are judged we are brought to zero and if we have any merits left than that gets transferred into olam haba in surplus existence. It's much like the electromagnetic spectrum and interactions of electromagnetic energy. 

There is a concept that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can only change this is the law of conservation of energy, certain interactions cause new energies that didn't exist before to satisfy this conservation law, this is olam haba God created the spiritual world and the physical world the neshama which is really a derivative of God himself, the neshama cannot be its own separate entity it must merge with God without allowing it to have its own perspective, therefore God garbed the soul in spiritual and physical garments to have independent perspective, but the problem is neither the physical or the spiritual are nitziut or eternal or permanent only God is and the neshama that derives from God. 

When the soul interacts with the spiritual and physical worlds to do mitzvot they create a new garb for the neshama, this garb is eternal because it comes from the actions of man and with this garb the neshama lives with his own perspective to a higher respect for ever with God without completely being absorbed into God. Which isn't the case with those who do not create this garb, they simply cease to exist, not really they are absorbed into God and lose their self identity. I also enjoyed what you said about existence, how we are going to experience different levels of being, this I believe is what Moshe was asking God, if I have found favor in your eyes let me see your glory, to that God said you have surely found favor in my sight but no man can see me and live but I will let you see me from behind. Man cannot experience this ultimate level of being without having the vesels otherwise the are absorbed into God immediately and this isn't what God wants he wants us to be in olam haba, so he said I will show you my ways and with this you can emulate these anhagas and create the vessels. So much to talk about not enough room lol. I enjoy your shiurim.

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