28 November 2021

Important Information

על אלה אני בוכיה 

עיני עיני ירדה מים


While Hamodia and other news outlets FALSELY claim that Rav Chaim Shlita has said that 5-11 year old kids should get “vaccinated” for corona, (see and 

we KNOW it’s IMPOSSIBLE that Rav Chaim was presented with the data and actually gave a psak, because his own daughter testifies that Rav Chaim no longer recognizes her. He is extremely weak, is not himself, and can barely say a word, 


Additionally, we DO have a recording from last December, when Rav Chaim was presented with the FDA’s own list of 22 possible deadly side effects of the shot, and he said NOT TO TAKE IT


It’s halachically impossible that Rav Chaim said kids should be injected, because kids aren’t dying in our communities from corona, so what would be the heter to inject them with a product that many doctors are warning can cause death? 

If this question was truly and properly presented to Rav Chaim as they claim, let us see the detailed video of the dangers being explained to him as well, together with the fact of zero risk of death from the virus to healthy children, together with the effective available treatments for the virus. 

Let us see an explanation of why we would not follow Orach Chaim 618/4 that tells us that we follow even 2 expert doctors who are concerned against 100 who say no problem? 

This is not true. 

It cannot be true. 

Let them show a psak in writing. 

Someone tried reaching out to one of his family members and he ignored him. 

SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE. Pfizer is earning BILLIONS from the shots. Clearly there is a governmental financial agenda resulting in a tremendous distortion of the truth. 

We also previously spoke to someone VERY close to Rav Chaim, who testified that a letter proclaiming kids should get the shot was placed in front of Rav Chaim and he SAID NOTHING - and then the proclamation was issued in his name!

See this message my friend received today:

”Hi. I saw reported this morning that Rav Chaim Kanievsky said to vaccinate the 5 year old + children and I felt compelled to write to you to inform you that I have been very close to the Kanievsky home for many years and have been mainly close to Rav Chaim and there's no way that Rav chaim was maskim to vaccinate the children . I have also spoken to other people close to Rav Chaim and they agree, two of whom had personally asked Rav Chaim if they should vaccinate their children and he answered with an unequivocal NO. There's a hidden agenda going on with one of Rav Chaim's family members that keeps saying things in Rav Chaim's name. This is extremely dangerous as torah yiddin obviously take Rav Chaim's word as halacha, as it should be if he's really the one giving the psak.  

My message is “be wary of information that you get that seems legitimate but may very well not be.”

What a bizayon Hatorah, as those who seek to profit from the shot use image of the Gadol Hador to prop up their lethal agenda. 


Here are some firsthand accounts personally related to me (on top of about 60 kids’ post-vax deaths on VAERS, see

1) My friend’s high school age daughter in Israel testifies that in her class, among the girls who are vaccinated, someone or other faints or becomes unresponsive once or twice a week. (What are these if not mini-strokes, causing brain damage bit by bit and putting them at risk for major strokes at any time?)

2) The rate of stillbirths among vaccinated mothers has gone sky high. Normally a stillbirth was a rare occurrence but now OB’s, chevra Kaddisha and a chapel all report high double digit numbers each month! 

3) A destruction of shalom bayis as women who got injected bleed for months on end, miscarry, and have ultra short cycles, while men who got the shot sometimes are severely affected in their own way (hameivin yavin), OR make their wives extremely sick to the point of total lack of shalom bayis. The amount of calls that experts in Eretz Yisrael are receiving about these problems both from EY and around the world, are staggering. 

4) Here is a testimony from someone local in the US:  “We are in Maryland.

 A 12 yr old neighbor boy had a heart attack and multiple blood clots (just like my father in another state did.) A 70 year old friend messaged me yesterday, two of her friends lost grandchildren to the Vax recently. BDE. And an ob/gyn friend said “many” frum women and girls here are having issues.”

5) Here are 2 other verified stories: A frum mother of a large family in England passed away 2 days after her injection, leaving a house of yesomim, and a tzaddik of a bochur, learning in EY, passed away very shortly after his injection - related to me personally by the Rav who warned him not to get the shot!

WHAT MORE NEEDS TO BE SAID? This is a DROP in the bucket! I can tell you dozens more stories of death and disability from the Covid shots, for which I have contact information to verify, in our communities. 

Contact Hamodia and tell then how wrong and dangerous their articles are! 

The propaganda being issued in Rav Chaim’s name is only Part 1 of the horrible emergency facing Klal Yisrael. Part 2 is that there’s now a vaccine mandate on ALL TEACHERS in NYC. By December 20 they must get the shot, or the schools will be fined $1,000 per teacher. 

On the other hand, if the teachers do get the shot, the schools are paid per teacher. 

Some schools have already come out urging their teachers to get injected and offering a bonus (one school I was told offered $2,000 for teachers who get it before December 20).

HOW CAN ANY MOSAD mandate a killer shot for their teachers? Indeed, as any Rav who has done a thorough investigation knows, it’s completely asur to be injected with this substance because of the grave dangers to life, health, and fertility. 


Let us join together and speak up and resist!

See Beis Din testimonies by top world expert doctors and scientists clearly explaining the grave dangers and lack of benefit of the shots: 

The Rabbonim came out with a very strong psak after the above testimony saying that the shots are absolutely assur for children and all people of childbearing age and issuing a strong warning for everyone else. 

See the next Beis Din testimony from this Sunday:

See Dayan Yoel M. Friedman and Rav Shlomo A. Pollak (who have done independent research) clearly warning people of all ages NOT to get the shot EVEN if it means giving up their jobs, and coming out strongly against Mosdos mandating it:

Rav Vosner in Eretz Yisrael, the grandson of the Shevet Halevi, heard hundreds of hours of testimony with his Beis Din, and paskened that not only is the shot absolutely assur for kids, but EVERYONE WHO CAN PROTEST MUST DO SO WITH ALL THEIR MIGHT. 

