18 January 2022

Rabbi Weissman – On Kangaroo Courts

 On Kangaroo Courts...and much more

Here is a source with striking parallels to the Walder situation, which I happened to stumble upon, thank G–D.  I would love for those who are defending witch hunts, secret trials, and kangaroo courts to split hairs and explain in CLEAR HALACHIC TERMS why this situation is TOTALLY different, and the usual halachos just don't apply AT ALL.

This source has been added as an update to an earlier article on the Walder situation, here:

יד אפרים על הלכות שחיטה א:א

וכתב בשו"ת מים עמוקים בחלק תשובת מ' אלי' מזרחי ז"ל בסימן כ"ד בעיר אחת שהיו שם שתי קהלות קהל רומניאה ושוב נתישבו קהל ספרדים ולפי שהשוחט היה משגיח יותר לקהל רומניאה שנאוהו אנשי ספרדים והיו מתנכלים עליו להוציאו ממנויו ולכן השתדלו להוציא עדים ביניהם בענין שיופסל ושלחו אליו לבא לבדקו ולא רצה לפי שלא היו שם מאנשי רומניאה וקבלו עדות שלא בפניו והענישוהו תענית ומלקיות ממון וקנס בכ"ז אינו מופסל בעדות זה שלא בפניו ומה שלא הלך כששלחו לו שפיר עביד מאחר שיודע שמחפשין אחריו לפוסלו ולא חזו ליה זכותא וגם כל אנשי רומניאה מעידין שכל הספרדים מקנאים לו מחמת שאינו משגיח עליהם כ"כ ורצו לפזר ממון להוציאו בכדי למנות אחר מאנשי מקומם בכה"ג הני דייני וסהדי נוגעים בו  

And it is written in the responsa of the Mayim Amukim in the section of the response of Eliyahu Mizrachi of blessed memory in chapter 24: 

In a certain city there were two communities, the Romanian community, and subsequently a community of Sefardim settled there.  Because the shochet [kosher slaughterer] gave more attention to the Romanian community, the Sefardic men hated him, and they were plotting against him to remove him from his position.  Therefore they endevored to produce witnesses among them in such a way that he would be disqualified.  They summoned him to come and be examined [in court] and he did not consent, because there was no one there from the Romanian men.  They accepted testimony without his presence and punished him with fasting, [lashes?] monetary damages and fines.  

Despite all this, he was not disqualified with this testimony that was not in his presence.  As for the fact that he did not go when they sent for him, he acted correctly, after he knew that they were searching for a pretext to disqualify him, and they would not see a merit for him.  In addition, all the Romanian men were testifying that all the Sefardim were after him because he didn't give them so much attention, and they were willing to spend money to get rid of him in order to appoint someone else from their place.  In such a case, these judges and witnesses had a vested interest [and were therefore invalid]. (Yad Ephraim, Laws of Shechita 1:1)

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Wednesday at 7 PM Israel time will be episode #23 of our Root and Branch Medical War Crimes series.  Our guest will be Shuey Finkelstein, who was previously a guest for episode #16.  He recently published an article called CHEMED, located in Lakewood, NJ, Deployed the Deadliest Moderna Vaccines upon Jewish Pregnant Women.  

Tomorrow he will be sharing more information on grants that Jewish organizations and institutions have been receiving to push masks on every face and syringes in every arm.    

*   *   *

On that note, this is a smoking gun. Bribery up the wazoo. 

Is your school getting paid to mask your kids?

See the links at the end, especially this one: 

*   *   *

Here's a recent advertisement in Hamodia pushing the third shot (because the first two worked just  as well as advertised, and we can expect more stellar results with each additional shot):

How clever!  I'd like to suggest the following:

Lost your immune system?  You might never get it back, but keep getting shots until you drop.

Lost your ability to think for yourself?  You probably never had it.

Lost your freedom?  Take another shot and we'll let you go to the mall.

Lost your income?  Stop complaining, if it saves one life it's worth it.

Lost your relationships with family and friends?  They are murderers and they deserve to be destroyed.

Lost your trust in G–D?  G–D wants you to trust us.

Lost your mind?  Oh no, there's a new variant, and this one is REALLY bad!


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On the payment (bribes) for NY School Masking: THERE ARE 84 JEWISH SCHOOLS ON THE LIST!! Boy will they be sorry when the LIE hits the fan that they are not needed, do nothing, except infect children and wearers with BACTERIA that will re-infect the wearer.

This is difficult to read, but squint a bit and do read it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All those yeshivas and rabbis complicit, together with the quack doctors who were all complicit in this rishus against Jewish children will have no valid answers before Hashem. Their names and their memories will be just be no more than black stains forever. Yirat Shamayim is all that counts; without it, he is not a rabbi nor scholar nor even worthy of being called a mentsch. If all this doesn't matter or bother any of them, then they need to be kicked out of the Jewish fold immediately forever, because they have no Jewish neshamot! There are no excuses!


Rabbi Weissman: Take This to Heart!

  Prophetic Messages for Jews With Heretical Beliefs For those who trust in the IDF, Trump, Bibi, America, elections, and anything except Ha...