24 January 2022

The Jerusalem Report’ With Ilana Rachel Daniel

The Jerusalem Report - 

Founder Monica Smit from Reignite Australia Democracy: “We Were Born Into This Moment To Do This Work”


Please go here to watch –

And then watch this mainly some surprises about ISRAEL 


Anonymous said...

So disturbing that was so obvious and known for so long is first starting to percolate where people are waking up to something that was and is right in their face. Shows you the impact of media on the public who are too lazy to think for themselves, research and learn from others and instead rely on the outlets that have been known for years to be propaganda machines and that is the general mainstream media! How many millions, r'l, have to leave the world so unnaturally in order for people to realize that something is so very wrong. Until it hits home, they're not interested. Surprisingly, it seems the stupidest people on earth have been the 'Israelis' (not Jews because they have foresaken G-D, Torah and all that matters in this life) who believe in 'memshala' and their sheker. Wow, talk about tipshus! These Israelis better wake up and realize they are first and foremost JEWS, H's people and if they foresake H', they will surely be foresaken. Of course, at least 3 to 4 million are not Jews. This has all been a test, so wake up true Jews and do real TESHUVA! Sorry, to be so direct but if they still don't understand then their minds have literally been stolen, chas v'sholom!

Neshama said...

You must realize that the soft inside kindhearted Israelis were indoctrinated and deprived of any real Jewish education. Most of them are I believe “captives”. When the Emes becomes evident to them many will be shocked into wanting to know more.

Anonymous said...

Of course, the pintele Yid is always there in the Yiddish neshama. But many are not even Jewish. This has all been a wakeup call for our people to return to at least the basics of Yiddishkeit.


Rabbi Weissman: Take This to Heart!

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