21 November 2021


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מסר מהבבא סאלי!!! משיח בן דוד כאן!!! לחזור בתשובה ומהר!! נגמר הסבל!! הרב חן שאולוב

בס"ד הוא הגיע לאשתו האלמנה בחלום וביקש שתגיד לעם ישראל לחזור בתשובה! לא נשאר הרבה זמן

להזמנת הרב להרצאה בעירכם\בבית\באולם:
 050-226-0650   טלפון הארגון: 0556881423

Since I am having blog-trouble commenting on my own blog, I add here a comment from “G” that might help readers:

“My husband was in kollel last week and he called me to say that the Rav had just told them about the Baba Sali's widow and her dream. According to what the Rav said, his widow said that the Baba Sali came to her in a dream, told her to cover her head to her eyes and to go to the shul and tell the people that the cheshbon of Am Israel is complete. That's all I know and of course, it lends itself to interpretation. As far as I know, this dream and the telling of it took place within the last couple of weeks. It felt right when I heard it, and as I write, I am waiting every day.”

And:  “ Some say it's Baba Sally's widow. Some say it's the granddaughter, so what's the truth?


bubby of 10 said...

Can someone please translate?

Tikvah Ruth said...

Can both these videos be translated to English please?

Anonymous said...


Neshama said...

Can someone give an unbiased synopsis for Bubby of 10?

Anonymous said...

חלק אומרים שזו אלמנתו של בבא סאלי חלק אומרים שזו הנכדה אז מה האמת?

Neshama said...

To Anonymous: please use a screen name to have your comment published

moshe said...

To translate the anonymous Hebrew comment: Just says that some say this woman is either the Baba Sali's widow or his grandaughter. Also, the woman in the video is saying that she had a dream from her husband that Moshiach is already here.

Moshe said...

I think I know the exact date of coming the Mashiah but this time I will not tell the world, because every time I am telling the date it is not happening. :) Happy Hanuka to every one !

Neshama said...

Anon, no name, no comment.

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