18 January 2022



Rabbi Mutzafi: Those who Dissuade Others from the Vaccine ‘Will Sit with Murderers’


When it is the likes of ‘those’ who are corrupted inside through and through from the “EXPERIMENT” that will be murdered!

It’s only a matter of time!

Trust the Science

The WHO on V Protection

Let me add to this again the following:


Anonymous said...

Is he bought and payed for, or just stupid ?
In either case he has disqualified himself to be called "gaon" and "leader of generation". With such "wise" "leaders" who needs enemies ?!
And now, how fitting to the weekly portion of Torah about Amalek, let's remember Talmud's warning about MEDICAL DOCTORS BEING PARTNERS OF AMALEK !
Surely not only medical doctors are meant in this warning, but also those political "leaders" and "rabbis" who sold their soul to Amalek of the Medical Mafia !

yaak said...

I must protest this post and the comment made.

Such words should not be spoken against Torah scholars, especially great Poskim like Rav Mutzafi Shlit"a.

If you have a disagreement with him, there are respectful ways of saying it or, better yet, not saying anything at all.

Anonymous said...

Yaak, must disagree with you in respect to what you wrote here. If this man has the audacity to call those (and they happen to be 'correct') who are against these jabs, murderers, then surely he deserves a rebuke. Today, we know we are at the keitz haymim of history where our Sages tell us most of the rabbis will be erev rav! If this rabbi agrees with the ptb instead of clear common sense, then he could just disagree and give a valid reason why but NOT to calling fellow Jews 'murderers'; especially when it is a fact that these jabs have proven to be dangerous to life and limb. Either side should hold back with the name calling.


Anonymous said...

Dear yaak,

Your protest is based on fear to rock the boat.
But unfortunately our boat is very much rotten, so rotten it presents now a real danger to the life of millions of Jews in Israel and abroad.
And those brave people who dare to rock this rotten boat, despite all the pressure from establishment, and personal danger for themselves, are the real heros, who try to save the Jewish people from another holocaust.
And you, dear yaak, are unfortunately on the false side of this war.
And your advice given here, just to shut up and "better, yet, not saying anything al all" is very very wrong in so many ways...

But in order to prove you wrong, let me give the word to a real Rabbi - Hananiya Weissmann - by citing his latest article, which answers your "protest" very well:

"178 Rav, or Erev Rav?"

Rfarkas said...

To anonymous can you supply bus with the source in Talmud to that to says that Dr are amalek "MEDICAL DOCTORS BEING PARTNERS OF AMALEK !"
Thanks so much

Neshama said...

RFarkas: we are searching for you.
In the meantime, what about this, "the last Mishna in Kiddushin, which stated that the best doctors go to hell."

Anonymous said...

To Rfarkas - yes, here is the quote:

Kiddushin 82a
רבי יהודה אומר ... טוב שברופאים לגיהנם והכשר שבטבחים שותפו של עמלק
Rabbi Yehuda said: ... the best of doctors is destined for hell, and even the best of the butchers is a partner with Amalek.

Neshama said...

RFarkas: Here is one source you can read: ""

Neshama said...

Yet another reading:

Anonymous said...

To Rfarkas - continuation:

In my very first comment, above, I somehow "freely" translated this Mishna saying that "doctors are partners of Amaleq" - based on the following reasons:
1. the original word טבחים is somehow mistranslated in the most popular english translations of Talmud as "butchers", but the truth is that this word means much more then just a butcher, it has a more general meaning as a "food producer", which can be best associated with our days' "FOOD INDUSTRY";
2. The "medical doctors"(רופאים) are mentioned in this Mishna in one sentence, together with this word "food producers"(רופאים) - and this implies a close connection between these two groups of evildoers: "doctors" and "food producers";
3. The most original source of this Talmud/Mishna is a much more ancient Baraita, and it is well known that many such ancient Baraitot are based on ancient Prophecies ! It is obvious for me that this Baraita contains a prophetic statment specifically valid for our times - the End Times - the Time just before Mashiach's comming !
4. And we , in merit of living in this generation, can easily testify that the Medicine Mafia is working very much together, as one team, with the Food Mafia - the Food Mafia (טבחים "butchers") work on the project of poisoning the populations, while the Medicine Mafia (טבחים "doctors") are dedicated to the project of making profit from the sick population, never allowing for a real cure of their illnesses but offering only a very temporal "solutions" for their multiple simptoms.

