26 July 2022

Rabbi Green: Apartheid in Brooklyn

 Apartheid Brooklyn Business Alert in the heart of Crown Heights!

My family and I were shopping in Crown Heights, a hasidic neighborhood in Brooklyn. Suddenly I was shocked to see a sign hanging in the window of a coffee shop called "Chocolatte" stating that only the vaccinated may enter this business as per NYC requirement.

So I entered and asked the employee if that's the case, and if I'm violating their apartheid rule by entering the facility. She claimed to not know anything about it. I found that rather odd given the fact that it appeared that the new sign had recently been hung, so I ripped it down to show to her. (Awe shucks, it ripped in half)

She seemed a little annoyed that I had ripped it down, so I just tossed in the trash where it belonged.

So my chocobig question is, who put the abhorrent sign up at this presumably Jewish establishment when NYC no longer has any jab mandate? And why do the employees play dumb when asked?? Hmm…

NOTE:  The obsession with making everything on your computers gray and fuzzy has now attacked photos; impossible to print a clear and sharp photo of a person or a thing.


bubby of 10 said...

I think it is a huge chilul Hashem to destroy someone else's property, especially in public. Whether you agree with this or not, he had no right to rip down someone else's sign. I find this very disturbing.

Neshama said...

What does one think when posters of children wearing Superman costumes urges them to take the killer jab? Someone’s grandchild might believe it and be in big trouble! Wouldnt that child’s grandmom try and save them from being jabbed with a bioweapon? And maybe dying?
And yes there were posters of children!

Dr. Peter McCullough would say DONT DO IT!!

The great Dr. Peter McCullough is questioning previous vaccines in light of what happened with covid.

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