19 July 2022

An interesting Observation ...

Isn’t it interesting that Russia will use force majure to NOT turn on Nordstream One, which supplies “gas” to Germany;

When it was Germany that gassed Jews in WWII.

This means that many Germans will freeze this winter (and many may die), like the Germans marched Jews thru ice and snow wearing scant clothing (rags and no shoes)!

Are we not seeing a form of retribution here.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting. Now we are in a time where it's getting clearer and clearer that so much that's happening is 'retribution', especially, these last few days since 17th Tammuz, which gives us the feeling that the Geulah/Moshiach is so close. May it be with chesed & rachamim.

משיח ישוע said...

משיח באב אלול תשפ"ב

עדכון ומסרים מצדיקים לתקופה הקרובה | הרב אברהם עבאדי מקו סוד החשמל | מוצ"ש י"ח בתמוז תשפ"ב
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מספר המערכת 03-5719559
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Anonymous said...

Is he saying what I think he is saying? Halevai, Chanukah, Beit Hamikdash!

Dovid said...

We have to wait until Chanukah for Moshiach because the Germans might be limited to gas when needed this fall/cold weather?

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