Therefore I allowed myself a liberty to merge both groups "doctors" and "bucthers" mentioned in this Mishna, into one single entity, and apply the predicate "partner of Amalek" not only to the "butchers" group but to the "doctors" as well.

Kiddushin 82a
רבי יהודה אומר ... טוב שברופאים לגיהנם והכשר שבטבחים שותפו של עמלק
Rabbi Yehuda said: ... the best of doctors is destined for hell, and even the best of the butcher is a partner with Amalek.

Anonymous said...

To Rfarkas - continuation:

In my very first comment, above, I somehow "freely" translated this Mishna saying that "doctors are partners of Amaleq" - based on the following reasons:
1. the original word טבחים is somehow mistranslated in the most popular english translations of Talmud as "butchers", but the truth is that this word means much more then just a butcher, it has a more general meaning as a "food producer", which can be best associated with our days' "FOOD INDUSTRY";
2. The "medical doctors"(רופאים) are mentioned in this Mishna in one sentence, together with this word "food producers"(רופאים) - and this implies a close connection between these two groups of evildoers: "doctors" and "food producers";
3. The most original source of this Talmud/Mishna is a much more ancient Baraita, and it is well known that many such ancient Baraitot are based on ancient Prophecies ! It is obvious for me that this Baraita contains a prophetic statment specifically valid for our times - the End Times - the Time just before Mashiach's comming !
4. And we, in the merit of living in this generation, can easily testify that the Medicine Mafia is working very much together, as one team, with the Food Mafia - the Food Mafia (טבחים "butchers") work on the project of poisoning the populations, while the Medicine Mafia (רופאים "doctors") are dedicated to the project of making profit from the sick population, never allowing for a real cure of their illnesses but offering only a very temporal "solutions" for their multiple simptoms.

Therefore I allowed myself a liberty to merge both groups "doctors" and "butchers" mentioned in this Mishna, into one single entity, and apply the predicate "partner of Amalek" not only to the "butchers" group but to the "doctors" as well.

Kiddushin 82a
רבי יהודה אומר ... טוב שברופאים לגיהנם והכשר שבטבחים שותפו של עמלק
Rabbi Yehuda said: ... the best of doctors is destined for hell, and even the best of the butcher is a partner with Amalek.

Anonymous said...

Loved these perfect and easily understandable comments which should answer everyone's questions they might have about the wicked rofim and phony rabbis, etc. Put your faith & trust ONLY IN HASHEM. Ain Od Milvado!

yaak said...

To all who disagree with my protest, thank you for your comments which will allow me the opportunity to explain why I believe I am correct in this debate. And why you should too.

I wrote a post in 2006 called "Bizui Talmidei Hachamim", which brings down various sources why mocking and denouncing great rabbis is a terrible sin.

As the sources are in Hebrew, I will summarize the main points in English:

- Yerushalayim was only destroyed because they mocked Torah scholars (Shabbat 119b)
- Anyone who mocks Torah scholars has no cure to his wound (Shabbat 119b)
- An apikoros - this is someone who mocks Torah scholars (Sanhedrin 99b)
- [A certain punishment came upon someone] because he once heard the mocking of a young Torah scholar and he didn't appropriately protest (Bava Metzia 84b)
- One who mocks a Torah scholar in his heart while outwardly honoring them is judged in the first level of Gehinnom. One who openly mocks a Torah scholar is judged in the 4th level of Gehinnom. (Zohar Hadash)
- It is a great sin to mock the sages or to hate them...One who mocks the sages has no portion in the world-to-come. One who does so in front of witnesses is excommunicated and fine - and the fine goes to the mocked sage. (Rambam Hil. Talmud Torah 6:13-14)
- One who mocks Torah scholars have no portion of the world-to-come and do not rise during the Resurrection of the Dead. (Rav Hayim Vital, Sha'arei Kedusha Part 2 Gate 6)

Any one of these should make one shudder before one speaks one word against a Torah scholar.

