25 July 2022

Ascending Har HaBayit


Prominent personality Ben Shapiro and his father, currently in Israel, visited the Temple Mount on Sunday and prayed Minchah (the afternoon prayer) there.

It was the first time the elder Shapiro had ascended to the Mount. His mother passed away recently.

Ben Shapiro himself has visited the Temple Mount before but was removed by security guards during his visit, which he made with his wife. Guards ordered the entire group of Jews to leave after several members of the group (the Shapiros apparently not included) began to sing while on the Mount.

On this visit, Shapiro expressed his satisfaction with the positive atmosphere and improvements in the conditions for Jews visiting the holy site.

"You can't come to Israel and not visit the Temple Mount," he said.

Accompanying the Shapiros on Sunday was Rabbi Yehuda Levi from the temple Mount Yeshiva and Rabbi Shimshon Elbaum, the head of the Temple Mount administration.

Rabbi Elbaum lauded the visitors for prioritizing the Mount during their visit. He also blessed that they merit to see the rebuilt Temple in their lifetimes.


Interesting comments to this:

Anonymous said...

I don't know the heter to go up there is when Rav elyashav said it's forbidden to go there.

Anonymous said...

The Rambam and the Me'erie lived 950 before R' Eliyashiv and they permitted, in fact the Rambam and his father and brother went up to the Har Habyit


Anonymous said...

It must be R' Eliyashiv zt"l didn't know the teachings of the Rambam and Meiri - thank you for helping us understand the emes of Torah better than R' Eliyashiv did.

משיח ישוע said...

משיח תשעה באב אלול
גוג אומגו
גאולה בעתה אחישנה | מסרים מצדיקים | הרב אברהם עבאדי | קו סוד החשמל | מוצ"ש כ"ה בתמוז תשפ"ב

Maoz said...

Thank you for helping us learn the Rambam. (Sincerely, not snark.)

Anonymous said...

This is not how the halachic principle works in Judaism. You cannot discount contemporary poskim because you found one (or two in this case) opinions in the Rishonim that seemingly permit something. The gedolei hador today are all ignorant of this Rambam and Meiri? Or they understand the broader picture of what the situation was then and is now and how to apply it for a psak din? For anyone ascending Har Habayit based on the psak of the Rambam, do they follow his rulings across the board (perhaps like a Temani)? If they do, are they careful to disallow most modern eruvim and they refrain from carrying on Shabbat? Do they only eat meat that underwent chalita? Etc etc etc...

Neshama said...

Well, I wish we could ask HaShem.
Since many of our Rabbis pushed innocent people to get jabbed; I have a ton of trouble with them. Many are wounded, suffering, and some died because of their “support.” Some say they are from the Erev Rav; some say they take $$ from the Erev Rav govt. Its disgusting what some of them did/do.

It is difficult to find a Rabbi now-a-days that one can actually trust and follow. One must be extremely careful.
And I don’t listen to someone who writes about halacha and what one can and cannot do as an OPINION PIECE for a so-called Jewsh news site.
When one hears about a respected and well-known Rabbi/Rav who is associated with xtians it is dreadful.

So referring and relying on the Rambam even if one is not Taimani etc. is perhaps a good thing!

Anonymous said...

This is not an issue that just came up in the last couple of years. Search the poskim from the last 250 years or so.

You can't just go discounting every single rabbi because of the bilbul of some rabbonim coming out to tell people to get a questionable shot.

There are a tremendous amount of true yirei Shamayim in our generation as well - you cannot reject every rabbi because of a handful of rabbis that were either hijacked to give their "stamp of approval" or are truly Erev Rav.

It's clear from the Written and Oral Torah that what Hashem wants is a proper halachic system and for people to rely on rabbonim who are yirei Shamayim. Again, today maybe there is a bilbul - but the Har Habayit issue is not new (noted by the fact that the Rambam is being brought) - how many of the gedolim ascended Har Habayit in the last several generations?

There are probably cogent halachic opinions investigating the view of ascending Har Habayit, but simply to say "the Rambam said so" is not more than looking for support for a decision made for decisions that are motivated by something other than halacha.

Neshama said...

I did not discount all contemporary rabbonim. Give me the names of who you recommend as reliable in this inyan.

There are maps of the Temple Mount, where most periphery areas are known.
And those that go up, prepare according to what is required.
There are some who say yes, and some who say no.

I find it not nice to choose a semi popular young naive Jew and use him to negate going up on the Mount!
It’s just political.
And I would say disrespectful of Har HaBayit.

We are all in the same category.
And even so, Jews would be allowed to initiate building of the Third Temple, even though Rabbi Kessin says the Third Temple will descend from Shamayim, IY”H

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