19 January 2022

Tamar Yonah: Speaking From The Heart . . . [like The Prophetess Deborah]

 ‘דוֹמֶהThe Prophetess Deborah = Part 2: This is one fantastic woman! Tamar, you are an inspiration!

Tamar steps on her soap box and pours out her heart as she bemoans the spiritual and earthly battle we are in today. This is a raw, and powerful show. Part 1


Tamar continues her passionate talk on the current situation in the world today regarding the war between light and darkness, slavery and bravery, and your part in it. This is a POWERFUL that show you do not want to miss! The Tamar Yonah Show 18JAN2022 - PODCAST


Anonymous said...

In the merit of righteous women we got out of Mitzrayim? Because men didn't have a see the truth. The same thing happened when prophetess Devorah was chosen by Gd to rule...It happened many times in history with Miriam, Ester, Tamar... I think that only women will save our nation...There is a pasuk in Yalkut Shemoni, Yeshayahu, that says: If man won't have z'chut, a righteous woman will come and  proclaim that Geula is here, and Mashiach is here....not Eliahu Hanavi.
Thank you, leah

ל.ל. said...

Oh sorry, it's actually written in Miam Lo Ez, Ishayahu, nun bet

Neshama said...

Leah, wasn’t she just terrific!

Anonymous said...

She is! I'm still watching the first part.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Well, alright then! Go Girl! I haven't heard that song in a really long time. I sang it once, in a performance. That's another story. Loved it! Thanks for posting because I always forget to tune in to these radio shows.

Neshama said...

Gavriela, I too love those lyrics. I enjoyed the whole (musical) production, and even compared Trump to the Man From LaMancha! Let’s see if he accomplishes that ‘impossible dream'?

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Neshama, I don't think Trump is going to pull off a come-back. The witch trials so-called "committee" investigating the "event" is determined to neutralize him, somehow. The Supreme Court agreed to the release of his archives, which is basically unheard of. They want to understand his "thinking." I think he is the only one who can organize and energize the party, but probably someone else will need to head the ticket. But, who knows...

Neshama said...

Gavriela, Well, according to my understanding what I have heard, Trump is still the President because the election was rigged and illegal, AND A DEFACTO INSURRECTION (overthrowing an elected govt and country), because of the actions of a ‘foreign’ government in the process.
If and when the election is ‘revoked’, Trump will be back in the office.

Barring that, there are enough grounds to arrest most of the Ds and some of the Rs for TREASON and military court trials (and execution). The public has to be ready for this.


  ש לנו תסמונת השיגעון מטראמפ או אנו פשוט לא מוכנים לסמוך בעשיו ? / Do We Have Trump Derangement Syndrome? Or Are We Just Unwilli...