09 August 2021

Kol Korei! A Gutten Chodesh ELUL to All

 Over one hundred leading rabbis worldwide are opposed to the C0\/lD \/accine.  The following rabbis issued public statements prohibiting Jews from taking the injection: 

Over one hundred leading rabbis worldwide are opposed to the C0\/lD \/accine.

The following rabbis issued public statements prohibiting Jews from taking the injection:

Rabbi Aharon Reisner, Bnei Brak
Rabbi Avraham Pinchas Koritz, Bnei Brak
Rabbi Shimon Nebenzhal, Bnei Brak                                   
Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchok Stern, Bnei Brak
Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern, Bnei Brak
Rabbi Yechiel Michel Friedman, Bnei Brak
Rabbi Yosef Mordechai Salamon, Bnei Brak
Rabbi Moshe Zev Zorger, Posek, Dayan, Jerusalem 
Rabbi Avrohom Simcha Chanun, Rebbe, Khal Chaseidei, Jerusalem
Rabbi Tzvi Friedman, Av Beis Din, Masores, Bnei Brak
Rabbi Chaim Rabinowitz, Rebbe of Mishkanos Haroyim, Jerusalem
Rabbi Shimon Shapiro, elder Mashpia, Breslov, Jerusalem
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Sabowitz, Khal Chareidim, Beit Shemesh
Rabbi Yehoshua Atik, Rosh Kollel Giboirey Hachayil, Jerusalem
Rabbi Chaim Zev Shneider, Mir Yeshiva, Jerusalem
Rabbi Reuven Marzbach, Rosh Kollel Lomdes Yirosecha, Jerusalem
Rabbi Yeshua Asher Rabinowitz, Khal Mishkanos Haroyim
Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Zorger, Dayan, Eida Chareidis, Jerusalem
Rabbi Dov Meir Stein
Rabbi Yosef Berger
Rabbi Aharon Yitzchak Stern
Rabbi Meir Chakak Halevi
Rabbi Yonoson Hahn
Rabbi Gideon Charlap
Rabbi Arel Segal Halevi
Rabbi Yekutiel Ohab-tzion, Tiberius
Rabbi Shlomo Pollack, Chelek Levi, Lakewood, NJ
Rabbi Yosef Dovid Teitelbaum, Sassover Rebbe, Bnei Brak
Rabbi Naftoli Tzvi Rotenburg, Kossoner Rebbe, Beit Shemesh
Rabbi Yoav Alon, Rechovot
Rabbi Yeshaya Rottenburg, the Rozla Rebbe, Beitar
Rabbi Yosef Zalman Bloch, Monsey, NY
Rabbi Dovid Michoel Shmidel, Bnei Brak
Rabbi Avrohom Yehoshua Soloveitchik 
Rabbi Simcha Yisroel Bloom
Rabbi Asher Mordechai Rubin
Rabbi Yosef Mozes, Kroli Rav
Rabbi Yoel Moshe Friedman, Dayan, Monsey
Rabbi Tuvia Shulzinger, Kiryat Atta
Rabbi Avrohom Cohen, Dayan, Sefardic community, Jerusalem
Rabbi Eliyahu Brog, Flatbush, NY
Rabbi Shimon Chyrek, Brooklyn, NY
Rabbi Daniel Green, Brooklyn, NY
Rabbi Michoel Green, Westborough, MA
Rabbi Avraham Rachamim Sofer, Lakewood, NJ
Rabbi Yehoshua Finkelstein, Lakewood, NJ
Rabbi Dov Gross, Dayan of Gur, Ashdod
Rabbi Mordechai Vizhnitzer, Dayan of Vizhnitz, Ashdod
Rabbi Meir Eliyahu
Rabbi Dovid Meir Shmueli
Rabbi Uri Michoel Sofer, Dayan
Rabbi Meiri Chananel
Rabbi Menashe Amon
Rabbi Amos Gweta
Rabbi Daniel Asor
Rabbi Menachem Edri
Rabbi Natan Kofsitz, Eidah Hachareidis, Beit Shemesh
Rabbi Yitzchok David Smith, Passaic, NJ
Rabbi Yuval Asherov Hakohen
Rabbi Yuval Ovadia
Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak
Rabbi Dov Berkowitz
Rabbi Sholom Kamenetsky, Rosh Yeshiva, Philadelphia
Rabbi Smilowitz, Kremintzer Rov, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY
Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Karp, Kiryat Sefer
Rabbi Yosef Binyamin Wosner, Zichron Meir, Bnei Brak
Rabbi Ahron Raz, Jerusalem
Rabbi Bentzion Biaron, Senior Dayan, Jerusalem
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Chazon Yaakov, Jerusalem
Rabbi Chananya Weissman, Jerusalem
Rabbi Avraham Yosef Zaide
Rabbi Alon Anava
Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver, Germany

The following rabbis instructed individuals not to the take the injection under any circumstances:

