23 August 2021

Israel National News Propaganda

Shameful and Shocking Propaganda Used to Scare Readers 

(and using the same photo?? on purpose?)

COVID ward doctor presents the ultimate response to anti-vaxxers

'Have you ever seen someone drowning? That's exactly what it looks like,' a doctor fighting for lives of coronavirus patients says.

* * *

Unvaccinated COVID-19 patient's last words: 'I made a mistake'

'We see a significant difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated,' coronavirus ward nurse says.

*Are these dying patients jabbed once or twice??

*If they are ill from the virus, they could have been treated with life-saving medicines pre-emptively to keep them out of hospitals.

*But if stricken by the overload of vaccine spike proteins from one or two jabs, there is no recourse. 



moshe said...

H' yerachem. The state is being run in every way by the Erev Rav who are in bed with the rest of the reshaim. This is their last milchama against Hashem! Moshiach is waiting in the wings and will soon be here!

moshe said...

This is a milchcama neged humanity, in particular Yehudim because of our Torah and, of course, the ultimate enemy of these reshaim is the Almighty G-D of Creation.

Reb Neuberger Special Message – We Are All Hostages

  WE ARE ALL HOSTAGES A  choshuve  person asked me why I have not written about the hostage release. “This should be a time of elation, a ti...