09 November 2021

Rabbi Kessin – Free Will / Atomic Particles ….. Mashiach ben Yosef

After an intro that covers some of last week, the Rabbi introduces Free Will. It gets more intricate further into the video.

Sub Atomic Particles / Entrophic Principle / Big Bang / Atoms

The Sefiros are subject to the consciousness of man!
After we decide (something) the sefiros react and change
The ability to effect the output of the sefiros

its as if the sefiros wait the decision of man = thats what consciousness is = an "awakening from below"

[i.e. so if man wants that Mashiach should appear and begin His work, man needs to consciously will it, to effect the sefiros to move in that direction]

A sefira is a conduit that carries the Ain Sof, the Shechina

Example: Moshe Rabbeinu was given access to those Sefiros that allowed him to command the makkos; the mateh/staff contained all ten makkos engraved on it.

Mashiach receives the spiritual crown of Adam HaRishon, and then the fireworks begin :-)

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