04 November 2021



[one of the outcomes stated by the ’next in line to be K of E’ is that the people are in the way of saving the world!]

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with Bill Gates during the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland. [the viper got to PM NB]

The two agreed to establish cooperation between the Jewish State and the Gates Foundation in the ‘climate change’ innovation space.

“Israel is known as the startup nation, and I think that it’s time we pivot and channel our national energy — which is the energy of the people, the brainpower — to fighting climate change,” Bennett told Gates adding “We’re going to take this as a national mission.”

Bennett suggested that Israel’s hi-tech entrepreneurs can pivot from the cloud space to climate change innovation. But that didn’t seem to be enough for Gates who said that he’d like to see Israel become involved in adaptation including “seed and livestock work.”

“We not only need innovation in climate mitigation to reduce the emissions” Gates claimed. “We also need a lot of innovation and adaptation and that’s another area where a lot of you know and this is in the Gates Foundation we do agriculture including both seed and livestock work.”

Bennett said that Israel is cooperating with many of its neighbors on climate-related challenges, particularly in the area of water security.

Gates told Bennett that his ” big belief is that we can solve climate change if we accelerate innovation.”

“Given the talent that you have and what we’ve seen in the digital space, how do we unleash more of that? So I’d love to take that R&D innovation push and figure out where Israel can partner with us” Gates added.

Gates noted that both himself as well as Bennett — who earned millions in hi-tech  — understood that “innovation was the key.”

[they linked CV to CC = NWO]


Anonymous said...

When Israel sins, they outdo everyone else. Woe, Woe!
With Erev Rav & Amaleikim as the new leaders, Hashem protect every Jewish neshamah in E.Y. and everywhere else!
The planet has gone mad and the inmates are running the asylum.

Anonymous said...

Where oh where will this end.

As Noahide i am davening too that Hashem send us the Mashiach soon. Amen.

times i wish i could just disappear..

Hashem help us all please... Amen.


Neshama said...

none, that’s a good question. I have a suspicion that it will continue into next year and maybe even longer, until Mashiach finally is revealed!
HaShem have rachamim on Your children PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Dear Nonee,
WE all are going thru similar moods.
But we should NEVER allow ourselves to feel defeated or powerless !
Because we are NOT !
The mere fact that Ha Shem in his infinite kindness opened our eyes, so we can distinguish between GOOD and bad. should empower us and make us joyous !
We should wake up as many people as we can !
We all need to be redeemed jews and non jews.

Nonee, how is the mood in Noahide community ?

May Ha Shem bring us geula with abundant kindness and mercy !
Shabat Shalom


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