03 July 2022

PART II . . . . . JULY FIRST: The Yahrzeit of Yosef HaTzaddik


JULY FIRST: On the very day, the Yahrzeit, of the passing of Yosef HaTzaddik, the world lost a Tzaddik of a doctor, Velvel Wolf Zev Zelenko. Why was he named three variations of “Wolf”.  Because like the Tribe of Binyamin, as Rabbi Mechoel Green tells us:

There are special individuals among us who are 

blessed with wolf-like quality in a holy sense. [2]

What else happened on JULY FIRST? 
At the Jerusalem Theater?
The Epitome of Falsity and Distortion.
This Boggles the Honest G-dly Mind: 

Nine Hundred people stood and cheered for Pfizer chairman and CEO 

*Dr. Albert Bourla.

"The theme of the evening, as repeated several times by emcee Sarah Rafferty, was healing and hope. Bourla symbolizes both. Rafferty, who is best known for her role as Donna Paulson in the legal drama Suits, said that she is currently contracted to play in other productions. She also said that she had never expected to meet Bourla in person, and was extremely grateful on behalf of her family, who had benefited from him. She also thanked him for having given her some of his time, during which time he quoted Greek philosophers. 

"Former Israel ambassador to the US Ron Dermer said that Bourla was deserving not only of the Genesis Prize, often referred to as the “Jewish Nobel Prize,” but that he is also deserving of the Swedish Nobel Prize. Every speaker for the evening related to the traditional Jewish belief that he who saves a single life saves a whole world. They noted that Bourla, with his determination to see Pfizer quickly produce a life-saving vaccine, had saved untold millions of worlds. Bourla himself, noting the presence of two of his predecessors Robert Kraft and Natan Sharansky, listed some of their attributes, and said he was honored to be mentioned in the same breath as them. 

"One of the reasons that Bourla was chosen to receive the Genesis Prize was for his strong commitment to his Jewish heritage and to the State of Israel. In response, he said that inasmuch as he is proud of his Jewish heritage, he is equally proud of being Greek. Here again, he quoted Greek philosophers. His favorite such philosopher was his mother, Sara, who based on her own experience on miraculously being saved at the last minute from a Nazi execution squad, told him repeatedly that nothing is impossible. 

"It was only natural that one of the entertainers for the evening should be Yehuda Poliker, whose parents, like Bourla’s, were Holocaust survivors from Thessaloniki. The audience went wild over Poliker, and clapped along with the music, emitting a huge cheer of appreciation as he played the final chord on his guitar. 

Outside, [a small group of] anti-vaxxers continued to protest

*the creator/developer/pusher of the mRNA death shot that has killed and maimed thousands and thousands. 

[ME: this surely boggles the mind. the dichotomy of evil as good, and good as evil. According to Isaiah 45:7, in this verse, G–d says, "I form the light and create darkness; I make peace and create evil."]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are the real erev rav amaleikim! They are soul-less!
Those who cheered them on are the same!
Now at the end of history, H' has unleashed all the wickedness.

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