06 August 2021


If you value the life that HaShem gave you, Question this! 
Even if said by the person, does the Torah want us to believe it! 
Ain Od Milvado!
No doubt we are being tested! 

HaRav Kanievsky: “Target Population Must Receive 3rd Vaccine”

YWN Who supplied the data to the Rav in order to reach his conclusion

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This interview will save your life interview.

Rabbi Weissman:  “We each have the power of emunah in our soul. It is our ability to ignore the way things look and hold strong convictions about something deeper. Everyone chooses how to use that emunah. You can use your emunah power to trust politicians, news media, memes on whatsapp, conspiracy theorists, doctors, experts, Hashem, rabbis - all in spite of evidence to the contrary. What do you choose? I choose to believe in Hashem and the Torah process. “

This survey was created by Rabbi Weissman, “15 Questions to Ask Your Rabbi”  

I asked people to seek answers from rabbis to these 15 questions:

They are:

1. Must a healthy child be injected with a pharmaceutical product – which always carries risks and unknowns – for the presumptive purpose of decreasing the chances of others becoming sick?

2. Is it even permissible to force definite risks and unknowns upon a healthy child for the entirely hypothetical benefit to other people?

3. Under what circumstances, if any, is it permissible for healthy Jews to submit to a medical experiment?

4. Is there any halachic precedent to allow doctors virtually unlimited control over all of Klal Yisrael, indefinitely?

5. On what basis can all of Klal Yisrael be instructed to surrender the power to decide when, if, and under what circumstances they may daven, learn Torah, educate their children, and otherwise live a normative Jewish life to any outside group? Even the Sanhedrin did not exercise such absolute control over the daily life of Klal Yisrael; why is a group of people who are overwhelmingly not Jewish, and even heretics, entitled to greater power over Jewish life than the Sanhedrin?

6. Under what circumstances may a minority of medical opinions be followed?

7. Even in cases where the majority of doctors are followed, shall the opinions of doctors who have not independently studied and demonstrated proficiency in the pertinent science be counted?

8. Similarly, must we count the “majority” opinions of doctors who have conflicts of interest, or risk serious repercussions if they express a view contrary to the establishment?

9. On what halachic basis are we obligated to assume that doctors, rabbis, or anyone else with a serious negi'us (vested interest) will not be influenced by this, especially in matters where we are assuming risks to our health and they bear no liability for anything that happens to us?

10. On what halachic basis must we assume that pharmaceutical companies with an unbroken history of satanic greed and disregard for human life shall be trusted, especially when they have nothing to fear from the law and they have tremendous leverage over the agencies that are supposed to oversee them?

11. On what halachic basis must we assume that government agencies, politicians, health officials, and other influencers of public opinion can be trusted when they have lied, made gross mistakes, engaged in deceit and manipulation, and receive funding from the pharmaceutical companies whose products and positions they endorse? At what point according to halacha does a doctor with a valid medical opinion become compromised?

12. If a rabbi has a position with an agency that has negi'us, or will otherwise suffer repercussions if he expresses a view against the “majority”, on what basis can we assume that his support of their position is not influenced by this?

13. On what basis can we be so sure that this negi'us has no influence over his support of their position that we may bank our physical and spiritual lives on it?

14. In the entire course of Jewish history, during which our nation endured many plagues, has there ever been a response so widespread, intrusive, authoritarian, and unlimited both in scope and duration? Why does this situation justify such a radical departure from everything in Torah and tradition? On what basis are so many rabbis urging this radical departure with total conviction and severe condemnations for those who don't fall completely into line?

15. If a rabbi instructs a healthy person to submit to a medical experiment (even if – especially if – it is referred to in other terms), and that person is harmed in any way, is the rabbi liable in human courts or the Heavenly court?

The above information has been UPDATED to include the following:

The False Prophets of Today

This week's parsha gives us the commandment to execute a false prophet, which is predicated on our responsibility to tell the difference. As I've noted many times, false prophets were great scholars, spiritually exalted (or extremely talented at faking it), and had alluring personalities. It is asking a great deal of an average person to see through the deception, let alone oppose a religious figure held in high esteem by many.