Rabbi Dov Kook, Tiberius
Rabbi Elya Ber Wachtfogel, South Fallsburg, NY
Rabbi Moshe Tzadka, Rosh Yeshiva Porat Yosef, Jerusalem
Rabbi Yakov Shiknazi
Rabbi Yakov Adas, Jerusalem
Rabbi Yaakov Meir Shechter, mekubal, Breslov Mashpia, Jerusalem
Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, Rosh Yeshiva, Lakewood
Rabbi Shmuel Meir Katz, Lakewood
Rabbi Binyamin Halpern, Lakewood
Rabbi Raphael Szmerla, Lakewood
Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rosh Yeshiva, Philadelphia
Amshinover Rebbe, Yerushalayim
Rabbi Mordeci Sheinberger
Rabbi Eldad Shmueli
Rabbi Mordechai Gottlieb
Rabbi Ravid Nagar
Rabbi Yitzchak Kohen, Jerusalem
Rabbi Yosef Asyag
Rabbi Eliyahu Shiri
Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch
Rabbi Ezra Zafrani, Lakewood, NJ
Rabbi Bentzion Halberstam, Lakewood, NJ
Rabbi Zemba, Lakewood, NJ
Rabbi Moshe Shinom Wosner, Lakewood, NJ
Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg, Rosh Kolel Mir, Flatbush, NY
Rabbi Noson Zeigelbaum, Dayan, Vien, Boro Park, NY
Rabbi Feivish Hager, Kossover Rebbe, Boro Park, NY
Rabbi Dovid Biderman, Lelover Rebbe, Boro Park, NY
Rabbi Zev Epstein, South Fallsburg, NY
Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Lakewood, NJ


Gavriela Dvorah said...

I only started to listen to the interview you posted, but I think I heard one of the most important points. Those of us who are floating among all the groups of the Am but not attached to any one single group are able to exercise our critical thinking skills and avoid the need to conform.

Neshama said...

Gavriela, you are so correct. We are not glued to anyone but HKB”H

moshe said...

Also, if enough people (by this list we can see the great # of Rabbanim, B'H) this evil will have to stop because if the masses grow larger and larger, these beasts who think they are gods will have no choice but to give in. They don't have enough jails to put thousands and they dare not murder because the world will know the truth immediately of who and what they are. Keep strong and hold on tight to the rope and know that Hashem is with His people, Yisrael and HE is our Shield!

moshe said...

Interesting how Rav Kanievsky isn't on the list?

Neshama said...

That’s bc he advised taking #3
And I would surmise that he has either been threatened like many others and perhaps received a bribe like many others??
There is no end to the ko-er-sion.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I apologize if this comes through twice. The first time, when I finished I had to take the "test" and apparently, I failed!

I think we need to tread carefully when discussing these issues regarding rabbanim. However, I believe that he did not investigate the matter himself, but relied on the advice of his grandson who received his information from..who knows where. Also, if you recall, then PM Netanyahu visited him and we have no idea what was said in that meeting. Therefore, I believe it's a combination of things, perhaps some pressure, and biased information, and a strong belief that how goes the tzaddik, teva follows.

Neshama said...

Gavriela, if you heard the video of Dr Z, therein he said that in 2020 many people consulted with him for treatment, and one of them was Rabbi K. So, if this rabbi was treated by Dr Z, he then understood something. Assuredly Dr Z advised NOT to take the \/ but to follow his regimen. Therefore could one conclude he knew more than he is being credited with? And yes, every since the gr….n became his “advisor” there has been a change in the atmosphere.

You should listen to Dr Z.

When there is a combined effort of many in Israel, and many in other lands, to follow an agenda of Jenoside one must be extremely careful and withdraw from much of the propaganda and reach out only to Hashem.

Neshama said...

I don’t believe that taking poison at the advice of a Rav makes it less potent.
After all, this is not Vinegar! And we are not lighting Shabbos licht!

moshe said...


Gavriela Dvorah said...

Yes, you are right, I should listen to the video! I have shared it, but have been too busy to listen. If this is what happened, then I don't know what to say. Well, there's a great video going around from Senator Rand Paul. It's very good. It's a call to resist. And, that's all we can do now. Those who need to conform to the group norm will follow.

Neshama said...

Gavriela, send me the link

Jshalet said...

All the Rabbis who promote the death shot (it's not a vaccine: it's a gene altering bio weapon) are either bribed, manipulated, lied to, or are actually working for satan, are part of Amaleq, and have sabbatean, frankist, and masonic connections

Anyone who can't see this is either blind or wilfully ignorant

If Aharon HaCohen can build the golden calf, modern day "Rabbis" can certainly be led astray

Anyone who wears a mask willingly or promotes shul closures is not an orthodox Jew but rather an idol worshipper

Choose your side

Neshama said...

Jshalet, yes, yes, yes!
Great comment.

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...