If you think that only few Rabbonim agree with this, please see the following document:

May Hashem save His nation and His world. Sent from my iPhone


JERUSALEM:  There is more: “[…] the Jewish people as the ‘guinea pig’ for all these horrible human experiments that started in Dachau, continued on via Operation Paperclip – and which have been foisted on us in the corrupt State of Israel for the last 70 years."


moshe said...

There is no question in anyone's 'thinking' mind that thinks even for a second that the Rav gave his blessing, c'v, for this samm. He, and/or his family are being threatened or completely closed off from all news, people, etc. These Rabbanim all have askonim who speak for them and even control great rabbis, r'l. So, we know that this is all fabricated 'facts'. Sheker is in and Emes is out, in this era before Moshiach arrives. We need an educated Torah knowledgable people, so they would and could immediately understand why we are going through this period of pure unadulterated evil. But, we know this is not the case as most of our people are completely void of Torah knowledge.
The state of Israel has sinned beyond repentence! We, the people, the victims of the horrific shoa built a 'state' that is being ruled by the same culprits who come from the same above mentioned sonei Yisrael! It's a known fact that nazis, yimach shmom v'zichrom, infiltrated after the war into Israel and married bolshevik Jewish women (Erev Rav Amaleikim) leading the nation and now at this point there is no vestige left of any Yiddishkeit in the heart of the Land. This, according to a great number of B'H real good doctors and rabbis, admit openly (not a secret any more) that the leaders are leading the Jews into the most dangerous period since the shoa of decades ago. H' have Rachamim and hasten the Geulah k'heref ayin, so that no more evil and suffering come upon His children Yisrael, the beloved of Hashem!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

It's hard to know exactly what is going on vis a vis HaRav HaGoan, but I watched the video they released where you can see the table is full of government officials, and his grandson shouts into his ear and the Rav shouts "cen." and then again the grandson shouts into his year, and again the Rav shouts cen and says it should be with hatzlacha. I've been closely watching all the videos and photos of him for the past year, and (1) I've never heard him shout out a single word, and (2) he never appears to be fully on this earth. Like all of our tzadikim, he is already living in Gan Eden, though still here with us in a physical way. I suspect it's possible that it has nothing to do with money and everything to do with government intimidation, such as if you don't tell your people to jab their kids and jab themselves, we'll let Liberman loose on all of you. Unfortunately, we've become like a fetus in the rechem and cannot support ourselves. We suck from the erev rav government and if they should decide to cut the umbilical cord, many people will suffer tremendously. We should have set up our own economic system a long time ago... but it's too late now.

Neshama said...

Gavriela Devorah, I appreciate very much your comment on this. But “a fetus in the rechem” I don’t think really describes our position.
We are morelikely being held under a microscope with Shamayim looking down and waiting for us to “do the right thing” in response to the gezeiros coming down upon us (and all humanity). What did Moses say to those standing before the mighty waters with the Mitzriim bearing down on us? There were three things, as was the way of Yaakov when he met Aisav: prayer, gifts, war. I truly believe we need to use our Peh (as R Anava says) to confess and then beg Hashem. Confess that we will work on ourselves to improve those areas that need correction, and then to beg Hashem to help us reach His goal for us.

And we need to recognize that we are in a biological war. So ALL THREE OF YAAKOV’s response is needed by us.

The gift? Well, the gift is for Hashem, us returning to Hashem.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

The Maharal writes in Koach HaShem that when we were in Mitzrayim, we were like a fetus in the womb of Mitzrayim and this is why it was such a nes that HaShem took us out from there. Hence my analogy, I see us in the same position today. There are not enough of us to cry out to HaShem, as when we stood at yam suf. Chazal say that if HaShem had not taken us out (from the rechem of Mitzrayim) we would have ceased to exist because we were that close to the 50th level. It will require a similar redemption, from Above to Below, in my opinion. Take a look around, especially here in Israel. Now the communications minister wants to stop cell phone companies from providing kosher phones because, in his words, he cares about us because we are Israeli citizens. He wants to replace the Torah and HKBH with medinat Israel. But this is nothing new. Frum Jews are placed in a tough spot because they need the medinat and yet the medinat wants to destroy Torah Jewry. Recently people came to sit shiva with the family of the lone soldier who was murdered by a terrorist. The emunah lacking medinat suddenly went into panic mode over a made-up emergency and decided to ban everyone coming to Israel from Africa--immediately. These people arrived and were threatened with either desecrating Shabbat and getting on a plane to Dubai, I think, or going to jail. This is not a medinat that stands on the Torah. Yet, at the same time, we are stuck in it. So, I think the analogy as written by the Maharal about our situation in Mitzrayim applies today, except that the cast of characters is different.

Neshama said...

Thank you so much Gavriela. Obviously I did not know that. And I agree with how you presented it. And yes it was disgraceful what they did to those from So Africa on erev Shabbat.
Funny, i watched the candle lighting at the Kotel, and there were two relatives of Eliyahu Kay there. Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch gave a dvar Torah and spoke about “Eli”, Eliyahu Kay. I think those two relatives were the ones who came from So Africa. Maybe not? There was a nice dedication to him.
And, a dichotomous State representative attending and lighting the Menorah, was MK Matan Kahana (Yamina), min of religious services. see here
There was a multi-dimensional attendance = a show of unity (in diversity). But i digress from our topic,

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