17 November 2021

Before The Great and Awesome Day . . .


The people, senators, medical professionals and activists all “fight” against the “Covid System and Personnel” as if we are in a rational world that will respond to logic and reason. But this is not the reality! The reality is that “they” are motivated by a set of beliefs contrary to the human condition and planet Earth.

This fight only serves to inform the victims, humanity, that they are part of a plan to eliminate them. “They” want to turn planet earth into a cold and greenery less planet for diabolical purposes. It’s called terraforming. This insanity is other-worldly. Totally against God and His creations, all of them. 

This is probably comparable to the "dor haflagah" before it was destroyed. And incorporating the "dor hadispersion” and “Sedom”, all clumped together.

In His Wisdom, HaShem is allowing this to be so that when the time has come to destroy them they have NO recourse. As promised, HaShem will bring the Geula at the exact moment He deems. And as promised by our Sages and Prophets, it will be  *SupercalafajalistickespeealadojusSpectacular

But not without turmoil and suffering. So prepare yourselves mentally, physically, spiritually, and gashmidigge

The word is a compound word, and said by Richard Lederer in his book Crazy English to be made up of these words: super- "above", cali- "beauty", fragilistic- "delicate", expiali- "to atone", and -docious "educable", with all of these parts combined meaning "Atoning for being educable through delicate beauty." THE BEAUTY OF THE WONDERS OF HASHEM, GOD AL-MIGHTY!


Those who do not consent have every right to refuse both under Jewish laws, American law and the Nuremberg Code Article 6, Sections 1 and 3. Forced compliance would be a violation of our deeply held religious beliefs. Such a deliberate violation would impact every aspect of our lives. From then on a person who submits to these forced vaccinations would know that they have committed a grievous sin against God. That we would be incapable of correcting later because once the graphite and other materials would be introduced into our bodies there would be no way to remove them. Such a person would feel they have committed cannibalism to save their job, to be permitted into stores, and so on. There is no way of knowing how living with such guilt might impact them. Certainly, if it kills us, as it has thousands of others, it would be devastating for our spouses, our children, and other loved ones.

Saving the best for last  (from RivkaLevy):

God created the world, and then He gave us the job of ‘partnering with Him’, so to speak, to rectify it. That means what Rebbe Nachman teaches, that we see the lacks, the problems, the issues in the world, and then we pray on these things wholeheartedly, and ask God to fix them

Because while ein od milvado, God is all there is, God still gave us humans a job to do, which is to recognise the flaws and imperfections in the world – beginning with ourselves – and to beseech Hashem to help us fix them. . . But God has also designed the world in such a way that He requires an ‘awakening from below’ – i.e. our prayers and supplications – before He will step in to fix the problem. [i.e., bio-toxic, radio-wave ‘tunable’ graphene oxide in the shots:  “all the GO in our bodies should ‘bio-degrade’ ASAP” *and* all the graphene oxide nanotech should turn into dust, ASAP, and get flushed out the system]  

Believe in the power of prayer! Believe in the power of your soul, to really affect ‘reality’ in this world!]

So, here’s the basic recipe for how to start turning all this evil to dust:

1) Focus your prayers on the right things!

Get super-detailed about what needs to happen, and why. (AKA: Know thy enemy.)

2) Connect yourself to God, and the True Tzaddikim like Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.

Because our prayers are providing the raw spiritual ‘ammo’ needed to fight the war, but it’s going to get aimed and applied by our True Tzaddikim (and that’s also why so much effort has gone into getting so many of us ‘connected’ to people who are not ‘True Tzaddikim’….)

3) Set your intention.

Say it out loud, something like this:

All these tikkun haklalis (prayers/requests) I’m saying right now are for [specify the details].

Right now, I am stomping [specify the details] into the ground! Every clap is destroying the ‘bad’ within [specify the details] and sweetening it / them, and returning them to God.

This five minutes of hitbodedut is specifically aimed at [specify the details].


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