26 August 2021

Quantum Miles Ahead

There are many NEW (to us) scientific discoveries/inventions creeping into our ordinary lives in a destructive manner. They have invaded our medicine, food, farming, governing and more. One such creation is CRISPR; it has its place in these dynamics, but where we are today is quantum miles ahead:

"Charles Lieber’s SYRINGE INJECTIBLE MESH ELECTRONICS, nor [and] Ido Bachelet’s DNA-Origami-in-a-syringe that lets him ‘swarm’ billions of WIFI-connected and remote controlled nanobots in the human body.”  

Reading just one bit of tightly packed information on this website is enough to make you scratch your head in disbelief. But its true, and this is just the beginning.

As Rivka writes

"People, there is no time left to keep burying our heads in the sand, and / or wringing our hands in despair.  It’s time to be brave, and to start to push back, in whichever small ways we can. Why not start by sending a few of these posts around to start informing more people about what’s really going on?

So hop on over and read about COVID and GRAPHENE: From Theory to Fact. 


Neshama said...

Nonee, ha Kol beseder!

moshe said...

We Jews need to wake up and remember the words 'Utzu Eitzah v'sufar, dabru davar, v'lo yakum, ki imanu Kel! Our enemies, the enemies of G-D and man, are always conspiring and trying to undo G-D's Work. They cannot and will not succeed because G-D (HASHEM) is with us! Now, at the end of time when H' will send us our salvation, our enemies have become desparate and think they can materialize all the evil they have planned for millenia! but in the end, they will totally fail.

Neshama said...

10 min til Shabbat here in Yerushalayim!馃槍

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...