23 January 2022

Just a Few Little Villages??



Il ne s’agit pas de 45 villages mais plutôt de 2300 groupements d’habitations dont la surface peut englober Tel Aviv, Jérusalem, Haïfa et Béer sheva juxtaposées. Nous perdons le Neguev. 

 These are not 45 villages but rather 2,300 groups of dwellings whose surface area can encompass Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and Beersheba juxtaposed. We are losing the Negev. Visit our website:

1 comment:

moshe said...

What is going on now is unbearable, the evil is so great but we must always remember, we are losing 'nothing'. Everything is from Shamayim; great punishments are being meted out in the world because of the evils of man who has sunk to the bottom. But all will be returned to us, no one, nothing can take from us what Hashem has given us and promised us!!! Amen

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