10 November 2021

Helicopter Intimadating Women and Children and Now This:


Birds are dying in the United States and no one knows why

There's a new epidemic, this time among birds. An illness is infecting them in the US capital ― and it's spreading. Experts say the cause is unknown.

While humans and other animals continue to grapple with COVID-19, a new epidemic seems to have hit multiple bird species in North America.

Across the United States, people have been finding dead birds. The birds appear to have been hit by a wave of mysterious illnesses since April. 

Ornithologists (bird experts) say the dead or ailing aviators tend to have swollen eyes as well as neurological issues that seem to be causing the birds to lose balance.

"It’s not unusual to see birds with eye problems," says Jim Monsma, director and founder of the animal rescue center City Wildlife in Washington, D.C.

Monsma has worked in animal protection and rehabilitation within urban areas for 25 years, especially in the D.C. area. 

But it took Monsma and his colleagues a while to realize that what they were seeing was "not usual."

"We didn’t know at first we were dealing with an epidemic," Monsma says. 

Read all about it HERE

Maybe they were sprayed with spyke proteens?


Anonymous said...

You might be right (your comment at the bottom, Neshama).
Also, look where it's happening, where all the baayot are coming from; the makom of reshaim.

Anonymous said...

The birds could very well be dying due to 5G.

Neshama said...

Yes, the poor birdies, and all of us too.

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