18 August 2021

FIREBALL OVER JERUSALEM – “The World is Playing With Fire"


Screenshot from Jewish Press

Playing With Fire

He who fights G-d destroys himself. If an entire culture fights G-d, then the entire culture will destroy itself, just as the world destroyed itself in the Great Flood. Mankind rebelled in those days precisely as the culture of Esav is rebelling in our own days. They also claimed that men and women are the same, and they were all swallowed alive in scalding water.


Where do we find this prohibition? 


The Torah commands: “You shall not lie with a man as one lies with a woman. It is an abomination.” (Vayikra 18:22) The result of this sin is expulsion from the Land of Israel, G-d forbid! Listen to this graphic language: “the Land became impure and I recalled its iniquity upon it, and the Land vomited out its inhabitants!”


The Land of Israel becomes physically sick from this abomination!


Is this applicable only to Jews?


Not at all!


This prohibition applies to all mankind, as one of the Seven Mitzvos given to the Children of Noach, the punishment for which is death.


My friends, the world is playing with fire.


PS: Fire is ravaging many countries at the present time: Greece, Turkey, Siberia, Southern Europe, Italy, Manitoba, Ontario, Algeria, Cyprus, California and Western half of the US.

Source:  Reb Neuberger: ACHAREI MOS-KEDOSHIM – FIRE!

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