Yet that is what the Torah demands of us. We are expected to know the difference, and we are expected to act accordingly.

If the Torah expects us to know the difference between a real prophet and a fake prophet, and even to know if a true prophet has gone rogue, the Torah certainly expects us to know the difference between a rabbi who is guiding people according to the Torah and when he is leading them astray. We are also expected to know if a formerly reliable rabbi has gone rogue due to bribery or other forms of corruption, and to act accordingly.

One who does not believe this, or does not accept it, or does not want to inconvenience himself with it, is disregarding the Torah and empowering rogues to continue misleading our people.

That is a lesson from this week's parsha. But there is a very interesting prophecy in Zecharya chapter 13. Sometime during the final stages of the redemption period (it is unclear exactly when) Hashem will cut off idolatry and remove the “spirit of impurity” from the land. False prophets will be attacked by their own parents, and will be filled with shame for having spoken falsely in the name of God. They will stop posing as prophets and will deny ever having been in the profession, out of humiliation.

The commentaries offer a wide range of interpretations of this prophecy for a reason that should be obvious: we don't have prophets anymore! If anyone tried to pass himself off as a prophet today he would be ridiculed by almost everyone, even those of us who are eagerly anticipating the return of true prophecy. The false prophets of old are long dead. So who in the world is Zecharya talking about?

Rashi and Metzudas David refer to them literally as false prophets, apparently assuming that there will be such people at this time who are humbled.

Radak says that these are false prophets from the time of the first Beis Hamikdash, whose names and legacy will be cut off. This is also difficult, because in the time of Zecharya they were already dead for generations and proven false. Despite the tremendous damage false prophets had caused, prophecy in general was almost extinct, and false prophets were no longer a threat.

Malbim understandably goes in another direction, and says this refers to modern-day idolaters in Asian countries (including China) who lead people astray with false prophecies. However, this explanation is also difficult, since the immediately preceding pasuk refers to the house of David and Jerusalem. A prophecy about false prophets in distant lands seems out of place here, and it seems the Malbim is forced into a difficult interpretation only because he finds the existence of false prophets in Jerusalem at that time untenable.

I speak with no authority, and suggest the following explanation only as food for thought. Perhaps this is a hint to the preponderance of rabbis who will speak falsely in the name of God, fabricating Torah directives and promoting a spirit of impurity. After all, a navi in essence is someone who carries a spiritual message, ideally one that is authentic. It is not the most precise word to describe a contemporary rabbi who misleads the people, but when such figures dominate the establishment, to the extent that they essentially hijack the Torah, it is reasonable to equate them with the false prophets of old. Their effect as a collective, carrying similar false messages in lockstep, is precisely the same.

Whether or not Zecharya is indeed referring to these charlatans is only speculative. However, this is the reality before us, and his prophecy about the false prophets being humiliated on the Day of God is inspirational for our times. When the truth is no longer deniable, and God sets the world straight, whoever survives from this wretched bunch of false leaders will be scorned by everyone.

They will try however possible to deny that they said what they said, or that they meant it that way. They will claim they were following the best information available, the most reliable experts. According to Zecharya, the false prophets will claim they were never in the business, but were farmers all along.

Maybe the drug-pushing, hate-mongering, Torah-twisting rabbis of today should take up agriculture, just in case.


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Dr. Zelenko speaks to a Rabbinical court in Jerusalem

This is powerful. 

fn:  Remember the Jewish kapos and German “doctors” that experimented on members of our Family of Jews. And what came out of it in Nurernberg. The drug Remdesivir is responsible for killing most of the NY patients in the beginning of the fiasco in 2020 (bc it destroyed an important organ). Also listen to

Sof Sof, any decision to be held by the individual,  and after 120 when we are asked those fateful question by the Beis Din b’Shamayim, it will be “not did you try to be like Moshe Rabbeinu, but rather did you do all in your power to be what Hashem designed you to be."


Leah said...


moshe said...

To every one of the fifteen questions by Rabbi Weissman, it seems that any normal Jew would answer that what these reshaim are asking of the innocent public is unthinkable, evil and dangerous.
There can be no other answer but a big fat NO to such insanity. H' Yerachem & send us our Moshiach Immediately!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...