22 November 2021

Thank You Moshe Dayan

Eliyahu David Kay, 26, a recent immigrant from South Africa, a beautiful Jewish man who served in the IDF paratroopers was slaughtered by an Arab today near the Kotel.

He left a comfortable home to serve his people and land and raise a beautiful Jewish family.

It is not going to happen.

Of course the chief of police and politicians appeared for the photo op.

Surprise! Arabs kill Jews in the Jewish capital and land! 

How can that happen!

These are the same excuses for "Jewish leaders" who accused Jews for the  anti Semitic Arab pogroms a few months ago.

The Arabs are listening  to this libel and self hatred  - and act.

These  arrogant, petty, empty souls  take their cue from the original sin committed by the Defense minister of the Six Day War of 1967, Moshe Dayan.

The Arab murderer today would not be in Jerusalem today to kill a  Jew had Dayan not barred the way of his grandfather to flee our land when the IDF routed the enemy  in 1967.

The enemy population wanted to flee! The fear of God shook them.

Dayan made sure they stayed. Dayan had no God but himself.

He  was  so kind to the enemy. So cruel to his own .

One more Jewish soul on your bloody hands Mr. Dayan.

The pathetic ones in the photo op today  had a good teacher.

May we be blessed with true Jewish leadership.


Get my book

"Jews, Israelis and Arabs"

It's all there.

Shalom Pollack Tours, 

Jerusalem 99386


moshe said...

By now, everyone should realize that those from the very start who were part of the creation of the medina had no intentions of protecting the Jews (real Jews) because those real Jews were thorns and still are in their sides. Moshe Dayan probably had his orders to give the keys and it was easy for him because he was just one of them. It should be clear by now to 'all' that there was good reason for the great rebbes of a hundred years ago to not go along with this plan of making a state because they knew what the real intentions of these bolsheviks were. But, H's Thoughts are not our thoughts but He wanted us to return to our home already, so he used the wicked to start it off but soon it will be the righteous, the truly righteous Jews who will inherit all of Eretz Yisrael and H' will take care of undoing all our enemies and b'ezrat H', we will merit to see the Hand of G-D, His Great Salvation come to pass, hopefully, with great chesed and rachamim. May He hasten it with the greatest of speed - NOW!

Anonymous said...

Amen! Amen! Amen..

May it happen before this year ends... Please Hashem...



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