13 August 2021

A King Like Haman

Rabbi Chananya Weissman

A King Like Haman

Among the many hints Chazal gave us about the end of days is a remarkable statement in Sanhedrin 97B:

אמר רב כלו כל הקיצין ואין הדבר תלוי אלא בתשובה ומעשים טובים ושמואל אמר דיו לאבל שיעמוד באבלו כתנאי ר' אליעזר אומר אם ישראל עושין תשובה נגאלין ואם לאו אין נגאלין אמר ליה רבי יהושע אם אין עושין תשובה אין נגאלין אלא הקב"ה מעמיד להן מלך שגזרותיו קשות כהמן וישראל עושין תשובה ומחזירן למוטב

Rav said, all the deadlines [for the ultimate redemption] have passed, and the matter only depends on repentance and good deeds. Shmuel said, it is enough for the mourner to stand with his mourning [it will happen either way]. 

This follows a dispute among the Tannaim. Rabbi Eliezer said, if the Jews repent they will be redeemed, and if not they will not be redeemed. Rabbi Yehoshua said to him, if they don't repent they will not be redeemed?! Rather, Hashem will establish for them a king whose decrees are harsh like Haman, and the Jews will repent and be returned to the good path.

Rabbi Yehoshua's statement is very puzzling. Why did he simply not say that Hashem would establish a king whose decrees are harsh, and the Jews would be driven to repent? What would have been lost from his teaching if he didn't liken this king to Haman, and what was gained with this comparison?

Furthermore, of all the villains Rabbi Yehoshua could have chosen as his example, why did he specifically choose Haman? Why not Pharaoh, Nevuchadnetzar, the Greeks, or the Romans? Chazal's every word is infused with the loftiest wisdom; surely Rabbi Yehoshua did not mention Haman at random.

The comparison is even more strange when we consider the other candidates. Unlike the many other wicked people who ruled over us, Haman didn't succeed in killing a single Jew, nor was he even the king! The king gave Haman carte blanche to pass decrees in his name, but Haman was still only a viceroy.

In addition, Haman decreed that everyone had to bow down to him (and the idol around his neck) when they encountered him. The overwhelming majority of people never encountered Haman, so for them the decree was moot. Those Jews who were unable to avoid Haman could comply and justify it according to the Torah. Aside from Mordechai, that is exactly what they did, and we don't see that they were criticized for bowing to Haman.

So, of all the archetypes for a king who would enact harsh decrees against the Jews, which would compel them to repent, and usher in the redemption, why Haman?

Rabbi Yehoshua is giving us a powerful insight into our times. Unlike many of our other enemies, Haman was not interested in subjugating or enslaving the Jewish people; he wanted them utterly destroyed. He came from Amalek, after all. Even though his initial decree seemed benign – bow before a narcissistic ruler – there was nothing benign about Haman and his decrees. Haman came from Amalek, and Amalek is not satisfied with money or power. Amalek wages war on God and seeks to destroy the Jewish people. The moment a single Jew ignored his degree – with a public show of defiance, no less – Haman had the pretext he needed to eradicate the entire Jewish people.

Rabbi Yehoshua informed us that the wicked ruler before the redemption would issue decrees like Haman. On the surface they would appear benign, and even justifiable according to the Torah. However, they would come with a little idol attached to them. The decrees would all have a deeper, more sinister purpose than mere submission to a powerful ruler. The ultimate plan would be annihilation of the Jewish people from young to old, God forbid.

As with Haman, most Jews will fail to realize that they are in any danger at all until it is almost too late. Instead of appreciating those who defy Haman, they will turn against their greatest heroes. They will readily collaborate with those who seek to destroy them!

However, the decrees will become increasingly harsh, until life is unbearable. Haman's true intentions will become clear to all but those who refuse to accept the stark truth. The Jews will be utterly helpless; no amount of preparing, or planning, or giving in, or negotiating will save them. Haman intends to destroy them, period, and he will not be defeated in physical ways. The Jews will be forced through desperation to turn to Hashem, to really turn to Hashem.

We don't know exactly when the redemption will come, but it must be near. Chazal are informing us that widespread, sincere repentance is a prerequisite for the redemption. One way or another, we must return to Hashem. If we do so willingly, the redemption can be pleasant. If not, we need Haman to motivate us.

Haman's decrees are bad enough, and they are getting worse by the hour. Unlike the actual Haman, they have already succeeded in killing many of us, and everyone is in danger. Our wicked rulers are barely concealing their hatred for us, and their idolatry is on full display. Bowing to them will not bring salvation, nor even long-term relief.

We don't have to be perfect. We don't have to be on the level of Mordechai. But we need to see the Hamans for who they are, stop collaborating with them, and turn to God as our only source of salvation.

It's clearly the time. If enough of us get the message and return to Hashem, we can count on Hashem to return to us.


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If 5% of what we are saying is true, it should be enough to wake up everyone else.

But even if 100% of it is true, most of them still won't.

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I was invited to share this excellent letter in response to an equally excellent article by Daniel Greenfield titled It Doesn't Take Censorship to Fight a Pandemic.  


Thank you for bringing more clarity to this subject. I remember when they brought the polio vaccine to my school. My parents had no knowledge of this, because there was no parental consent form, nor informed consent. My father, Professor George Kalnitsky, School of Medicine at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, was part of the debate, as he was a professor of biochemistry and many of his friends were very involved in criticizing the risks involved in the polio vaccine. I was very young, but I remember that my father knew that vaccines were experimental and people didn't know the side effects. I listened to my father and when they lined us all up in the gym and I saw gym teachers and school teachers handing around trays of sugar cubes, with a splash of bright pink in each cube, it felt all wrong. 

