24 March 2019

“You Start To Question Your Future Here"

Mishpacha Magazine (Issue 753, 13 Adar, March 20) featured on its cover: "Orthodox Jews Confront Anti-Semitism in Today’s America”

A ‘scant’ questioning. Attempting PR. Who will be brave enough to tell the “Am” to move to their  נַחֲלָה (inheritance, property, estate, possession, heritage, legacy) given by Hashem to the Jewish descendants of Yaakov Avinu).

Other Orthodox Jews say: (I have personally heard) that Mashiach will bring the Synagogues (Shuls) of America and the religious communities “intact” to Eretz Yisrael (meaning every stone, brick, bima and shredder “intact”). [attributed to the Rambam]

And others say that “the world will become Eretz Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael will become Yerushalayim, and Yerushalayim will be the Beis HaMikdash.

However, we know from history, that each and every Golus ended with dispersion and worse. Here is what frum Jews are experiencing, taken from the same pages of the Mishpacha article, “You Start to Question Your Future Here.” Is this “questioning” an awakening to the same “anti-semitism” that the previous generations, that fled Europe (and those who were not able to flee) but now live in America, heard on the streets in East European cities that they lived in?

No one can stop the anti-semitic loner chv”s armed with an automatic
Not every individual Jew can escape being a chv”s ’target’
One should be ‘prepared’ in case of a ’need’ to chv”s flee

Just read what some have experienced:

Just in Case

Its a New Ballgame

Current of Fear

Look at Those Jew Steps

Laughing Stock


Anonymous said...

Just to clarify about the world being called 'Eretz Yisrael' in the Messianic era; what it means is that the whole world will be full of the knowledge of H' but each nation will be in the same countries, etc. - the only difference is that they will all be Bnai Noach, living according to the seven Laws of Noach. Every Jew will be living in Eretz Yisrael, but all of EY will have the kedushah of 'Yerushalayim' and the Land will be known as Yerushalayim. Because there will be no more yetzer hara nor avoda zorah, the world will attain the spiritual level of Eretz Yisrael.

Leah said...

While walking past a bus top in Miami on Shabbat Oct 31st 1998, a young man and his two female companions saw me as they waited for their bus.
The young man saw my 3 month old son in his stroller and me, his mother pushing the stroller; my crocheted snood prominently displayed on my head.
He screamed out, "I'll kill you you f-expletive Jew and your f- - expletive baby, too!"
I could handle him saying that to me, but my baby? I knew that if he were a member of the Nazi (y'm sh v'y)Brown shirt army he would not have hesitated to make good on his threat....

esther linder said...


We folk who came on aliya decades ago have been impatiently/patiently waiting for this question to be a cover story to one of the English magazines we often purchase at the end of the week. We have, literally been waiting for 2 1/2 - 3 decades! We're still wondering why you haven't yet arrived. And where in the article does the author mention the option of moving to Eretz haKodesh? Nowhere. It would seem that not one leader of the western world has suggested aliya as an alternative to antisemitism & a method of bringing the geula. The action directive seems to be "fighting" antisemitism more vehemently. I hope your passports are in order for a quick exit. Better yet, perhaps you might consider selling properties & businesses while there's still time. Please haShem, there is still time. Blessings for safety and success. E.L.

Anonymous said...

I got friends in every religion, many sweet people, way back. day they soround me during a day! just becuase they knew from their mothers, that the woman coach them is Jewish...
many times...until they where gone, with a baby in my hands...
That was the last week there....IN GALUT.
Whta's wrong with the thinking of my people, are they on drugs or medication, or is their amygdala frozen! I left my MAMON, zo what?! I have my life! I have grandchildren born in ERETZ YISRAEL! They speak IVRIT, THEY ARE ISRAELIM! If i die now, i die in peace, sort son is still outside! And that's why i urgua every Jew to come back, and to make sure to bring him also...its time to come HOME to really serve Hashem.
We have home.
Is it easy here? NO!
But i do not keep a valid passport all the time like i did all my life, just in case, the goyim get crazy...
i am home already! So all of you supose to!!!

Neshama said...

Do you know which Rambam this is referring to?
Can you provide a link?

This is not what was implied from the statements I heard.
And it sounded like “every Jew in Eretz Yisrael” was not in the picture!

Neshama said...

Leah, how awful. That means it has been creeping up through the years, and now is nearly full blown.

Myrtle Rising said...

What an incredibly powerful & eye-opening post, Neshama. Thank you for putting it all together.

And Leah, your experience sounds so disturbing and frightening. I'm very upset to hear what you and your precious son went through.

May Hashem protect us all.

Anonymous said...

Neshama: Cannot give you the actual sources, but it is known that every Jew left and all those who come again (techiyat hameisim) will be LIVING IN ERETZ YISRAEL, which will be considered and called Yerushalayim! The tzadikei haumot will live according to the Seven Laws of Noach, but will be living in their respective countries when the world will be known as Eretz Yisrael. I'm sure there are scholarly rabbis out there who can give you sources and the facts.

Anonymous said...

Neshama - Just want to let you know the two comments on your post (1 or 2 before) "When they come for the Jews" are not coming up on my computer; just says Anon said... and everything was blank after that. Just want you to be aware what's being done, they are blocking comments they don't like. Checked the post with 9 comments and they are posted.

