27 August 2021

Shalom From Itamar

I hope this letter finds you in good health and enjoying the end of the summer. As the year comes to a close we would like to bless you with a good new one coming in with good health, security and joyous occasions.  Here in Israel, we have been experiencing a churning volatile period of time with war and political upheaval. Cities and towns were attacked by missiles as the violence percolated close range in the deliberate burning down of Jewish properties, physical assault and other malicious hate crimes. On top of this, political instability has taken over. We ask ourselves- what can we do in the face of all of this! Without a doubt, a stable and secure heartland which ensures no terror state that will ever reign from here. 

Here on Itamar we believe the way to strengthen Israel is by strengthening Israel's heartland. Our 501c3- Friends of Itamar, is facilitating a support system for many realms of community life in a challenging place to live. We are building schools that teach Torah values of mussar, love for the land, ethics and preparing the next generation of Patriots. We are prepping the new ranks of elite unit combat soldiers. We are tilling the earth and producing the finest of environmentally friendly produce, literally living Torah. We are expanding our community and hope to grow tremendously over the coming year. We are planning to complete our visitor's center that will teach about the foundation of the bible, where it all happened! Right here! 

You are part of a growing group of people who understand something new is starting in the foundational process of redemption. As our enemies try to overcome us; we at Friends of Itamar see to it that we remain strong and secure and most importantly- that we grow. We have many tasks on the ground to complete as we ensure the safety of our residents which ensures inevitably the safety of the entire Israel. 

We turn to you at this time to invite you to continue being a part of the vitality and blessing that pours out and will surely come back to you! At this special time in history, we need to work fast and hard creating facts on the ground. In order to accomplish this great mission, we must expand our support network.  

We ask you to please spread the word to your family and friends.

Blessings from the land
Moshe and Leah Goldsmith 
Moshe -
Leah -

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