28 March 2019

Every Very Modern Jewish Family’s Nightmare

This is only a film. The subject has caused much grief to the Jewish Nation. It is a reminder of accusations concerning the genealogy of some holocaust survivors. This is a “hot” topic, one that will shatter many a well-meaning person.

NY Jewish family learns its beloved bubbe is really a Nazi nurse, in new film
“The Last”

In the new film “The Last,” the 92-year-old matriarch of a New York Jewish family reveals a secret that shakes its members to their core. Claire, suffering from terminal brain cancer, decides to tell her grandchildren and great-grandchildren the truth — that she is a Gentile German woman who has been posing as a Jew since World War II. Moreover, she was a proud Nazi party member who worked as a nurse, assisting murderous doctors at Auschwitz.

[. . .] As Claire shows her family a cache of old photos, diaries and letters, she tells them that her mother, a pregnant prostitute in danger of losing her baby (Claire) due to illness, sought Clauberg’s help. He was unable to save the mother, but the baby survived. He placed little Claire in a good orphanage in Leipzig and visited her regularly, becoming a father figure and mentor to her. As war approached, Clauberg enrolled 14-year-old Claire in a nursing program, and later brought her with him to Auschwitz.

“It was the safest place I could be,” the unrepentant Claire tells her Modern Orthodox great-grandson Josh and his new wife Olivia.

There is a ‘trailer video’ but it opens with a non tsnius scene. For this subject-matter to have entered the film creators imagination is a testament to the possibility of existence in reality.



Anonymous said...


Weird or not...
I witnessed in Jerusalem a family in playground to let attack their dog a Jewish child with Peyos.
No rachamim from the side of them to fellow Jews child just becuase of being SHOMER MITZVOT.
I was horriyfied by that and came between, hitting the dog with a stick.
They filmed me with their gadgets. It was Shabbat.
Now the question is:
Where they really Jewish?
My grandmother told me that the Marxists, communists, Russians, however you want to call them, where worse then the Natzis.
But she could not stand any dog near her, esspecially german shepperd for a reason...
I have the goes to genes, from our long journey true Europe and sadistic style of Jew haters always counting on their dogs...
Now how about goy sadism?
Does it go to genes?
How about these communists in Eretz Israel, outspoken Anti-Torah 'people' that sold Temeni and other children to who knows who??? They just continued the horrors from Polsko/Duistland/Ukraina....or not????
How can a Jew sell/harm another Jewish child in such terrible BLI RAHAMIM' way???
I have just one answer to that: there was for whatever reason no NESHAMA in him/her.
Poeple that have mercy for dogs have mostly no RAHAMIM at all. (observation from the life of my grandmother).
Now when you think about how mashiah is going to see who is really Jewish...
wait, not all of us here Jewish when it says we are??????????????????????
Exactly...he will smell it...
And no dog/cat/snake residing in their huis can stop it.
In MALCHUT MASHIAH, MALCHUT YISRAEL, no ID, millions, or connections in this sad world can help to BE REALLY JEWISH. To be Jewish means to be ONE
loving every JEW,
Its the smell of SCHINA....

Rachel said...

Orna, I think it is a bit of a stretch to say that people with mercy for dogs have no rachamim... I understand that can be true for those who place animals above people. But I know an extremely holy and kind Jewish woman, someone in my family, who owns a dog she treats like her baby. There is no one I know that has more rachamim for every person she meets.

Leah said...

While I'm not 100% for sure, I think that perhaps Orna might have been referring to the person filming while not having rachamim for the person (the frum Jew) being attacked by the dog.
Am I mistaken in this? Please correct me if so.

Anonymous said...


''Poeple that have mercy for dogs have mostly no RAHAMIM at all.''
Not all of them, Rachel, but mostly.
Beside that, holyness doesn't go together with dogs.
And not dog suppose to be treated like our baby, H. Y. !.
A dog is a dog and must know its place.

Every Jew suppose to understand that when other Jew do not want to touch, pet, or smell/see their 'baby' its not because we are scared of that thing but because we do not want to be contaminated by the TUMA and stink of a dog.
When i was a kid in GALUT we use to have a DOBERMAN to keep the goyim out of our land and garden.I trained him from 6 weeks old.
I will not ever consider to own a dog in ERETZ ISRAEL, for this is HOLY LAND and no dogs or cats or pigs suppose to be here.
Here we count on protection of Hashem, away from the galut mentality.
When you understand how much David Ha Meleh disliked dogs, you will understand what i mean. And cats we knew just from Mitzraiym.
Beside that, every dog in ERETZ ISRAEL now is a gilgul of a Jew that broke his/her brit by sleeping with a goy. Did you know that?
To know this...not nice to see them...
And how about their feces all over the place, on the HOLY GROUND (RACHAMIM means a BALANCE BTEWEEN CHESED AND GVURA).
To have Chesed on dogs here means to defile the Holy Land, nothing Holy about that.
How about bringing their dog on PURIM into BET KNESSET??? While not being blind or in any way dependend on it? How about to let it relieve itself everytime in the place where children suppose to play, builded just for them? No RAHAMIM for all the children, just being nice for their dog.
When we serve Hashem, how it is going together with owning a dog?
People serve their dog, and long after that perhaps someone or something else.

