02 November 2021

Dr Zelenko – Ze’ev Ben Leah



 DR Zelenko KNOWS and he is not afraid of leaving this world (his statement). the Good Doctor has terminal ..... and will be going under extreme treatment. so whatever he is telling the world is (for lack of a better term) 'his last will and testament' for our benefit. whoever is fighting the good fight also knows this and is working behind the scenes to topple and eliminate this evil force. And yes Hashem is in control, so fasten your proverbial seatbelts because this will be a wild ride to the finish line.


Dr. Zelenko’s Work –
Zelenko Protocol –

Dr. Zelenko  Board Certified Family Physician with over 20 years experience. Dr. Zelenko was nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Nobel Prize , Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide. Dr. Zelenko  recommended that President Trump take hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Zelenko begins the conversation explaining we are living through a global bio weapon attack, the people have the cure to fight it. But this attack was well coordinated and the world elite were in on it. There main goal is depopulation and control.

See also: And

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making sure Dr. Zelenko's vital videos are provided for the public throough your wonderful blog. May H' bless him with a REFUAH SHLEIMAH! He is the Tzadik and Gibor in this generation and B'H that Hashem has provided with the likes of him in this turbulent and pure evil time of history.
May every Yiddishe neshama at this time, including the great Dr. Zev Zelenko on meriting to greet Moshiach Tzdkeinu in a blink of an eye!

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