10 January 2022

Make The Unvaccinated Suffer . . .

Survey: Most Israelis Endorse Pres. Macron’s Plan to Make Unvaccinated Suffer

Last Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron shocked his nation when he announced he wanted to [expletive] off the millions of unvaccinated French citizens by keeping them out of public spaces. Macron regretted that he couldn’t “throw them in prison” or “vaccinate them by force,” but insisted he could still make their lives more difficult.

Macron suggested a new vaccine pass that would be enforced without compromise and make it impossible for the unvaccinated to sit in restaurants or cafes—which is most of what you do in your free time if you’re French—or go to the theater and the movies.

On Sunday morning, FM103 cited a Panels Politics survey showing that close to 61% of respondents who voiced their opinion on this matter supported the exasperated French president’s threats, wishing Israel would also turn the lives of the local unvaccinated into a living hell. Only 39% objected.

70% of respondents ages 60 plus support the enhanced restrictions, compared with 42% of people under the age of 29, 50% of the 30-44 age group, and 62% of the 45-59 age range.

Also, it turns out the better educated and richer Israelis are, the harsher they would like their government to treat those pesky unvaccinated walking among them. About two-thirds of those with an academic education support the restrictions, compared with 58% with post-high school education and 41% who only finished high school.

Likewise, 68% of Israelis whose income is above average support enhanced restrictions, compared to 46% of lower-income earners, and 52% with an average income.

In Germany, even though Chancellor Olaf Scholz insisted he was “chancellor of the unvaccinated, too,” the government is excluding the unvaccinated from public life and is debating making vaccination mandatory. Neighboring Austria will enforce its first mandatory vaccinations in February.

The Italian government is considering making vaccination mandatory for people over the age of 60. Incidentally, on the same Wednesday when President Macron lost it publicly, France registered 332,000 new cases of the virus in 24 hours.

Does Israel Want to See thousands of Israelis doing this Too?

Et tu, Brute = Macron

At least 100,000 people took to the streets of France in protest against restrictions and mandates, after President Macron promised to make the lives of the un jabbed increasingly hard until they accept the jab. The huge crowds on Saturday were roughly four times larger than back on December 18, according to police estimates. The protesters opposed, among other things, a nearly implemented government plan to make proof of jab mandatory to use public transport, eat at restaurants, and attend events.-

READ THIS:  Prof G Rahav, Sheba Hospital says


Anonymous said...

The true Frenchman has uncovered his typical and usual French anti-semitism and vileness. Nothing new about that. Hoping the 'Jews' in EY learned their lesson already and will not fall for any of the trickery being perpetrated against our people and humanity. The French are the same oisvarfen they always were throughout history!

Anonymous said...

Those socalled Jews who concur with the antisemitic french leader and his minions are themselves not Jews; they are proving it because H' is making everyone expose themselves for what and who they really are. These are the erev rav within our midst. We must remember when we left Mitzrayim the mitzrim outnumbered the Jews; so today Israel is outnumbered with many goyim. This is part of the beginning stages of our Geulah; may it come with the greatest of Rachamim for every ben and bat Yisrael and H' knows who we all are and we must also do our hishtadlut and prove how much we need Hashem and cry out to HIM for salvation as we did in Mitzrayim and the miracles will come forth at even a greater level than then! May it be.

Neshama said...

Thank you emmess, I so agree with you.
HaShem is culling those Erev Rav leftover from 20th c. Europe and Russia that emigrated from, to Eretz Yisrael as early pioneers. These were not the frum Jews that came to EY in the 1880s.

At this point in time, this sounds good

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