Neshama said...

Anon, about comments. I show 10 comments, both when posting and when viewing on blogger. Not sure what you are referring to. Is it possible it’s on your end? Check your software programs for notices, and let me know. Thanks for the alert in any case.

Anonymous said...

Rav Kahane zatzal, "well he was a fanatic", Rav Brody has been talking about this for years, and only a very few paid attention and picked up sticks, Rav Anava has been talking about this in the last few years, again only a few paid attention. Not that I'm comparing myself to our rabbonim, but after Pittsburghnacht I wrote that it would embolden all the antisemites there to start coming crawling out of the woodwork. No special powers here, it was just blindingly obvious.

I remember the horrific torture and murder of Ilan Halimi zatzal, HYD, and thought that would be the 9/11 for French Jews, but no. (I only just realised that 911 is the number of the emergency services in the US. Hashem really is screaming out, this is an emergency.) Recently I spoke to a French Jew and asked her how is it that everyone didn't just pick up and leave then. She said that because it was so horrific it was too difficult to relate to. So too maybe Pittsburgh. A horrific one off. Business as usual. But now the situation in the US is rapidly deteriorating. It will soon be like France.

But the American problem is that the Jews there are in the deepest galut of the mind, including the religious. The vast majority truly see themselves as Americans first and foremost. Now they are either seeking reassurances from the goyim or bemoaning their fate as if they had never heard of the State of Israel and the right of return.

Everyone needs to wake up and take action:
1. Immediate: plan to secure your own personal security and that of your family, community, vulnerable people etc, including an emergency evacuation/flight plan, including having a valid passport.
2. Start planning your aliya within a maximum of a three month time frame. #timesupmramericanpie #selluppackuppickup
Things tend to take as long as we give them. If you can do it quicker great, if not make a 3 month deadline and stick to it as if your life depended on it. Because it may. Use this time of Pesach cleaning to pack up your house. Most people have way too much stuff anyway. Sell or give half of your stuff away. You won't even notice it. Pack up as much as possible and just keep the minimum you need for the next two or three months and for arrival in Israel. (Someone from LA told me that it was cheaper for her to buy everything new in Israel rather than send a lift.) If you have tons of sentimental stuff, take photos and make yourself an album. If you do not manage to sell up by your aliya date so be it. Make arrangements to open an Israeli bank account and transfer funds.I have not used it but there is a service called ClearShift for international transfers. I have heard that it is cheaper and easier. Obviously you will check it out for yourself. I take no responsibility.
3. If you have any kind of platform or the ear of anyone important use it to start the ball rolling for organised action to assist Jews in vulnerable situations, whether on account of health, financial situation, Jews alone in nursing homes and even Jewish prisoners to serve out their terms in Israeli prisons, etc, and to help organise a mass aliya. Pressure must be put on the Israeli government, the Jewish Agency, American Jewish organisations and wealthy individuals to plan a mass aliya.

And of course, everything is tefila, but you have to take action. Pray to be kept safe and for a successful aliya.

Anonymous said...

And never forget Frieda who wrote to President Von Hindenberg in 1933 for assurances as to her safety.
"I think about Frieda, my great-grandmother, who wrote to the President of Germany and hoped and expected that someone would help her."

Hindenburg responded to Friedman two days later saying he was opposed to violence and even included a handwritten response from Hitler on the letter, who claimed, "The claims of this woman are ridiculous lies. There was never any call for pogroms.",7340,L-4952459,00.html

"In the spring of 1933 he received a letter from representatives of German Jewry, including leaders of the Berlin Jewish community, pleading with him to intervene on behalf of the Jews of Germany."

"In November, 1933, on the eve of the referendum conducted by Hitler in which the Chancellor “asked” endorsement of his policies by the German people, Hindenburg came out with a strong plea for a one hundred per cent vote in support of the Nazi chieftain."

Put your faith in Hashem alone, not in your representative in Congress, the mayor of NY, or the president. Even if someone is well meaning when push come to shove you won't be able to rely on them.

Bracha ve'hatzlacha, Be"D.

Please circulate this comment and the one above.

Anonymous said...

The "he" in the comment above was President Hindenburg, the point being that he was seen as Jew-friendly by the Jewish leaders yet later on the year he put his full support behind yemach shmo.

I know that that there may be people reading my comments who are interested in making aliya but see their situation as impossible. Regardless, you too, do as much as possible, open an aliya file, start packing up, write out your ideal plan, do something whatever you can and ask Hashem to help you. Let the people around you who you consider to be holding you back see that you are serious. This will permeate their consciousness.

I was once in the centre of Yerushalayim and needed to get the last bus back home. I didn't have enough money on me for a taxi and didn't fancy walking an hour and a half at the end of a long day. The bus stop was on a very steep hill, I heard the sound of a bus behind me and started running, a futile endeavour, and really hard given the incline, as there was no way I could get to the bus stop before the bus arrived. But I made a mincing attempt, and lo and behold the bus stopped for me where I was and picked me up. If I hadn't made any effort the bus driver would just have seen me walking and would never have stopped for me. I think the parable is clear. So do something right now and Be"D you will get on the geula bus.


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