02 January 2022

Tamar Yonah Interviews Shalom Pollack: Bennett's Government ... Divides

After the murder of a young father in a shooting attack by terrorists, which wounded two others, 

the Bennett Government took action. They found and arrested terrorists involved in the attack. 

But is that enough? To make matters worse, the government then had the Yeshiva, near where the attack took place, 

bulldozed down and destroyed. - A gift to the terrorists. 

So, what is motivating this new coalition in the decisions it makes, and why are many Israelis upset 

at the weakness they perceive? 

Tamar speaks with Shalom Pollack, Certified Israeli Tour Guide and author of the book, 

'Jews, Israelis and Arabs: An Observer’s View Of Israel’s Shifting Society’. 

He weighs in on the issue and explains what is going down on the ground. 

A fascinating show! You can contact Shalom Pollack at:

The Tamar Yonah Show 27DEC2021 - PODCAST



With reference to the last segment of this interview:

A telegram from Heinrich Himmler to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in 1943 was found in the archives of the National Library of Israel this week. In the telegram, Himmler, a high-ranking Nazi party official and head of the SS, offered the Mufti support in his struggle against “Jewish intruders.”

“The joint recognition of the enemy and the struggle together against it are what build the solid basis between the National Socialists of Greater Germany and freedom-loving Muslims of the world,” Himmler wrote, according to a translation by Times of Israel.

Haj Amin Al-Husseini was appointed as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a religious position, by the British during the mandate period. He, along with other Arab leaders, revolted against the British in 1936 in a bid for Palestinian self-determination. In 1937, the British officially revoked his title as Grand Mufti and he fled to Lebanon.

Husseini met with Hitler in Germany in 1941 to ask for German support of Arab independence from the colonial powers that ruled the Middle East at the time.

Contact Shira Hanau at

Photos: Wikipedia

Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, 1941
Credit: German Federal Archives / Wikimedia Commons

1 comment:

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Yes, and the Gantz-Lapid-Liberman led medinat israel join the woke generation to whitewash truth, such as this one. The new director of Yad Vashem has decided that this part of the story is no longer relevant. It is important to keep this history before our eyes, it is Amalek, who we are commanded to never forget.

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