17 August 2021


Rabbi Mendel Kessin is becoming a Great Source B”H for Understanding and IY”H Leading us in this Geulah. 

"Adam is allowed to live 930 years and Cain and Abel are given the second chance to fulfill His will. But with the murder of Abel, and even after, mankind continued to sin, so what does G-d do? The Flood was preceded by an earlier one in the generation of Shes during which one third of the planet was destroyed and tzelem elokim—G-d’s image, likeness, was removed and men became apes who are human-like. The difference between a human and an ape is only about 2%. This is contrary to Darwin. Man doesn’t come from monkeys; monkeys come from man

 “Ravah says that the mashiach will come at the end of shmita—Sabbatical year which is this year.” 5782

"There is another cycle with [seven] “7” when 7 cycles of 7 years culminate in the 50h year, the yovel—…  Jubilee year: “You will proclaim freedom throughout the land.” 

"If the count is correct, this shmita is the 49th year and next year is yovel, that time affiliated with the onset of the messianic era.” 

"MBY is already released from whatever has held him back from being mashiach. So, this shmita year could very well be the year of the pekida when he is released.” 

"Remember: the curve goes down and down and things get worse and worse and then it stops. We see prikas ohl and then it stops. Then, in a nanosecond, it begins to go up” 

 "[...] a “supernova” [...] is the force that blows a star up with a power greater than the light in the entire galaxy. It is an unimaginable explosion. And the geula–Redemption is much greater because it is the absolute END.  [excerpts from Rabbi Kessin 8/4/21]

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After listening to these new video compilations (following) of Rabbi Kessin’s thought process, I will attempt to highlight more Key Concepts. But for now, we are watching how Hashem has maneuvered so-called JB into (intentionally) provoking the *world into the next phrase of our Geulah. One should remember that it was DJT that removed most of the US from Afghanistan and sealed an agreement with the Taliban. We are yet to see future ramifications of this outcome and much more.

 Rosh Hashana - Evaluation of Your Tikun 

The Last Era of This World - How to Survive Through Gog uMagog

*The rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan, not to infer that the Taliban members in Kabul now, are the Taliban–Pashtun (Tribes), and this connection to this:

We are perhaps witnessing events leading to “[…] a mystic[al] 1,500-year-old prophecy that describes the lost ten tribes returning to save Jerusalem just in time for the Messiah.

“In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Shomron. He deported the Israelites to Assyria and settled them in Halah, at the [River] Habor, at the River Gozan, and in the towns of Media.” II Kings 17:6

“And in that day, a great ram’s horn shall be sounded; and the strayed who are in the land of Assyria and the expelled who are in the land of Egypt shall come and worship Hashem on the holy mount, in Yerushalayim." Isaiah 27:13

The 10 Tribes settled in the high mountainess range of northwest Afghanistan, with the Bnei Moshe being hidden behind the Sambatyon River

And consider the efforts of the Vilna Gaon, "A letter sent by the elders and Rabbis of the Ashkenazi community in the Land of Israel to the Bnei Moshe A”H and the ten tribes,"


Among various Sources is the prophecy research by Eliyahu Berkowitz


moshe said...

This is all so fascinating; I love reading about this great history which has really been so hidden from the general Jewish public. This is why we are finding the remnants of some of the lost Tribes at this time and things getting clearer by the day. Amen.
May H' bless all Yiddishe neshamot and the righteous to soon witness our great Redemption, but with great chesed and rachamim!

Neshama said...

Moshe, did you read the Vilna Gaon’s Letter to the Ten Tribes??

moshe said...

Of course, I did. Every thing is coming together now before he coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu. They definitely are of the 10 Tribes. Their names, customs,location from the time they were taken by the Assyrians. We're getting closer and closer to biat Moshiach.

Neshama said...

Moshe, thank you very much. Tell your friends etc.

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