30 November 2021

To Those Who Grasp The Vine

[. . .] The clear mirror is warning us to beware. Everything is foreshadowed. It is a spiritual law that both sides obey. It is built into the program/simulation. The evil ones MUST declare what they are planning on doing before they do it. They are warning another lockdown is coming and so it will. They are warning the power grid will be shut down and so it will. We have been forewarned about even more devious acts to come, but we have also been forewarned about the impending reset and given spiritual tools in how to prepare for it. The 44 spiritual Candles we light this Channukah can help elevate our minds to meet our conscious point at the entrance to Binah. That is all we need; the cosmos will do the rest for us.

We may not see any change; after all, we are in a simulation of a physical world about to undergo a complete reset, but we need see it for it have occurred on the level of our consciousness. The time limit for the global enlightenment was 3 years ago; now it is on an individual basis. Some of us may have already succeeded and we do not even know yet as we still have a role to play within the simulation including the helping of others to awaken. Think of it as being plugged into a VR game. Even if you were handed a fat life-changing check outside the game, inside it, you would still be battling monsters unaware.

While we battle our monsters, let us do everything we can to connect ourselves and others to the codes that open the Gates of Freedom. And now, more than ever we need to draw down the mazal and Moshiach Consciousness.

The two time periods of the Cosmic Wheel 108 and 89 days are combined in the value 1089, which as we recently learned is the number of initial Gimmels (ג) and Dalets (ד) in the Torah, 1089 or 332, or (1100 – 11) to incorporate the two primal frequencies.

The portion of Miketz (מקץ), meaning “from the end,” has a complete sofit gematria value of 1089 or 332, and in standard complete gematria Miketz (מקץ) has a value of 280, the same as the 5 final (sofit) letters independently associated with the end-of-days. The Arizal associated Miketz with our specific generation even though he lived about 450 years ago. He said it alluded to an auspicious date for Moshiach, a “ketz,” literally “an end” – an end to the exile.

The Zohar connected Miketz with the Ohr Haganuz (אוֹר הַגָּנוּז) of gematria 278, known as the light set aside from Creation for Moshiach.  The two final letters in Ohr Haganuz (אוֹר הַגָּנוּז) spell raz (רז), another word for “secret.”

In the Zohar Miketz portion 14:233 as it quotes Malachi 3:20 and refers to Ohr Haganuz, “ ‘But to you who fear my Name, the sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in its wings,’ Come and behold: The Holy One blessed be He, will cause to shine upon Israel the sun, which from the day the world was created, He concealed from the wicked in the world, as it is written…”
The Zohar continues in Miketz 14:234, “The Holy One, blessed be He, stored that light, for when it first came out, it shone from one end of the world to the other. But when He looked upon the generations of Enosh, the generations of the Flood, the generations of the Tower of Babylon and all the wicked ones, He stored the light.”

The darkest days are upon us. It is time we release the Light.

Chag Chanukah Samech


*the above is a guest commentary. as such i recommend that when you light the menorah, for the first half hour, do not utter a sound from your lips, concentrate on Hashem and speak to Him thru your moach (mind).


Tikvah Ruth said...

Absolutely beautiful Neshama.
Chag channukah sameach!
Tikvah Ruth

Dvorah Davida said...

I just finished reading this article last night. Many insights! Very good that you shared it here!

moshe said...

Beautiful article. We should not despair as the evil part does not have to come about if we rise against it all and do teshuvah. We see that much of the world is already protesting against the evil. May H' brings us to the redemption with much kindness and through repentence and goodness, may we be redeemed! The good will always prevail!

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