Now, many of you contended that the Divrei Hayim says that at the End of Days, most of the rabbis will be of the Erev Rav so that should give us the right to call rabbis "Erev Rav".

This is a terrible error.

First of all, this statement was a hashkafic statement, which should have no bearing on halacha.

Secondly, even if you give it halachic weight, if you take all the statements above on one side of the scale and the Divrei Hayim's statement on the other side of the scale, there is absolutely no contest that the statements of Hazal, Rishonim and Aharonim vastly outweigh that of the Divrei Hayim.

And lastly, who are you to decide which rabbis are the Erev Rav and who are not? Are we basing it on whichever rabbis are against whatever agenda you want to promote? Those are Erev Rav?!?! Really?!?! If true, anyone can call anyone Erev Rav. It just becomes an epithet to throw at people.

I will now translate the last source from that 2006 blogpost, written by Rav Aviner Shlit"a:

There exist all different types of Torah scholars with all different opinions and viewpoints. And it is forbidden to mock them even if you don't agree with them.

But they found an ugly excuse that exists also in regard to Ahavat Yisrael. When people ask, "How can you speak this way against a Jew? Where is your Ahavat Yisrael?" some answer, "I definitely believe in Ahavat Yisrael, but this Jew took himself out of the category of 'Yisrael'. He's a Kofer, an Apikoros, part of the Erev Rav!" This is an excuse to permit hatred of Jews.

And also, "Why do you mock a Torah scholar?" The answer given is, "G-d forbid. I am not mocking Torah scholars. Rather, this person is not a Torah scholar!"

However, this mockery is the worst kind - to say about him that he is not a Torah scholar. He is definitely a Torah scholar! But just not a Torah scholar who thinks like you and me. Sometimes, there are differences of opinion among Torah scholars and sometimes among Gedolim - even in very serious matters. There is a Hareidi rabbi and there is a Zionist rabbi who is different than me. Just because he is so prevents him from being a Torah scholar?! Towards him, we need holy trepidation.

Lee said...

How do we know Rav Mutzafi said this?
I found nothing about it on this page .

Neshama said...

Anon@ 23:19, be careful calling “Rabbis” like you did. All Rabbis are not and should not be termed unreliable. A true Gadol b Torah is as Rabbi Weissman explains. Do not smear or disdain the title “Rabbi”. We must be careful to continue to respect each person as in the image of G-D. Sometimes they say things we don’t agree with, and sometimes one can reveal the rather lack of judgement in something said. One must be careful. There is sufficient anti Jewish sentiments out there.

Neshama said...

One must be able to discern between humility and truth vs manipulation and false agenda.

Anonymous said...

Dear Yaak,

Thank you so much, for making it so easy to us to dismiss most of your concerns!

Apart of that 90% of what you wrote did not adress at all the urgent topic we are
taking about - a life and death situation threatening lives of millions of Jews,
but instead you chose to apply a typical mind control tool, to divert a discussion
to another, completely unrelated and irrelevant topic, and chose so to focus on a
demagogical arguments protecting "honour" of your Rabbis - apart of that fault,
you did really make us very easy to dismiss your agruments.

How ?
By relying heavily on one particular "authority" you did mention in your reply -
rabbi Shlomo Aviner !

