09 August 2021

Elul Preparation for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur – *starting now

Rabbi Alon Anava has some advice for all Jews 

What should be done during Elul?

Pay close attention and follow the instructions!!

  1. Start with a Rosh Chodesh Elul festive meal (tonite)
  2. Read on Rosh Chodesh chapter 1 of Chaggai the prophet
  3. Read twice a day chapter 27 (כז׳) in Tehilim. Starting Rosh Chodesh Elul till Shimchat Torah (September 28, 2021 – 22nd of Tishrei – כב׳ תשרי)
  4. Read three (3) chapters of Tehilim (in succession) everyday till Yom Kippur and on Yom Kippur the remaining 36
  5. Read everyday Tikun Haklali
  6. Read everyday one (1) chapter from the book of Mishlei (Proverbs) starting Rosh Chodesh Elul (30th of Av – ל׳ מנחם אב) till Rosh Hashana, including Rosh Hashana (there are 31 chapters)
  7. Read personal prayer daily by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
  8. Pray from your heart!

for the video and instructions
(click on each of the following to be taken to the page)

PS try to do as much as you can with kavana, better than a lot without kavana

while other bloggers will probably also provide this preparation material, it is good to advertise widely in the event that a Yid just happens to miss seeing this in one place, he or she might catch it somewhere else.

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