27 January 2022

Holocaust memorial day  -  we get it

 -Today is the official UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

It was on this date that Auschwitz was overrun by the Red Army.

Jews do not need a particular date on the calendar to remember the humiliation, torture, and murder of our people by the Nazis and their many, many, many willing helpers.

The UN resolution representing the nations of the world is very little, very very late, and hypocritical.
The nations of the world would have done better to find their conscience and moral compass when the Jewish people needed it most. They would do well to finally find it today.
But they don't.

Only a tiny handful of saintly souls who chose the path of good did not loin the rest of the world who were either active or silent accomplices in the attempt to murder the Jewish nation a few years ago.

One should not be confused about the UN resolution that condemns the genocide of the Jewish people and then proceeds to place Israel in a "bad corner" designed and reserved only for the Jews. The UN created a special category for the pariah state that the Jewish survivors built and defends from annihilation.

The well-worn accusations and libels of the nations and the official world body don't surprise us anymore. We have heard the same for thousands of years.

The long list of truly monstrous, criminal countries that are warmly welcomed into the family of nations while the Jewish state is always maligned no longer surprises us.
We no longer seek logic or justice.

 Just a few years after the Holocaust nations again openly prepare to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth.
Individual Jews the world over, are increasingly attacked verbally and physically.  Nothing has changed.
Again, or still, there are Jews who will ask "what can we do to convince them that we are really good and be accepted. How can we correct ourselves? There must be a reason for their hate.
"Jewish guilt", as Jewish as chicken soup.

It's not about borders or "Palestinians”. It’s much older and much deeper than any political conflict.
It's about Jews, it’s called antisemitism.

The holocaust was the greatest Hillul Hashem (disgrace of G-d's name) in history because the forces of evil humiliated the chosen People of G-d the vehicle he chose for His message of good.
The Jewish people have always been that small annoying voice reminding the world that they are expected to choose good over evil.
Not everyone likes this reminder.

In their eyes, the Jews were the biggest threat to the rule of evil and had to be humiliated and killed to the very last Jewish baby.
They understood. There was logic to their obsession.

In this, it was also a Kiddush Hashem (Hallowing G-d's name). We are the ones that Evil has always identified as their enemy, today as well. What an honor!
That is a big statement.

How does one logically explain the constant attack on the Jewish state in the UN?
Why is Israel the only country slated for annihilation?
Why does Europe pay lip service to Holocaust conscience and memory and then enable those in the Muslim world who revel in Jew-hatred and actively try to destroy the country of the Holocaust survivors?

Why does Europe, and the rest of the world champion the manufactured "Palestinians" in their quest to wipe out and replace the Jews in their promised land?

Why the urgency, why the obsession? Are there no other problems in the world?
Is this what being "enlightened " looks like?

Dear enlightened world, we don't expect logical answers or justice.
We know the answer.
Now that we understand each other, shall we end the charade?

Listen well.
Am Yisroel Chai.


My book is available on Amazon,
"Jews, Israelis and Arabs"

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Gavriela Dvorah said...

Yes, and let's not ever forget that America not only sat by, but even sought to do business with Hitler yms, even when there was "credible" news of his oppression of the Jewish people. After this, when there was "credible" proof of the atrocities against us, they refused to slightly detour, and bomb the tracks carrying us to death. They returned a ship filled with refugees, condemning them to death. They refused to accept children that righteous gentiles were spiriting away from death. And if it hadn't been for the Russians, more of us would have been murdered in Auschwitz. But today, American wants to claim how much it helps us, and idiotic Jews in Israel who apparently never learned history opine about how much we need America to save us. And lastly, for this reason, I could care less about what happens to Ukraine. In my opinion, HaShem should arrange it so that Russia bombs them into the crater of the earth. They were worse than the Nazis yms, and have not changed to this day. But, we suck up to them too just so we can go visit the bones of Rebbe Nachman, whose bones should be brought home to Israel this day. End of rant.

Anonymous said...

Wow, said it all, Gavriela! You brought out an especially important point:
'People not knowing any history' (even if it's not that long ago).Yasher Koach!


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