It is not our way.
It is the way of the gentiles.
Do not ask me to be politicaly correct, becuase i am not.
A Jew is a Jew.
A man is man.
A dog is dog.
A man with Jewish roots that serve no Hashem is like a dog.
By halacha, a woman that have no husband near, not suppose to be living with a male dog.
When the Nachash raped Chava, he chaged his appearance to a dog.
Think about it.
When our prayer and Korban was not pure, in the Bet ha Mikdash appeared the image of a dog INSTEAD OF A LION.

That could explain why when i see a dog in my PURE COUNTRY, i want to roar it away...
You see, i am the 3. generation after the WW2, and my grannys fear, my mother atheism, changed into my GIBORISM.
What did say the TRIBE OF LEVI, when we separated from KORACH?
First my people that serve Hashem.
That is RAHAMIM.
The opposite of SINAT CHINAM.
LEV means in Eastern Europe languages ARIEH!
In Sh'ma Yisrael we remember oursefs not to follow our heart (ke-lev)
but to serve Hashem from all out heart.
When i see a dog, i ask myself everytime, if perhaps i see it for not doing enough, not having FIRE FOR HASHEM??
That what a dog means to me...
May Hashem have MERCY ON MY PEOPLE.
Tshuva Pshuta.
Tshuva Shleima.
Also for me, i keep seeing them, oy va voy!

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree with Rachel on this. Orna, I agree with you too as far as those that have also infiltrated into EY. There are those who even came from Europe in the early 1900's sent by the Church (pentacostal, etc.). It's a known fact that Gen. Sharon's mother was not Jewish but did have a Jewish conversion and there is questions about some other bigwigs, and we're not sure if they were halachalcally converted. Of course, with the latest Russian, Ethiopian, etc. immigrations, who knows how many are not Jewish, loads! It will be Moshiach Tzdkeinu who will verify who is a Jew. Also, we know that our Chazal tell us that when someone is unusually cruel, he is NOT a descendant of our Avot! As far as owning and even loving a dog, it is true that a dog is man's best friend and whoever is his owner is responsible many times for the behavior of the animal, because a dog serves his master. Dogs have been proven to be helpful to the health of elderly and sick people. So, they have some zchut, but, of course, they are just animals!

Anonymous said...

By the way Rachel, i just now finished to hear the lesson of Rabbi Mizrahi(the haters of G'd)
Did he just said almost the same as i wrote to my 2. comment for you?
I hope Hashem give him the way and will to come back HOME soon as possible, to get the dogs out....

Anonymous said...


Leah, the owners of the dog let it attack a small Jewish Dati boy on a playground during Shabbat. When i took a stick to get it of the terrified boy (he was les then 7?) they started to film it. Not the attack of their dog but me'attacking' their IT.)
Anonymus: yes!
His mother got just reform conversion and Charedi Rabbis asked him many times to complete Halachic conversion.
He did not wanted saiyng he is more Jewish then Jews.
A goy gave away Gaza.
Now how about what i wrote up...?
A jew that sleeps with goya, is considered as a goy and until he make TSHUVA PSHUTA become in his next gilgul a dog in Eretz Yisrael.
A dog means broken B'RIT. And children like the one you wrote about. BLI RAHAMIM people. Mostly from Jewish father, made without HOLY UNION of a JEWISH couple.
CHELEK HASHEM is in every Kosher Jew (the one that is born to Jewish mother, or fromHalachic Conversion) that did not got KARET. This CHELEK HASHEM is the part in a JEW that have RAHAMIM on every other JEW and also on the creation when needed. It is Hashem Himself in us.
The daughter of Dina, Asnat was adopted by Mitzrim and became the wife of Yosef Ha Tzadik.
She was from Jewish mother, but from the rapist, son of Chamor.

How many children of Shlomo ha Meleh where Jewish?????
How many of his 1000 wifes where Jewish????
How many of them loved truly AM YISRAEL?
Who of them owned a dog?
Who of them ate blood?
Who of them served Moloh?
A man that brake his b'rit by being with a goya is like the one who put his children true fire for Moloh.
It is not up to us to judge.
It is up to us TO KEEP HOLY, much as possible.
Anyone of you can just imagine a small percent of the feeling of the KDUSHA of BET HA MIKDASH?
Of the serieusness of the JOB OF KOHANIM?
No place of the nonense of the gentiles between all this.
WOW. Just to think about it, i am speechless...

No place for dogs after that,

we must stay PURE AND HOLY for Hashem.
That is the real RAHAMIM.
When Hashem said :'ENOUGH!!!!'
the beauty of the PI, is the balance=RAHAMIM.
May all AMO ISRAEL come into PE-SAH with a new, pure heart, ready to serve JUST HASHEM, so that we can be ONE, and nothing stand between us and HIM.

Rabbi Weissman: Take This to Heart!

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