You would think that a very young grade school child would grab at a sugar cube, during the long school day and most did, but I did not. I was so young that it did not occur to me to mention the polio sugar cubes, at home. I didn't see my brother or sister in the line up, since they took us, class by class and being a child, I was distracted and never talked about it to my siblings, either. Soon after, my sister had polio. So did one of her friends who ended up in a leg brace; sad, because her friend had the only regulation - sized trampoline in the neighborhood, as her uncle invented it. We all used to go and spot each other, to jump, there.

Years later, both my brother and sister came down with very rare and aggressive cancers and died from them. I am a medical research librarian, so I looked up the best protocol, made sure they both had the care they needed and in my research, I found out that the polio vaccines taken, developed into these same rare cancers, traced to a military lab in Texas. Those darn vaccines were laced with cancer! There was an undeniable link between the childhood polio vaccines and later cancer. Of course this was buried in research literature and horrific facts would never slip past any scientific journal's editor.

Meanwhile, many in my very small, private university, K through 12 lab school, would discuss all their cancers at the high school reunions. Because we had such small graduating classes, most of us had brothers and sisters in each of my siblings grades. We all knew who had cancer and who was dying. My sister's cancer misery had plenty of company and they all shared cancer stories, at class reunions. The word spread quickly. Unfortunately, my brother's cancer was so aggressive, that he never made it to any reunions, but everybody knew he was one of the first to go and he was the youngest of the three of us.

When my sister had her first child, (the first grandchild) he was fine, until he received his infant vaccines and promptly died. They called it a SIDS death. I don't believe that it was SIDS. It was obviously vaccine connected and they didn't want to do an autopsy. My sister lobbied the state legislature and they passed the law for mandatory, infant death autopsies in the state of Iowa.

When my 93 year old mother had a bad winter cold and congestion, in November, I begged her not to take the pneumonia vaccine, highly-touted, that time of year. I made her promise not to take it, but she did, once her doctor told her to take it. She promptly died of pneumonia, weeks later, in December. Before she died, I asked her whether she had taken the vaccine. She told me that she had, so I asked her why and that she promised me that she would not. She replied that her doctor had told her to take it. She was a widow and my father would never have allowed her to take a pneumonia vaccine, with a badly congested chest cold.

I remember the days when pregnant women never took any medication and if anybody was sick with anything, nobody would take an injection or a vaccine, until they were totally well. They have relaxed all previously known health standards, for these new, genocidal practices, rolled out in haste.

I remember my father's university research labs, with all the white mice and rats. He and his colleagues were well plugged in, to every research lab, in the US and abroad, because he attended all the International medical meetings. He was very well acquainted with vaccine protocol and research. He knew all the military, university and private labs and openly discussed them with his colleagues. There was a limited supply of virologists, microbiologist and biochemists, back then, so they all knew each other from grad school and subsequent employment, university, government, military and private pharmaceutical labs. Many became known and at various times, they worked under, or knew Nobel Prize winners. 

My father worked under Krebs, who invented the Krebs Cycle, at Oxford. (We would joke and call it the krebscicle, like a new kind of popsicle.) Cynthia Van Allen was my schoolmate, whose father invented the Van Allen belt. These were my friends' parents and it was not extraordinary. Since biochemistry was a new subject, my father read the book on it, before any universities could graduate biochemists. He had his PhD in bacteriology and became one of the few biochemists. The US Army grabbed them all up, as fast as they could graduate and put them to work, analyzing the contents of Japanese canisters, found in the South Pacific, in order to know what kind of biowarfare they were up to. Most of his friends at the University of Chicago, where Rockefeller employed them, did army war research. After that, he was put on the army payroll and also read and approved research grants at NIH.

This handful of microbiologists and biochemists and other research scientists knew too much and when they tried to retire, some of them were thrown out of skyscraper windows in New York and their families were told it was suicide. Fortunately the families were able to find that one researcher from Fort Detrick lab in Maryland, had been plied with LSD and pushed out of the window. Look up the long list of worldwide, mysterious deaths of microbiologists, biochemists, virologists and so on. I was in touch with the son of the one from Fort Detrick, who was suicided, because he tried to retire from that military lab in Maryland, that closed, during the Obama years, when Fauci was looking for a new place to do ghoulish things. 

The son told me that he knows his father was not suicidal, but that he wanted out, when he saw the direction the research was going. Nobody who knew that much would ever be allowed to retire early and wander the earth. The son also told me that he was in touch with John F Kennedy Jr and they were comparing notes, having been very young children, when their fathers were murdered. Keep in mind that JFK Jr's goal was to expose all this in George's Magazine. At that time, JFK Junior and Donald Trump we're close friends and discussing these things, together. This was corroborated by the researchers son, when I contacted him several times and we discussed the deaths of these research scientists.

After 5 vaccine murders in my family, I can easily say that I have a history of vaccine sensitivity. If my father were alive today, he would be horrified that his two children had taken the polio vaccine and he would have erupted, fumed and made a huge connection with all of these family vaccine deaths. He always said that it was a sign of intelligence to be able to take random facts and to see a correlation. The whole world is intelligent in this way, waking up and I thank you for adding to this discussion, before they cork you!

Everything I have written is firsthand knowledge and researched by me and many others. Feel free to contact me with any questions, or to freely use any information, here and apply it, wherever. All I want to do is encourage and add to the pool of horrific facts, pouring into general knowledge, to wake up more people and stop needless suffering.

Blessings From the Land of Blessings,

Carol Kalnitsky,

Bat Yam, Israel

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