Now let me give the word to one of the real Jewish heros - the famous very
courageous researcher of corruption in Israel and the foremost authority on
cripto-Sabbatian-Frankist conspiracy - the late BARRY CHAMISH, of blessed
memory, Zichrono Tzadik leVracha, by citing from his most important book
your "hero" and "authoriy" "rabbi" Shlomo Aviner as an evil traitor,
Shabak-plant agent-provocateur and crypto-Sabbatian-Frankist pseudo-"rabbi" !

begin of citations:
Before my lecture, I meet with three rabbinical scholars, and after the lecture with a former woman student of Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, one of the organizers of the last gasp protest march set for the next day. They have gathered damning evidence that Aviner is a Shabak plant inside the Yesha Council. They are certain he has already sabotaged the march beyond repair.
The evidence is indeed damning. In one of his books, Aviner admits to working for an Israeli intelligence agency. He told the Maariv reporter Kalman Lipskind that, "Every now and then the Shabak asks me to write an article for them." As the case builds, one scholar makes the claim that Aviner is a Sabbataian.
"And it's Aviner," I was told, "who has been destroying the resistance movement from within. It is he who has ordered his soldier students to obey commands to attack us. It is he who has decreed no resistance to the police. And he is a major organizer of tomorrow's march, so you can be sure it will be a sham."
The speakers mount the podium. Just as I was warned the day before, Rabbi Aviner appealed to the crowd not to defy the police, "who are our own flesh and blood."
The new kapos with names like Wallerstein and Aviner pretended to be leading a rebellion, but they were really collaborating with the authorities. They pretended to back civil disobedience so long as no one was hurt or any damage caused. And that's just what the authorities asked them to do.
end of citations.

And it is only a very small fraction of all the damning evidence about your "hero" and "rabbinic authoriy" - "rabbi" Shlomo Aviner !

Thank you so much, dear Yaak, for having made me it so easy to debunk you, and your "great teacher".

But, wait, what about yourself ?!
How can we be sure that you yourself are not a Shabak plant agent-provocateur, after all that you wrote here quite exposing yourself ?!

After all, you are applying here to our discussion and to our resistance against the
murderous project of poisoning Jews by this deadly "vaccine", nearly the same demagogical tactic, as your "great teacher" Shlomo Aviner did apply in the past to the popular resistance to the crimes of Gush Katif !

So I ask myself, what are your real goals, dear Yaak ! And why did you choose to write what your wrote ?

I'm not accusing you about anything, I'm just curious ...

Anonymous said...

Recently i wrote that it's written somewhere in our books that rabbanim will do tshuva at the end because of their own interests...My husband many years in Torah, and he admits it with pain, I hope yaak will react on this, Leah

yaak said...

Anonymous 10:09,

I am both appalled and amused at different parts of your disgraceful and laughable comment. Methinks you need to get out of your conspiracy theory basement a bit.

This really doesn't deserve a reply, but for the sake of the other readers, here we go:

1) I absolutely did NOT rely heavily on Rav Aviner's comments. I mostly relied on the comments of Hazal, Rishonim and Aharonim (which you seem to have ignored completely). Rav Aviner's comments were just there to show a real-world application of what the giants before him have discussed.

2) Rav Aviner Shlit"a is not my teacher and I am not a Talmid of his. I don't even belong to his "camp" either. However, I will defend him as a Torah scholar, which is something you seem incapable of. When you attacked him, I was reminded of the verse in Mishlei 26:11:

כְּכֶלֶב, שָׁב עַל-קֵאוֹ-- כְּסִיל, שׁוֹנֶה בְאִוַּלְתּוֹ
As a dog that returneth to his vomit, so is a fool that repeateth his folly.

3) I have no skin in the game of whether vaccines are good or bad. I have my opinions, but I am definitely not anti-anti-vax. I'm not even sure I agree with Rav Mutzafi's phrasing here. I oppose vax mandates, for example. My contribution to this post ***from the start*** was about denigrating great Torah scholars. That's it. You can continue believing what you want about the vaccine. Just don't denigrate rabbis who disagree with you.

4) Yes, I am a Shabak agent-provocateur. You caught me. I admit to provoking you into writing the nonsense you decided to write. Guilty.

Neshama said...



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