06 July 2022

Rabbi Green: The Truth About . . .


Tell the Truth about Cancer:  Please stop saying that so-and-so "died after a long battle with cancer."

Say it accurately: so-and-so was murdered by genocidal sociopaths and their incessant onslaught of lethal toxins.

There was no “battle."

“Battle” implies an equal playing field against some ‘natural’ condition that randomly afflicted him all of a sudden. And although the patient ‘aggressively’ resisted this ‘natural disease,’ he ultimately succumbed to it. Had he only “battled harder,” he may have “defeated” the “cancer bug.” It also hints of moral relativism. It takes two to battle.

No, the victim didn’t “battle” with anyone or anything. Instead, he was assaulted, embattled, and ultimately eliminated by rogue eugenicists. It is they who are doing battle. Their billions of human targets are totally oblivious.

The assault was carefully planned and executed over the period of many years, from the moment of the victim’s birth when he was injected with his first dose of pharmaceutical poison. In fact, the attack began well before his birth, from the moment of his conception and even before that, when his mother (and father) had been steadily assaulted with countless accumulative toxins in the air, water, and food.

Enough of their empty slogans and meaningless rhetoric. The only way to “defeat” cancer is by stopping the sociopath elites from inflicting their lethal toxins on humanity. And the only way for an individual to truly “defeat” his own cancer is by detoxing and healing himself from the poisons that contaminated his body and caused his tumors in the first place (if that’s even a possibility in his current state).

“Fighting” cancer with more pharmaceutical poisons is like trying to douse a fire with petroleum. Modern medical mainstream and its pharma handlers never “fought” against cancer. That’s an absurd and cynical lie. They’re the ones determined to perpetuate it.

Saying that “Ploni Almoni died after a struggle with cancer’ is like saying ‘Anne Frank died after her brief battle with Zyklon B.”

So, please insist on accuracy and thereby do justice to your loved one’s memory. Stop saying that he “succumbed to cancer.

Say the truth. He was slaughtered in a modern-day global Holocaust that seeks to destroy us all.

My G-d foil their sinister designs.

Source:  Rabbi Michoel Green

[me: AMEN!]


Anonymous said...

B'H, now we know there are still some real rabbonim left in our midst; the rest are all erev rav.
Yasher koach!

Anonymous said...

Dear Neshama,
I am so glad you published this article.
In fact I wanted to send that link 2 days ago to you.

My mother unfortunately was diagnosed with that terrible thing more than 2 years ago, just on the onset of Corona madness.
She was strong and energetic. Few months later "the doctor" offered her this new "gene therapy poison" called Tagriso.
What did we know, this is a NEW, probably better than conventional chemo poison.
"The doctor"could not give us any stats:what percentage it helped, in different age groups,
Also "the doctor" made it sound so urgent. My mother asked him if she can delay taking it, since she felt good. "The doctor" said "I do not want you to start taking it when you are already sick. You have to take it now, so you don't become sick"

Our acupuncturist advised us against it.
My mother took it for 6 weeks, she almost died. She had horrible pains in different parts of her body, she had skin rashes even in her mouth. She could not eat. Her leg became swollen twice the size.
And "the doctor" had the hutzpah to tell us "OH your blood clot it is not from that drug, it is because of your cancer"
It is SO horrible how they torture people !!! and the hypocrisy they employ "We are trying to save people".

God bless Rabbi Green and My G-d foil their sinister designs.

here is the link to R&B Weekly Seminar: December 14th, 2021). With Dr.Zelenko. and Rabbi Michoel Green


Gavriela Dvorah said...

He's spot on. Once the pharmaceuticals bought fertilizer companies and began their concoction of fertilizer+pesticide+anti-biotics, cancer rates and incidences of autism increased. There is scientific proof of this. There are global sustainable farming communities that have spent decades developing seeds that are free of these chemicals (because the seeds are also treated) and are now experiencing improved crop yields and producing healthy produce. But they had to bravely fight an organized terror organization of corporate farms who insist on killing us all to make a profit. I wrote about this a year ago and still have links to the information if anyone is interested.

Neshama said...

Can I post your comment about your mother?
It would help many people?

Anonymous said...

Yes it was hard for me to write those comments.
but I thought it was important

thak you

Neshama said...

Gavriela Devora, found this hidden in blog comments:

He's spot on. Once the pharmaceuticals bought fertilizer companies and began their concoction of fertilizer+pesticide+anti-biotics, cancer rates and incidences of autism increased. There is scientific proof of this. There are global sustainable farming communities that have spent decades developing seeds that are free of these chemicals (because the seeds are also treated) and are now experiencing improved crop yields and producing healthy produce. But they had to bravely fight an organized terror organization of corporate farms who insist on killing us all to make a profit. I wrote about this a year ago and still have links to the information if anyone is interested.

Neshama said...

Foun this hidden in blogger:
Yes Neshama Please post them, people should have all the information. And please if you can pray for my mother Tzilia bat Genia. She is not well at the moment, she is in the hospital since yesterday. Thank you Victoria

Neshama said...

Leah said: Agreed

Anonymous said...

First, a REFUAH SHLEIMAH to Tzila bat Genia!

Is it any wonder that Chazal tell us that rofim all have a place in gehinnom.
B'H, there are the devoted, compassionate and righteous doctors (fewer than more) such as the beloved Dr. Zelenko, z'l). Any informative person these days already knows of this plan of depopulating the human race. This is probably the biggest sign that our Goel tzedek is around the corner, because the world has reached bottom and H' will not allow this much longer; but we, as yehudim, need to do teshuvah and try our best to wake up our people and the world. We pray for Hashem's great Rachamim with much chesed that HE not delay the Geulah an iota.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much Anon for praying for my mother !
It means a world !

I spent the past 2 days in the hospital and in my observation, there are some amazing orderly, nurses and personal, you look into their eyes and you see they are not just doing it for money, there is compassion and love. It brings tears to my eyes when I remember all those little acts of kindness.
Not so much among doctors, mostly supporting staff.

Baruch HaShem they took the water out from my mother's lung and she can breath better. May HaShem make sure her fall was the reason for that water.

Shabbat Shalom to everybody

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